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Thread: Pizza House in downtown OKC

  1. Default Re: Pizza House in downtown OKC

    I've really done my dardness to avoid political discussions here. Most often, they are pointless and, usually, harmless. Such things are not "my thing". Among other things, "I like world peace," (ala Sandra Bullock) even if it never happens.

    But did any of you see the Tom Browkaw piece on the Discovery Channel last night? And, right, many politicos, republican or democrat, doubt or ignore the existence of empirical data about global warming and its consequences within 50 or certainly 100 years from today which could result in a sci-fi reality movie were it captured before the dawn of the event? If you've not seen the Brokaw Discovery Channel program, if you have an open mind and if you can handle future terror-shock, you really should have a look. It is not a comfortable thing to see. I'm one who likes "comforatable things to see", 100%.

    Maybe the theme of the Brokaw program was "believe me, we're looking at world-wide disaster by the year 2,100" (94 years from today), and maybe it wasn't. But we'd all be forceably sticking not only our heads, but also our children's and grandchildren's heads, in the sand if we gave it no heed all and failed to look at what the politicians seem to be reluctant to do.

    I mean, we're talking about a possible cataclysmic devistation of your chidren, or grandchildren, and mine. Wouldn't you say that's a REALLY SERIOIUS toic?That's not so far away from our present "day". The immediacy of this possibility is just plain "scarey". Don't we have a duty, for those we care for, to look at the issue very very closly, and not just accpet what those who are running for office present to us in a comfortable no-think kind of way. I'm not saying who's right or wrong, but I am saying that is your duty to "think" ... to obtain data as you can, and make your best judgment.

    So, whether Brokaw's Discovery Channel program presented correct or incorrect information, don't we have at least have a duty, for our offspring, to evaluate it very seriously?>Is Brokaw (and, actually his report relied upon scientists quoted there and upon which is report was drawn) right or wrong?

    I'm not a person skilled in the knowledge of those presented in Brokaw's Discovery Channel program. So, my contribution to the scientific debate is zilch.

    But, caring (as I do) for my immediate progeny, maybe even a little more than I care for myself, I'm certainly not willing, even if its painful, to be unattentive to what these scientists (not Brokaw, a reporter) had and have to say in this program. It's not an issue of "believing", it's an issue of parental responsibilty.

    Switch gears to the politcal.

    Aside from the above, politically speaking, every now and then, my sensitivies get piqued so much so that I feel a need to say something. This is such a time. I guess than I'm loading up here with 2 disctincly different issues. One has been described above.

    I've never had (to my knowledge) a Pizza Town pizza. I've wondered about it (as to whether it was good "pizza"), but I've never wondered about it politically.

    But, in honor of this thread, I'm for sure gonna get me some based on the pizza-quality reports, as opposed to the quasi-or-not-s-quasi-political stuff that I've read in this thread ...and after doing so, I'll give a report as to the succulence and good/bad taste of the pizza.

    Maybe tomorrow, but, if not tomorrow, soon.

    Americans are Americans, and anyone who is an "American" is good enough for me, whatever their national stripe, religion, creed, race, or national origin.

    Should we start wondering about interning Dr. Zhuidi (sp?)? God help us, if anyone says so.

    Some parts of this thread bring to mind the Japanese internment "camps" (i.e., prisons) in WWII. Is that what we want to be, and don't we want to be better than that, today?

    Please, tell me that I'm not out of line in saying these kinds of things. This is America. This is America. This is America. I said it 3x to pinch myself and hope that it was (is) so).

  2. Default Re: Pizza House in downtown OKC

    Pizza Town is the best pizza in OKC, the supreme is my favorite, I think they call it something else though, 2 slices and I am done for. I like really thick crust. if you haven't tryed their pizza you need to get some. a coney island pizza, pizza with chilli and weeners and a Frosty mug of coit's root beer.lol

    p.s. I have met Dr. Zhuidi many times when I worked in surgery at baptist, He is a very nice man, and he smells great too, I commented to him one day about how good he smelled, and he laughed and said.. David I have it made special for me in Paris.
    Last edited by davido; 07-17-2006 at 07:27 PM. Reason: add

  3. Default Re: Pizza House in downtown OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by davido
    Pizza Town is the best pizza in OKC, the supreme is my favorite, I think they call it something else though, 2 slices and I am done for. I like really thick crust. if you haven't tryed their pizza you need to get some. a coney island pizza, pizza with chilli and weeners and a Frosty mug of coit's root beer.lol

    p.s. I have met Dr. Zhuidi many times when I worked in surgery at baptist, He is a very nice man, and he smells great too, I commented to him one day about how good he smelled, and he laughed and said.. David I have it made special for me in Paris.
    Doubtless he did. So, what's he to be in the "Okc conservative stratetgy"? I won't answer that question and I hope that the need to do so will never exist.

    Viva la Americans! All Americans, I hope.

  4. Default Re: Pizza House in downtown OKC

    But, of course this thread may be much less important that wheither it is OK to drive past the speed limit in the left lane, or not. Everything is relative.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Pizza House in downtown OKC

    So, whether Brokaw's Discovery Channel program presented correct or incorrect information, don't we have at least have a duty, for our offspring, to evaluate it very seriously?>Is Brokaw (and, actually his report relied upon scientists quoted there and upon which is report was drawn) right or wrong?
    It's that kind if hysteria that rationalizes the insistence on the investigation of the absurd merely for the potential of cataclysm. Thirty years ago, there was "incontrovertible" science that we were in a massive "global cooling" era, and that a new ice age was "inevitable" unless we Did Something Now, or Cataclysm would Surely Result!! Guess what? That was junk science then, and it's junk science now.

    If you want a great refutation of Al Gore's garbage, head over to www.junkscience.com and click on "The Real Inconvenient Truth" link. It takes Al Gore's "science" and shreds it with - shock of shocks - facts and science rather than hysteria and politically motivated conjecture.

    I reject Brokaw's offerings out-of-hand because he is not netural on the issue; he is merely another of the numerous media lemmings who have listened to the music from Al Gore's idiotic junk-science flute and has started dancing accordingly.

    I do know at least *some* of the science behind the global warming controversy, and it is unqualified crap. If you knew nothing else about the atmosphere's aborption of carbon dioxide to be logarithmic, rather than linear, and how much theoretical CO2 has already been "absorbed" in the last few centuries, you'd realize that changing CO2 emissions now won't do a *thing* to control temperature changes. It's the same kind of hysteria that led us to ban DDT thirty years ago, and consequently killed untold *thousands* from needless malarial infections (from unkilled mosquitos) in underdeveloped third-world nations. We're only now admitting how idiotic our past decision-making was in that regard, and how the science then was based on - guess what - junk science. We're merely repeating history.

    It isn't about global warming; its about jeopardizing US sovereignty and transferring its wealth to other nations to achieve the broader "social justice" agenda the UN, the Clinton's, and the broader body politic of the left has been pushing for years.

    I know, I know, this is a pizza topic, and I'm participating in a thread hijack. I'm sorry. But Global Warming and its adherents infuriate me, and I'm going to do my dead level best in my tiny, insignificant bit of the world to stop the insidious propaganda mill that Herr Idiot Al Gore has stirred up on this ludicrous non-issue.

    And the best cotton' pickin' pizza in town *used* to be Godfather's Italian Sausage Original Crust. Now, these days, I don't think there is *great* pizza in town, but Hideaway comes darned close.


  6. #31

    Default Re: Pizza House in downtown OKC

    To the guy that ate Hemi's, I am so sorry. If you ever saw that place, it's filty. I had to do a quote for the owner on some work, and I never want to go back. I saw more roaches than pepperoni's. Plus, the owner seemed a little loopy. Guess it shows in his store. Yea, it may have been cheap, but you get what you pay for.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Pizza House in downtown OKC

    What does that have to do with Pizza House? I was looking forward to a new review of pizza house, not a bash on a place that's out of business.

  8. Default Re: Pizza House in downtown OKC

    Who knew pizza was so controversial?

  9. #34

    Default Re: Pizza House in downtown OKC

    I tried it once when I was desperate, low on cash, and needed a quick and nearby place to grab something to go. The buffet certainly had slim pickings, and I kind of got a creepy vibe from the place - dark, empty, rather "lifeless" like they don't do a lot of business.

    Most people I know who office very near there would not touch the place.

    I don't know about rats, though. I pass through that alley almost daily and have never seen one, so that could just be rumor.

    That being said, I have heard from a select few people that they have special sandwiches and calzones that are outstanding.

    If I had to choose, I'd rather go to Coney Island next door.

  10. Default Re: Pizza House in downtown OKC

    When I first moved near downtown, I decided to give Pizza House a try. I called and the guy told me that he would make me a pizza so good I would never want to get pizza anywhere else. So, I was excited. However, what I got was the hugest pizza ever, stuffed with so many toppings it was almost impossible to eat. I didn't like it at all and so I haven't been back.

    I suppose if you ordered just a single topping or something maybe it's better, but I went with the owner's reco and was disappointed. That's my experience.

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