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Oh, I'm not 110% sure about that. Surely lots of Oklahoma Republicans, especially in rural counties have forgiven Pruitt
for holding up Oklahoma voting on passing legal medical marijuana by a year and a half, and the other thing he tried to do against pot that made Oklahoma look bad. Pruitt should do good in rural counties. Unfortunately for rural counties, Pruitt isn't doing good enough in the polls to be in a runoff. It seems the runoff will be between Mullin and Shannon. Mullin is 100% pro-life with no exceptions with plenty of Oklahoma Republicans strongly agreeing with him. They surely think it's a myth that a woman ever needed an abortion to save her life. Still, if from doing nothing the unborn baby and mother die, then it had to be due to God's will as many Republicans would tell you. You don't want to circumvent God's will and provoke HIs wrath. So, I predict Mullin will easily be Oklahoma's next senator. As a result, don't be surprised if Oklahoma Republican legislators want to pass a bill that literally bans all abortions.
Inhofe's pick, Holland, doesn't have a prayer of a chance.
Some people speculate Pruitt is running for federal office to make it less likely for him to be charged with crime, if he wins. If Trump ends up not being indicted for any crime, I don't think politicians need to worry about being charged with anything. So, it's up to voters to have the good sense to vote out criminals and corrupt incumbent politicians. If they absolutely refuse to do so, then they quite richly deserve the corrupt government they get with their squandered tax dollars.
Sen. Lankford will surely easily win, too. While the far, far, right in Oklahoma hate Lankford, the right and far right voters rule the Oklahoma Republican Party.