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Thread: NE Youth Center

  1. Default Re: NE Youth Center

    long overdue, more Youth Centers are needed throughout the city - I couldn't understand why the city has been putting emphasis only on Senior Centers and NOTHING for the youth. OKC needs to have places for youth to congregate, recreate, and be educated outside of school. Having youth centers will create a safer city as crime 'should' go down with youth being active and forming long standing community.

    OKC needs youth centers not just here but also should refurbish the one on NE 36th, and have a coupe in the southside, inner north, and the suburban areas. These need to be free and serve as refuge for youth not just for crisis but for normal interaction with other youth SUPERVISED by adults who care.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  2. #27

    Default Re: NE Youth Center

    I honestly do agree with the need for more youth centers. Whether its update to the on ne 36th. Or an additional one in the heart of capitol hill. Or an expansion of the boys and girls club. Or even one far Northwest. I kinda feel like they should be free or dirt cheap.

    I still remember being a kid and looking for quarters dimes and nickels so I could get a dollar. Then walking to the pool near Douglas and me and my friends would swim all day. Health wise it obviously was great. But as kid it was just fun and a ton of kids who were much less fortunate than me would be there too. In terms of mentorship and comraderie it really helps kids.

  3. Default Re: NE Youth Center

    here here!

    we need to invest in our youth, that'll make for a better community oriented city (Thunder leading the charge!) with youth proud of their city and not bored (joining gangs or doing crime). all the things we're doing: bike trails, sidewalks, transit, youth focused community centers, libraries, new/improved school buildings - all of this makes for a prosperous city that young people identify with and take pride on LIVING in OKC.

    I totally hear you on the pool - it was something to do, something fun, memorable from your youth. That's what we want, that will make OKC better, more so IMO, than Senior Centers (not saying we shouldn' thave them but I wondered why the need for them and not addressing the youth).

    It's possible youth centers could help youth deal with potential mental health issues because you're mentally, physically, emotionally stimulated and possibly mentored (as Cocaine said) - we need them throughout the city and as free as possible.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  4. #29

    Default Re: NE Youth Center

    Are there programs that kids can learn about arts, music, or sports (martial arts, tennis, ping pong, etc.) at small costs?

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