It may for some. I don't know or work around anyone though that will use it for lunch. Simply takes far too long to get there and back. My lunch 'hour' is completely flexible and even I won't take it. I wish Shuffle was in downtown at lunchtime and offered like a smaller radius driving area for say $2 per passenger. I'd do that. I'd also do a scooter if I didn't think I'd fall on my ass (that, and my lunch pals would only make it about a block before a wreck was a certainty).
I also see the street car out my office window and it's certainly not full at lunch time during the week with downtown white collar types going to lunch.
We went back again yesterday (after getting the, "let's drive by and see if we can even park. If not, let's go somewhere else.") We lucked out and there was actually 3-5 spots at 12:45pm very near the doors. Everyone loved what they got. I'm guessing we may hit this place at least 3x times a month once the newness wears off.