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Thread: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

  1. #26

    Default Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    I, for example, liked Man of Steel, but a lot of people went into it wanting to see a modern Donner/Reeves style Superman movie.
    while i didn't care for this movie too much, i actually liked man of steel. the only thing that really bugged me about it was kevin costner walking into a tornado because reasons. other than that, fairly decent movie. -M

  2. #27

    Default Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

    Anyone want to predict final box office numbers while there's a head start?

    ?Batman v Superman? Hits $530 Million Globally | Variety

    Before today, it's raked in over $530 million WW, with some analysts saying it should bring in another $60-$90 million this weekend WW.
    This is still far from where many analysts are saying it needs to be considered not only a financial success, but a success that launches the new DCEU appropriately. Total budget for the film WITH marketing included is something around $400 million (estimated), but it's being said that $850 million is the magic number for this movie, and others are saying it needs to hit $1 billion.

    I think it will finish WW at $905 million, but this weekend is going to be the real factor from word of mouth.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

    I think it will bust a billion WW. Joe Quesada once commented that WB having Superman and Batman is like a porn company employing the two most well endowed porn stars in the world (although he said it quite more crudely). They're not going to have a failure especially on the first ever cinematic outing putting those two together. They could have had them playing hopscotch for 2 hours and still made money on this.

    I'd say high end is $1.2B world wide.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    I think it will bust a billion WW. Joe Quesada once commented that WB having Superman and Batman is like a porn company employing the two most well endowed porn stars in the world (although he said it quite more crudely). They're not going to have a failure especially on the first ever cinematic outing putting those two together. They could have had them playing hopscotch for 2 hours and still made money on this.

    I'd say high end is $1.2B world wide.
    Box Office: 'Batman V Superman' Plummets 68% For $52M Weekend

    This early final estimate from Forbes looks like it favors your $1.2 billion mark WW - $365 domestic, $900 million foreign.
    It dropped significantly this second weekend, though, below initial estimates which were already low themseves coming off that huge opening weekend.

    I'm not going to wish ill against Zack Snyder or the DCEU in anyway. Filming for JL starts in two weeks, so I hope Snyder and co will learn from some of the more commented on complaints to make the movie better.
    Having said that, I do sincerely hope it eclipses the $1B mark.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

    Some interesting reads as BvS passed the $700 million mark yesterday:

    ?Batman v Superman? Crossing $700 Million Milestone | Variety

    Warner Bros. Mulls Releasing Fewer Films as 'Batman v. Superman' Stalls - Hollywood Reporter

    After ?Batman vs. Superman? Letdown, Warner Bros. Will Reportedly Release Fewer Films

    My initial thoughts are they could have easily made another Superman sequel primarily focused on, you guessed it, Superman. And then a stand alone Batman film for release later this year/early 2017. Both of those could have set the stage for BvS in turn. And then Wonder Woman having her film next year, as she was pretty much only introduced in BvS.
    From there, you push back Justice League 1 and 2 a year each.
    That gives time to reboot Green Lantern and sets up a wild card that could have also been released before JL: Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg.

    The problem is that launching this universe had one platform: Man of Steel, and that was questionable at best. The only way to describe this is that they rushed their universe launch and it's showing.

    As for the film itself, I've heard from multiple people that a second viewing answers a bunch of questions that were missed originally, making the film more enjoyable.

    One more thing: Suicide Squad may have to be the saving grace for the DCEU/Warner. Rumor is that they've been going back for re-shoots for the movie after the early reviews for BvS came out. Speculation is that they were adding more "humorous" scenes to it to off-set BvS.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

    Saw it this weekend. It was okay. Not great, not terrible. Not one I'm gonna buy on video. Did not like Jesse Eisenberg, who played Evil Jesse Eisenberg. Ben Affleck was not too bad, though he was more believable as Bruce Wayne than as Batman. It seemed that putting on the mask somehow made him more recognizable. I was like "oh yeah, that's definitely just Ben Affleck in a costume".

  7. #32

    Default Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

    Lol, I read some critics were complaining about his chin while he had the suit on. His friggin chin!

    Anyway, it appears Warner Bros is taking action on their upcoming slate.
    Moving Wonder Womans release up a few weeks and they've added two unnamed titles to be released by 2019. A strong assumption that Batman will have one of those titles.

    The Wonder Woman movie is coming sooner than expected | The Verge

  8. #33

    Default Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

    That's funny, that's about the opposite of what the predictions I was seeing were projecting. All the doom and gloom prophets were expecting DC to scale back, not scale up.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    That's funny, that's about the opposite of what the predictions I was seeing were projecting. All the doom and gloom prophets were expecting DC to scale back, not scale up.
    I know, right?
    Although for WB, they're doing both. They're scaling back some of their in-house organic films by a few this year, and that's moreso related to failures from other movies that have been directly quoted (Pan, Heart of the Sea, Jupiter Ascending). While they're increasing and moving up their actual DC slate.

    And they really needed to because this wasn't planned that well. At this rate we'll be getting two Justice League movies before we're actually acquainted with half of the members.
    And I've been reading around and people think that Cyborgs stand alone film will probably be mixed in with another JL member or perhaps even the Teen Titans franchise. Cyborg still isn't as popular as Martian Manhunter, yet (who was replaced by Cyborg in the New 52 era).

  10. #35

    Default Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

    I'll slow down on the updates as it appears this thread isn't getting much traffic anymore. Maybe later we can change it to a DCEU or DC general discussion thread.

    This past weekend the movie reached $783 million worldwide.
    Latest expectations and estimates are putting the final box office tally somewhere between $850-$950 million, but it's been widely shared that this movie won't be seeing that magic $1 billion mark after all. This movie has little legs, so this will most likely be the final week where it reaches in the millions each day, before theaters start dropping it. In two weeks it will be out one month, WB will probably milk as much as they can, so it should see the typical 2-3 month theater run, most likely towards the latter.

    I'm still going to hold firm that this reaches $905 million by the end of it's run, +/- $8 million.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

    Hm, I thought we had the ability to modify thread titles as well, am I missing it? I'd like to convert this thread into a general DC/DCEU (and even Marvel, perhaps) discussion if possible.

    In the mean time, back to the original topic.
    The movie currently sits at $863 million worldwide. Latest projections (considering the movies that are now out and will be in the coming weeks - Civil War, for example) are stating that this movie will top out by the end of its run anywhere between $875-$900 million. Still no word whether WB is going to push a theaterical release for the extended R rated cut of the film. Originally they said they would only if the film was in the high $900s and thought it could push it past $1 billion. They still may, however, although it will be to try and push the film past $900 million instead.
    Batman v Superman will also be released on DVD and Blu Ray on July 16th with an extended edition that contains 30 extra minutes of fill in scenes that they promise will answer some questions people may have had for the theaterical release.

    In related news, The Flash movie director has already left the film, citing creative differences with WB. Aquaman director James Wan is also supposedly about to leave his project for the same reason. Rumor has it that WB is panicking after BvS lackluster performance and harsh reviews.

    Meanwhile, Justice League started shooting a couple weeks ago.

    Edit: proof reading my post, I realized I'm like a walking, talking ad for this movie

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