Remains of Halbach's camera and Palm Pilot found in Avery's burn barrel
Although the bits of the Brendan interview with his original attorney's investigator shown in the film make it seem like all of Brendan's confession is coerced and that he's just saying what he thinks the investigator wants to hear, the full transcript ( blows this out of the water. It shows that he voluntarily goes into explicit detail about the killing and disposal of the body and these details did not come from leading questions.
In the same interview Brendan explains how he helped Avery move the RAV4 and that Avery lifted the hood and removed the battery cable. DNA was found UNDER the hood exactly where it would be if things happened the way Brendan described - this is NOT blood we're talking either, this is sweat/skin-cells. This is never mentioned at all in the show... even if you believe the blood was planted, how does his DNA get UNDER the hood where the battery terminal was if as Avery said he was never in the car...?
The "magic bullet" found in the garage with Halbach's DNA on it was also tested for ballistics... and was proved to have been fired by Avery's gun. A gun that was locked up in evidence since day one of the investigation.
Avery purchased handcuffs and leg irons exactly like the ones described by Brendan just two weeks before the murder