I'm going to guess 4.2 or stronger. I'm at 15th/Kelly in Edmond, and all of the glass in my office shook, my coffee even did the "Jurrasic ParK" vibrations. First time, that there's been an earthquake that I've felt while in my office.
I'm going to guess 4.2 or stronger. I'm at 15th/Kelly in Edmond, and all of the glass in my office shook, my coffee even did the "Jurrasic ParK" vibrations. First time, that there's been an earthquake that I've felt while in my office.
More of a wobble in this old wood framed house in Paseo.
I didn't feel the 4.3 Guthrie quake, but I hope the legislators at the State Capitol did.
I felt the quake yesterday while sitting in my office. Normally, I don't feel them when I'm in there so I assumed it was pretty powerful. I felt two distinct periods of shaking, with the second one lasting longer than the first. It was the most powerful I've felt since the really big one hit several years ago. I remember that one because it was my first and I was sitting in a cinderblock room in the center of a large building and the walls were lined with steel shelving, all holding heavy books. Those shelves were literally rattling during that one. Blew my mind.
I grew up in Oklahoma (well, actually got bigger), in those days we only had tornados. Now, (I believe) the earthquakes have to do with "fracking". Is anyone in the government investigating?
I hope so...
The frequency of earthquakes have slacked off for the past two days. Makes me kinda nervous, in case that allows more pressure to build up in the faults needing released sooner or later.
Just felt one 5 minutes ago.
Felt that one in Tulsa.
Felt in SW OKC, seems to have been closer to Tulsa, as Tulsa's seismograph seems to have went off the chart and had a much longer resonance.
4.1 magnitude
6 miles W of Langston, OK
Fantastic website. This is a pretty big deal. Even made the NY Times:
Just felt an earthquake on the 3rd floor of Gould Hall down here in Norman.
Big single jolt up in Edmond just now!
There have been over a dozen earthquakes centered to the west of Perry, OK for the last week, peaking out at 4.1 in magnitude. In other words, well out in the middle of nowhere. But can you imagine the uproar going on if those quakes would only center under the middle of Oklahoma City? The TV media would sensationalize the situation from showing damages. And the State Capitol, with the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, would just be a short drive away for hordes of irate citizens. Since the earthquakes have mostly been centered where the coyotes and cottontail rabbits well outnumber the people, I think that explains more than anything else why not more is being done about stopping earthquakes in Oklahoma.
Last week a 3.2 earthquake centered only several miles to the northeast of me. Even at that low of magnitude, when they get that close, they make a rather startling impression. I can't imagine the near million people in Oklahoma County putting up with that nearly every day, if it was happening to them, without demanding immediate action. Fortunately, earthquakes here (Stillwater) are still usually staying centered far enough away not to be often felt. But one every once in a while is bad enough.
Huge jolt just now up in Edmond. Whoa. Made me jump. This California kid DOES NOT LIKE THESE THINGS.
And another! Just now!
Yes, that was a pretty good jolt, woke both of the dogs up.
And yet another! WTH! That was the biggest and longest of them all. Swarming earthquakes! No thanks! Seriously.
Pretty big earthquake at 12:10 PM in far NW OKC.
My computer desk just swayed side to side for a sec........
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