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I've seen a number of concert riders in the past couple of years, and I've seen more "odd" stuff for much less successful acts. And even then it's usually not that odd. Mike_M is right in that a lot of it has to do with routine. Also, a lot of requests sound silly on the surface but make total sense when you think about them. For instance some have very specific instructions regarding a certain number of white T-shirts of a certain brand and size, or socks of a very specific type. But that is because a lot of these bands are literally living in vans for much of their lives, have limited time and mobility - with multiple people having different priorities with off time - making it difficult to say, camp out for two hours at the laundry. So, they might request clean undergarments at each stop so that they can make it further between laundry stops. Most of the things are VERY negotiable too. They usually just want you to make your best effort, and if substituting something are usually amenable. The whole thing was overblown.