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Thread: How Quickly We Forget . . .

  1. #26

    Default Re: How Quickly We Forget . . .

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    I would change that to "Where were you during 9/11?"
    I was farm pond fishing with my Father in Law. We were out of cell range and
    didn't hear about it until well after 12pm.

    I have no idea where I was when Michael died.

  2. #27

    Default Re: How Quickly We Forget . . .

    Sounds good. That would replace all the ancient history "where were you whens" that might include the moon landing, the Kennedy assassination (actually, either one), VJ or VE day, Pearl Harbor, the Krakatoa eruption, or even the "big bang" (the event not the show).

    On topic, I remember tha announcement in school, and the nearly non-stop coverage on television. Time does fly, especially for us who ride tall horses to play polo on the young neighbors' lawns with our boom boxes blaring.

    Now, when Michael died, the hospital at Elmendorf AFB/Ft Richardson.
    Last edited by Tritone; 11-24-2014 at 07:25 PM. Reason: fingers, fat as usual

  3. #28

    Default Re: How Quickly We Forget . . .

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    . . . or maybe not so "quickly".

    I noticed that there wasn't one mention in here of the anniversary of the
    assassination of JFK on this board, yesterday. At least not one that I saw. I guess
    to a majority of posters in here that event seems about as remote as the killing of
    Abe Lincoln and that other president . . . not Chester A. Arthur or James Garfield
    . . . the other one . . . McKinley?

    I was watching a rerun of that multi-part documentary called The 60's last night
    and it reminded me of this.
    I thought about it. Maybe it's finally time to move on.

    This isn't a dis of JFK. Not at all.

  4. Default Re: How Quickly We Forget . . .

    Its definitely time.........

  5. #30

    Default Re: How Quickly We Forget . . .

    Quote Originally Posted by Tritone View Post
    "Where were you when you heard that Michael Jackson died?" may be the new standard. I agree with the other contributors. As the youngins' attention spans grow shorter so does America's collective memory. How many of us still remember watching Louis Armstrong walking on the moon, if you catch my drift? Or for that matter, what about the Oswald brothers singing on the Ted Williams Christmas specials?
    Speaking of memory span, I'm pretty sure it was Neil Armstrong that walked on the moon and Satchmo who still reminds us of how wonderful life is ... unless that was your whole point and I fell for it.

  6. #31

    Default Re: How Quickly We Forget . . .

    I know what fence I was staining when Reagan was shot. I know where I was life guarding when I heard Elvis left more than the building.
    Without using Google or Bing, I couldn't guess even the year, let alone where I actually was when word came out on the passing of Jackson.

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