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Thread: Islamic Extremists Rejoice

  1. #26

    Default Re: Islamic Extremists Rejoice

    I just have to say, years ago people came to this country and were proud and happy to learn the language and work hard to make this a better place to live. It just isnt that way anymore, now they come here, expect US to make them comfy and hold their hand out for freebies. THAT is where my problem lies.

  2. #27
    Didaskalos Guest

    Default Re: Islamic Extremists Rejoice

    Quote Originally Posted by mariner62
    I just have to say, years ago people came to this country and were proud and happy to learn the language and work hard to make this a better place to live. It just isnt that way anymore, now they come here, expect US to make them comfy and hold their hand out for freebies. THAT is where my problem lies.
    There are some that do exactly that. It is frustrating and it is not right. There are plenty more that come here and love this country, love it's citizens, learn the languague and are quite productive members of our society.

    You know, years ago, there were people who came to this country and were not happy to learn the language and didn't care much for mainstreem America. That is why so many large cities have pockets of cultural exclusivity. Not much has changed in that regard. Throughout American history, there has always been at least one group of non-white or non protestants that we could point our finger at and say they represent the ills of America. Arabs are just the latest victim.

  3. Default Re: Islamic Extremists Rejoice

    Quote Originally Posted by Didaskalos
    love this country, love it's citizens, learn the languague...
    love tall buildings, learn to fly airplanes...

  4. Default Re: Islamic Extremists Rejoice

    When you worry is when you have to press "2" for English.

  5. Default Re: Islamic Extremists Rejoice

    Quote Originally Posted by windowphobe
    When you worry is when you have to press "2" for English.
    That is very scary you saying that because we are on page 2 of this thread.
    But you are right. I'm sure that will be very soon.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Islamic Extremists Rejoice

    Quote Originally Posted by mariner62
    The problem is Scribe is this, they all hate us.
    That is a statement based in ignorance and based in racist contempt. Defend it all you want, but (to quote one of our beloved members) "if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it's a duck."

    It also seems to be a lot of the pot calling the kettle black... "they all hate us"... it appears that the feelings are mutual.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Islamic Extremists Rejoice

    Quote Originally Posted by Scribe
    That is a statement based in ignorance and based in racist contempt. Defend it all you want, but (to quote one of our beloved members) "if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it's a duck."

    It also seems to be a lot of the pot calling the kettle black... "they all hate us"... it appears that the feelings are mutual.
    I have an idea then. Let them ALL come and live with you. Scribe, it is because of people like you who wont open your eyes and see the problems that we have, that is why we have so many. I love America and want to keep it the greatest country on earth to live in, I, unlike you, will not sit around and watch it get worse without trying to do something.

  8. Default Re: Islamic Extremists Rejoice

    Quote Originally Posted by Scribe
    Defend it all you want...
    Sounds like an order to me, thanks.

    "if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it's a duck."
    Hey, is it duck season already?


  9. #34
    Didaskalos Guest

    Default Re: Islamic Extremists Rejoice

    Quote Originally Posted by Dungeon Master
    love tall buildings, learn to fly airplanes...
    Let's see... There are estimated to be 1.5 million Arabs living in the US. 19 men involved in the 9/11 attack. Simple math - 19/1,500,000 = 0.00127%. Truly a compelling argument for how pervasive this Arab scare is.

    I have completely changed my mind. If 0.00127% of an ethnic group is going to love tall buildings, learn to fly airplanes... definitely basis for wiping them off the planet.

    Thanks Dungeon Master for the insight!

  10. #35

    Default Re: Islamic Extremists Rejoice

    Quote Originally Posted by mariner62
    I have an idea then. Let them ALL come and live with you.
    Bring 'em on.

    Quote Originally Posted by mariner62
    Scribe, it is because of people like you who wont open your eyes and see the problems that we have, that is why we have so many.
    People like me... you mean people like the original settlers (immigrants), like the Founding Fathers (immigrants), and like (presumably at least some of) your forefathers (immigrants)...

    People like me... you mean enlightened, open-minded, tolerant to people different from me...

    People like me… you mean a Christian (in a self-described Christian nation) who follows Christ's to "love your neighbor as yourself" even when neighbors extend into one's enemy ("love your enemies").

    Are you saying I should be more like the Klu Klux Klan.... people who are intolerant and don't want to live or be in close contact with or mix with other people who are different, who have skin of another color, who believe in other religions, who speak differently, who live differently?

    I'll choose my way over the alternative.

    Quote Originally Posted by mariner62
    I love America and want to keep it the greatest country on earth to live in, I, unlike you, will not sit around and watch it get worse without trying to do something.
    Intolerance, close-mindedness and prejudice did not make this nation great. And, with all due respect, what is making this country worse is an "us versus them," "blow them all up in the name of the Lord" (Falwell), self-righteous, self-centered, simpleton, bully mentality led by the greatest cowboy of them all — W. The great "uniter" has divided this country and this world like no one else that I can recall.

    Closed borders and an isolationist attitude is not what this country was founded upon. It's what many now want, but that's not America. That's "Redneck Country." We're witnessing, once again, a war between the Union and the Confederacy. The Union stands for equality, liberty and justice for all. The Confederacy stands for inequality, intolerance and justice only for "me."

    If that's what you want this country to be, you can have it.

  11. Default Re: Islamic Extremists Rejoice

    Quote Originally Posted by Didaskalos
    Let's see... There are estimated to be 1.5 million Arabs living in the US. 19 men involved in the 9/11 attack. Simple math - 19/1,500,000 = 0.00127%. Truly a compelling argument for how pervasive this Arab scare is.

    I have completely changed my mind. If 0.00127% of an ethnic group is going to love tall buildings, learn to fly airplanes... definitely basis for wiping them off the planet.

    Thanks Dungeon Master for the insight!
    No problem Didaskalos, glad I could be of help.

  12. #37
    Didaskalos Guest

    Default Re: Islamic Extremists Rejoice

    Whew, rational coherent thought. I wasn't sure I would see that again for a while - there might still be civility in this country after all. Of course, I am one of "those kind of people" too. "Tolerance" is apparently the new word for "pinko". This kind of love for one's neighbor used to be a Christian virtue.

    Jesus loves the little children (as long as the red stay with red, yellow stay with yellow, black with black and white with white) they are precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world(but mostly the ones in America). Makes one proud to be an American in this great "Christian Nation".

  13. #38

    Default Re: Islamic Extremists Rejoice

    Quote Originally Posted by Scribe

    Closed borders and an isolationist attitude is not what this country was founded upon.
    No it wasnt, be we do need closed borders. Lets see here, jobs leaving the country, people keep comming in, over crowded cities, more and more traffic, more and more pollution. Stop and think how the kids that are young now are going to have to live in 20 years?

    I am not going to keep bickering here, I am going to be the better man and stop. There are people who are way worse off right now and here we are bickering over stupid ****. I am right and you are wrong, end of discussion.

  14. #39

    Default Re: Islamic Extremists Rejoice

    Quote Originally Posted by mariner62
    I am not going to keep bickering here, I am going to be the better man and stop. There are people who are way worse off right now and here we are bickering over stupid ****. I am right and you are wrong, end of discussion.
    "Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him." Proverbs 26:12

  15. #40
    Didaskalos Guest

    Default Re: Islamic Extremists Rejoice

    Quote Originally Posted by mariner62
    No it wasnt
    you might consider actually reading some American history. If I need to elaborate I will but the thread can get extremely long. And of course, I would expect you to site some material rather than making me do all the work.

    be we do need closed borders.
    Need? The country with the least "need" has "need" to keep those in need out? Interesting perspective.
    Lets see here, jobs leaving the country
    This is the fault of the immagrants or this is the fault of the Islamic extremists?

    , people keep comming in, over crowded cities, more and more traffic, more and more pollution.
    And... this problem is unique to the US? I have to admit we are very bad about the pollution thing but once again, I am not sure this is the fault of the Islamic Extremists.

    Stop and think how the kids that are young now are going to have to live in 20 years?
    I spend a lot of time thinking about it which is one reason I am labeled (incorrectly) a liberal. It would be nice if the current administration showed any concern for future generations.

    I am right and you are wrong, end of discussion.
    How is this for open-minded debate? Dubya "the uniter" has taught us all well.

  16. #41

    Default Re: Islamic Extremists Rejoice

    Not gonna argue with you either. Nice try, but I am still right.

  17. #42

    Default Re: Islamic Extremists Rejoice

    Quote Originally Posted by mariner62
    Not gonna argue with you either. Nice try, but I am still right.
    "Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him." Proverbs 26:12

  18. #43
    Didaskalos Guest

    Default Re: Islamic Extremists Rejoice

    Quote Originally Posted by mariner62
    Not gonna argue with you either. Nice try, but I am still right.
    You know that is my shortcoming, I always thought you needed support to defend a position.
    I do spend a good bit of my day listening to Bill Bennet, Michael Medved, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Hew Hewitt. I am learning quickly. Facts don't matter nearly as much as just "knowing you are right".

  19. #44

    Default Re: Islamic Extremists Rejoice

    Quote Originally Posted by Didaskalos
    You know that is my shortcoming, I always thought you needed support to defend a position.
    I do spend a good bit of my day listening to Bill Bennet, Michael Medved, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Hew Hewitt. I am learning quickly. Facts don't matter nearly as much as just "knowing you are right".
    I used to listen to Rush everyday, but not in the last ten years because of my job, but I miss it. I also like to listen to Ted Nugent on political matters, kinda extreme on some things, but he has alot of good points. I dont claim to be republican or democrat, I just want the best person for the job and we have not had that in a long time.

  20. #45
    Didaskalos Guest

    Default Re: Islamic Extremists Rejoice

    Quote Originally Posted by mariner62
    I used to listen to Rush everyday, but not in the last ten years because of my job, but I miss it. I also like to listen to Ted Nugent on political matters, kinda extreme on some things, but he has alot of good points. I dont claim to be republican or democrat, I just want the best person for the job and we have not had that in a long time.
    Something we can certainly agree on (the last part anyway). Can't say I will miss listening to Rush but I like listening to political call in radio shows and unfortunately no alternatives exist.
    Haven't listended to Ted Nugent but I am sure it would be quite entertaining.

  21. #46

    Default Re: Islamic Extremists Rejoice

    Quote Originally Posted by Didaskalos
    Haven't listended to Ted Nugent but I am sure it would be quite entertaining.
    Very entertaining, my brother in law hates him though, they went to school together and Ted even back then had some interesting things to say I guess.
    I have met him once and he seemed like an alright guy.

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