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Thread: So I saw Noah Today

  1. #26

    Default Re: So I saw Noah Today

    Quote Originally Posted by Stan Silliman View Post
    I saw it. Noah was drunk on the beach. The original story was so short, it's hard to know what the specifics were.
    The CGIs were great. One of the talking stones could've tried out for the Transformers. He might've got a part.
    There was a lot of miracle stuff. I don't know where the creationists would have a beef.

    I did hang around for the credits as I always do and tried to determine where the movie was filmed.
    Some of it was in New York, I guess. But, other than that, they didn't reveal much locale info.
    Did I say "Mel Gibson"?
    I meant "Russell Crowe".
    Did the modern version of Noah manage to bring Woody Allen on board?

  2. Default Re: So I saw Noah Today

    Finally watched this movie. It was pretty disappointing and the script was just a mess.

    I will give Darren Aronofsky a pass, though. This is his only lemon in a stable of terrific films.

    * on a side note if you like action movies I highly recommend The Raid, followed by The Raid 2 which was just released recently. TR2 might be one of the best action movies I have ever seen. The story, plot, and cinematography were outstanding. It was very graphic though so you've been warned.

  3. #28

    Default Re: So I saw Noah Today

    So I saw Noah Today

    Quote Originally Posted by worthy cook View Post
    Finally watched this movie. It was pretty disappointing and the script was just a mess.

    I will give Darren Aronofsky a pass, though. This is his only lemon in a stable of terrific films.

    * on a side note if you like action movies I highly recommend The Raid, followed by The Raid 2 which was just released recently. TR2 might be one of the best action movies I have ever seen. The story, plot, and cinematography were outstanding. It was very graphic though so you've been warned.
    So, when you saw Noah . . . was he still wet behind the ears?
    (sorry, bad pun, here's my visitor's pass to get on the ark . . .)

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