Originally Posted by
Penny, It's called part of scientific methodology, peer review that does - or does not - move toward a consensus. It's a long and very tedious process. Research scientists have a thankless job, they bury themselves in study after study and compare, rinse and repeat. There's no escaping "adding up the numbers." That's how a consensus is recognized, reached and published. It's how we made the connection with cigarettes and lung disease. There were still scientists claiming there was no connection right up to the bitter end. Of course, as we know now, it was a case of follow-the-money. Speaking of rinse and repeat, we're seeing it again. Anybody who can deny the obvious (and ominous) climate changes with a straight face is receiving cash - to sit on boards, to make presentations, to lobby, etc. Before you say, "Why doesn't it work the other way, too?" It's because the evidence is overwhelming. Not to mention that's a fairly basic assumption before you even begin the process with research. The planet has never been populated with humans who were able to "progress" to the point of industrializing, and been in a position to wreck havoc. To not believe these changes are not caused by humans doing all of this (which was not possible before)...with all due respect, that's what seems far-fetched.