Interesting discussion, but it would be more valuable with the perspective of law enforcement leadership which establishes criteria for circumstances such as this. My $0.02:
It isn't "excessive force" because this has been a typical response for years, giving enough time for a lawsuit to wend its way through the courts to a verdict against the law enforcement agency and result in a policy change. That hasn't happened to my knowledge. Nor are athletes being charged or sued when they do this
James Harrison Sacks Browns Fan - YouTube , or team employees when they do this
Drunk Red Sox fan gets absolutely leveled, 5/2/11 - YouTube
I believe that the response is appropriate to the initial action: People run onto an athletic field in front of thousands of spectators for the disruptive shock value and attention, knowing that they are guaranteed to be apprehended. Being forcibly and publicly taken out by a LEO, athlete or employee adds a little sting and humiliation to the conclusion of this kind of stunt, and dissuades others.