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Thread: Favorite Cities to Travel/Live (Besides OKC)

  1. #26

    Default Re: Favorite Cities to Travel/Live (Besides OKC)

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    If you have a DVR start watching House Hunters International (HGTV) and Rick Steves Europe (PBS). HHI gives you the perspective of people moving over-seas and Rick Steves provides a good visitors perspective for places you might not think of (for instance - stay in Milan and take a day trip to Rome instead of the other way around). Rick will save you a ton of money and let you see more stuff.

    Also, Philadelphia is my favorite US city. You can stay busy there for a week and still not see everything. Plus, you can easily day-trip to NYC, Baltimore, and DC.
    I know exactly what you're talking about. My girlfriend LOVES House Hunters International and got me to watch a few episodes with her. So many BEAUTIFUL places! The show gives you a pretty good idea of different neighborhoods in cities like London and Paris too which I really liked. The prices in those neighborhoods however...

    There is SO many places I want to go that its almost overwhelming, but I guess that gives me plenty to look forward to! I've never been to any of the big cities in the NE or west coast, so I have plenty of domestic traveling to do as well. I've been up around Pittsburgh with one of my buddies for the last 3 months and will be here until next November for training, so we're definitely planning on hitting all the cities in the NE before we move back to OKC.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Favorite Cities to Travel/Live (Besides OKC)

    As with anyone from OKCTalk - if you make it to the Jax area PM and I'll give you the 50 cent grand tour.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Favorite Cities to Travel/Live (Besides OKC)

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    1. Charlotte
    2. Houston
    3. Dallas
    4. Portland OR
    5. Tampa, FL
    me personally, I would replace Tampa with Miami, but that's me. Although, with looking at Seattle, that might be my first priority as of now, to visit.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Favorite Cities to Travel/Live (Besides OKC)

    Quote Originally Posted by OnlyOne View Post
    Was it your legal research that allowed you to circumvent the travel embargo?
    You can travel to Cuba legally under certain exceptions including journalistic, educational, and research which I qualified under all three for this trip. We had a file an inch thick with our documentation and I had to ask the Cuban passport stamper three times to stamp my passport before she would do it. No one questioned me coming back into the states. I do not think the travel embargo would pass constitutional muster nowadays anyway if challenged. Although the Supreme Court has said that the right to travel internationally isn't a fundamental right....there still must be some type of govt interest that out weighs our right to freely move and freely associate.

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