Also correct.
Also correct.
See Post #3 (^).
(i was just watching one of The Foundling Ogles on tv and felt compelled to add my two-cents. sorry)
Occasionally TLO will run something I wrote if it's snarky enough.
Here's a piece from 2010 with some pretty pictures:
Guest | The Lost Ogle
I am a long way from being a "hipster" but, if I'm not mistaken, I think I've heard some audio stuff from the "This Land" people on some in-state NPR station. I thought that what I heard was exceptionally good. I'm not sure if that makes them less "hip" or me moreso. =)
But this is about The Lost Ogle.
(even their name makes me smile a little each time i read it.
not the Kelly Ogle Flash The Caps sort of smile,
rather a tiny upturn of the mouth corners)
Thanks for all the feedback.
I think of TLO as a very difficult to label mix of satire, news and irreverence. The content and tone and style can change from post to post. Just like any other form of art, it's up to the individual reader to decide what it all means or represents. I guess that means all the opinions on here are correct. Except, of course, for Tom. That guy's an asshole.
TLO is absolutely essential if you want to keep your perspective around here: if you're persuaded that life in this here town is Too Important to mock, you'd better hope that your rectal stickectomy is still covered under the Deformable Care Act.
And I'm not just saying that because Patrick once interviewed me for TLO's short-lived radio show, because that was arguably the low point in their history, if not in mine.
I love it, I think the area needed a news source like this that doesn't take itself too seriously. It is irritating to see news journalists getting a bit upset when TLO scoops them on stories and it takes sometimes days for the other journalists to report on it.
I'll admit The Lost Ogle is in my news reader. My problem with TLO is the total lack of filter that would show some sense of decency. Every time I start to take TLO seriously and appreciate something they do, along comes some really juvenile rant about his being bombed or having a hangover or something totally inappropriate. No filter. It's verbal vomit. The adolescent obsession with certain female news anchors is another example. No filter. I can only take so much before I remember how short life is.
As for scoops though...I really think, if I'm not mistaken, the whole Ryan Tate audio and his crazy threat to fire all those people (surely you remember) - I think they had that first. And Twitter clearly is the local media's megaphone to one another and some of them do seem chapped with his Ogle Mole Network and envy his sources. That's pretty obvious on Twitter.
But I stand by my feelings about the site, generally, in my first paragraph.
I am fairly certain that the Journal Record was the first to "scoop" that Ryan Tate story. I hope they did not claim that they were first.
I can't really say I've ever seen "chapped" journalists criticize TLO, although I guess it could happen in private. I do know that Patrick has egged on a lot of other media types. Steve Lackmeyer seems to be one of his favorite targets. Sometimes its just harmless poking fun, and sometimes its rather snarky and rude. I don't get it because its not like TLO is covering downtown stuff. Where does the nastiness come from?
But this is common behavior from a lot of new media types that think they are on the cutting edge. Compare their behavior to Pete and posters here on OKCTalk, who are far more likely to offer a good scoop than the TLO ever will but aren't being jackasses about it.
I once ran into Patrick at Kaisers and made small talk for a couple mins and then went to my table. He then met some lady and was pitching her some advertising to sell on his site. During his meeting with her, he turned to my table and said: excuse me, have you ever heard of the lost ogle website. I said sure, I read it. It was pretty classic. Do not know if he ended up making the sell but funny nonetheless.
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