I think you guys are selling the bookstore a little short. B&N still makes their profit from printed books.
Just The Facts: Barnes & Nobles Go Private or Bust? | PrecisionIR Blog
This all sounds great, making Nook seem like a solid investment but in terms of performance in the most recent quarter, EBITDA at the stores was $212 million on $1.5 billion in revenues. The Nook segment lost $190 million on $316 million in revenues.
Here, this is what I meant wrote that is relevant here.
"The hours at the library, being a public institution, are unfortunately dictated by how much people are willing to pay to support libraries. I'm afraid it's not a priority for many and that's a shame."
We have an excellent library system, but like all public institutions they face a funding crunch. Hours being rolled back are always being discussed. I'm talking about system-wide the library must be supported. Let your voice be heard.
I also agree with Just The Facts about B&N. They no longer have competition if you want to browse and buy at a brick & mortar store.
No...I get the post about the libraries being supported. Doesn't work for me in my case. Maybe we can set up a text hotline for people to donate $10 by texting OKCLIBRARY. Worked well for disaster relief.
The library system is swimming in cash. They are funded by property tax revenue, which has been on a tear over the last 10 years. The limited hours of operation are an annoyance for me as well, especially Saturday nights. I worked at Sonic until 1 in the morning as a teen on weekends. When I asked why, the boss said "If we didn't get enough business, we wouldn't need you to be here." Phil Jackson recommends in his new book Eleven Rings a book called Tribal Leadership. Sonic would be an example of a Stage 3 organization, summarized by the belief "I'm awesome, everyone else isn't." This belief encourages at least a certain level of productivity. The library and most government in general is of the belief "My life sucks." Stage 2 organizations are characterized by excuse-making and collective resistance to authority and efficiency. The sad state of education in this state is exacerbated by the inefficiency and unreceptiveness to feedback of the library system. It is possible for a government organization to elevate from Stage 2 to Stage 3, but rarely happens.
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