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Thread: Lawn Care

  1. #26

    Default Re: Lawn Care

    We were with All Green and switched to True Green.

    I am overall satisfied with True Green. True Green's service is a little more chemically tailored to my lawn, which is needed as I have a pecan and sweetgum tree, both which produce high acid fruit which needs to be neutralized.

    That said, my biggest problem with True Green is that they milk the hell out of that relationship. I did buy insulation from them because it was actually a great deal, but just the other day, they called hocking an insect control service. The salesperson was obviously following a script, but it just set me off when they asked me what objections I might have to buying for their services. I was pissed that they called me and I was actually being told to justify to them why I would not buy their stuff. Maybe I'd just had a bad day. That poor guy at the call center...

  2. #27

    Default Re: Lawn Care

    Quote Originally Posted by FighttheGoodFight View Post
    I think a lot of lawn care guys just dont use the web. Then again when I was getting set up with a company I called 5 places and only one called me back. He is still my guy.

    Super Green Lawns -- Mike Hall -- 405-905-8460
    Yeah, lots of small-ish businesses don't use the web, but if you're going to ignore anything sent electronically, just don't even pretend to care about that part and take the "contact us" part of your website out and just list a phone number. Of course, it also helps if you actually call back the people that want to give you money, but maybe they don't need any more customers.

    Just had NaturaLawn come out and spray post-emergent today, probably going to go through the whole plan this year and see how it goes and maybe scale down from then on since the previous tenants didn't do much to the yard for the past few years, so it needs lots of help.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Lawn Care

    I've been spraying my yard with a pull behind sprayer my neighbor and I invested in. The sprayer has been the biggest crap and with how much a PITA it is to fix and how expensive the chemicals are, I'm thinking about going back to have mine done. Problem is I have an acre and I know it's not going to be cheap.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Lawn Care

    One acre here too Zupler. I'm using Barefoot Turf to treat my lawn. Scott is always timely with the applications. If rain is due later in the week he's here before then. 10K sf front is $75 for fert. Preemerg for all runs $135 per treatment.

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