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Depends on the good/service. Supply and demand have some elasticity, and if you're in a market for essential goods, people are willing to eat more costs. Employee wages are even more elastic, they'll take mediocre employees as long as they don't cost them too many customers, to avoid paying them a living wage. These also tend to be the jobs that minimum wage is starting pay.
The jobs that pay minimum wage now aren't the type of jobs that get people real skills. Stocking shelves, answering phones, checking tickets, being a fry cook, those are the types of jobs that you get minimum wage, those places don't care if you've got 50 years of being the best hash slinger in west or if you're looking for your first job your freshman year of high school, and those skills aren't suitable anywhere else. Most better jobs don't care if you worked at Walmart or Burger King, they care hat you have a degree/skillset you didn't get at your other job/have the recommendation of someone within the company. Nowadays, just about everyone trains on site unless it's a skilled trade or something medical. And they really don't care about your high school job.
Does a good work ethic help? Absolutely. Is it going to be enough to get ahead in this day and age? No, it isn't. Not in the way our economy has evolved.
It also doesn't help that we've conditioned employers with decades of increasingly lower taxes that have made it absolutely impossible for them to fathom taking any hit themselves. We opened the floodgates for that type of business that couldn't care less about the lower level employees, and then want to act appalled when they do mistreat them (or if you're part of that world, you act appalled when employees complain about how you mistreat them).