It sounds like you live far enough way to actually pay the cost of living rural - part of that cost being that some services are not available at any price. Meanwhile, far flung rural subdivisions do have access to the very services you yourself are deprived of. Do you ever wonder how McLoud TelCo can afford to deliver phone service to your house but ATT can't? The answer, the state and federal governments pay them to do it and sticks the rest of us with the bill. If you truly had to pay the cost of providing phone service to you, you probably couldn't afford it.
Satellite TV is a different story since distance isn't an issue. Your DirecTV bill is probably the same as mine.
Too much good stuff to quote but here is a story about Verizon wanting to abandond rural customers - that they are required by law to provide service to at below actual cost.
Verizon CEO Ponders Killing Off Rural Phone/Broadband Service & Rake In Wireless Profits | Stop the Cap!