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Thread: Worst OK Review Ever! UHHGGG !!

  1. #26
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: Worst OK Review Ever! UHHGGG !!

    Oh my.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Worst OK Review Ever! UHHGGG !!


    The book is not about homosexual sex. It's a children's book, period.

    Doesn't the state have more pressing issues to deal with than this book?

    Furthermore, is pulling books from the library the right direction for us to take as a city? What kind of message does that send?

    Hell no! Let me decide what I want to read. I would have no problem allowing my daughter to read that book.

    Gay people are a part of our society, too. In my personal moral philosophy, there is nothing wrong with explaining to my daughter that we have gay and straight people. I would, however, probably wait a couple of years to let her read that book. Frankly, she probably wouldn't think a thing about it anyway.

  3. #28
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: Worst OK Review Ever! UHHGGG !!

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru

    The book is not about homosexual sex. It's a children's book, period.
    I did not say it was. I said it was so vividly about an alternative sexuality, something kids should not read about until they EVEN learn what sexuality is.

    wait a couple of years to let her read that book.
    Ah ha! You just said it. I rest my case.

  4. #29
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    Default Re: Worst OK Review Ever! UHHGGG !!

    something kids should not read about until they EVEN learn what sexuality is.
    So, do they have to take a sexuality test to check out the book? How does the library know which kids have learned about sexuality and which ones haven't? Are they removing all books with the same amount of sexuality or just homosexuality.

    Ah ha! You just said it. I rest my case.
    Yeah, but that was his decision, not the government's. We're not talking about private policy here, but public policy. The question is not so much whether you think your kids should have access to certain books, it’s whether or not the government should decide what books your kids have access to for you.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Worst OK Review Ever! UHHGGG !!

    Ah ha! You just said it. I rest my case.
    Did you really just miss the point that much? Allow me to clarify:

    Choice A: I personally choose what my children read, when it is appropriate, etc.

    Choice B: Some nutcase holier than thou politician trolling for votes tells me I cannot select the book.

    Is it a surprise that I would choose Choice A? Aren't you in favor of allowing families to raise children, not the government? I don't want the government deciding what is appropriate for me or my family. If I wanted such intervention, I would move to a country ruled by the Taliban or the Iranian Clerics or other religious repressers.

    Furthermore, I have no problem with CONSERVATIVES. The true conservative movement was admirable and consistent. This crap we're looking at today has nothing to do with conservatism.

  6. #31
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: Worst OK Review Ever! UHHGGG !!

    I don't really care anymore. Read my posts if you want to keap at it, and if you "read' them, read them again. And again. Till you get it.

    And if you still comprehended zip, then start another topic in the values forum, and maybe if I feel like bickering I will respond.

    This thread has been counterblasted so many times it means nothing, and is so far off topic it's amazing.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Worst OK Review Ever! UHHGGG !!

    I'm not sure whom you're addressing, but I don't think you're paying attention here.

    All I'm saying is I'm cool with your values and will defend them. You can read or not read any book you want. What chaps me is when people use their own individual values to determine what others may do.

    By observation, the religious "conservatives" seem to misunderstand the concept of liberty. They truly don't want others to have it. They want to dictate what other people can read, whom they can marry, whether they can get a tattoo, etc. This is fundamentally opposed to the concept of individual liberty, which was always a conservative tenet.

    Whether I personally choose to allow my daughter to read a book or not is my choice as a parent, not yours or that snooty nut in the Legislature who threatened to pull funding from our library if the book wasn't taken out of general circulation.

    This really isn't that nuanced or complicated.

  8. #33
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Worst OK Review Ever! UHHGGG !!

    100% agree Guru. Nice post.

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