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Thread: What to do after 2am

  1. #26

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    Quote Originally Posted by WilliamTell View Post
    Im not sure how old you are, but it seems like you are smart and nice guy if you can control yourself and not drink when you drive a bunch of people around while they do...

    But this sounds pathetic.

    Really ask yourself if you want the type of friends who are are so drunk they cant stand up, passing out in cars, and drinking so much they cant even be inside their own homes with out scaring their kids and their wifes (because thats what it is).

    If i was you i would concentrate on being yourself and putting your energy into being a good person and you could find a wife who is a good cook instead of someone elses wife.


    Get off your high horse. This is not the place to try and preach to him about how you think hes a bad person for drinking and you think his friends are horrible people.

    You have made it very clear how you feel about this topic, so it would seem logical to take your opinions to another thread you are not completely against. If you feel the need to act better than everyone else and preach your thoughts, find your way to the nearest lifechurch or any highway offramp corner that is not occupied by a drunk homeless person.

    If you don't like the topic, don't feel the need to comment on it. The rest of us will survive without your bull****. I skip plenty of threads that I know I disagree with, its not that hard.


  2. #27

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    The only thing I can think of would be slick willies, but Im not sure if they are open that late.

    Other than that, you will not find a whole lot open past 2 in Oklahoma, as you can see from the a few other responses, being up past 2 makes you the devil... duh.

  3. #28

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    nah, being out after 2 am won't make ya the devil. Some are fairly certain it might help make someone his biatch

  4. #29

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    Anyone else seeing advertisements for "christian alchohol rehab", "stop drinking now" and "alcohol addiction center" at the top of the page? Made me laugh a bit, talk about targeted advertising.

    And WilliamTell, mind you're own damn business, if the OP's freind's wives are just fine with them enjoying a night on the town a few nights a month (or even if they aren't), remind me how that effects you in any way. And he never said his friends were fall down drunk, he commented on observing other people being fall down drunk.

  5. #30

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    2 am? i saw bad company in a club in hallandale, fl around '95 and the singer mentioned how he thought it was great the club closed at 8am

  6. #31

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    What A Burger and all the other places mentioned. I think Jamaica Joe's may stay opened past 2am but I'm not sure about that. So no I can't think of any where else the most you can do is eat some where. There's also lake overholser or hefner they can drink a little more beer and take a swim. They can also find all the other people doing drugs or having sex. But seriously how old are you guys the only people out that out are people pretty young and some underage. There's nothing to do.

  7. #32

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    Aren't the casino's still open at that time?

  8. #33

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    I think that bars should stay open well past 2, but still have a hard stop on serving drinks. It's really an issue of public safety. Still have last call around 1:30, but allow the patrons to stay for a few hours, sober up, arranged for proper transportation, perhaps buy some food items, listen to music for another hour or so.... The current idea of chasing all the drunks out on to the streets is pretty stupid. Am I the only one who thinks this?

  9. #34

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    In Fort Smith the bars stay open til 5am and serve alcohol too. Maybe its time for a Roadtrip!

  10. #35

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    Quote Originally Posted by pw405 View Post
    I think that bars should stay open well past 2, but still have a hard stop on serving drinks. It's really an issue of public safety. Still have last call around 1:30, but allow the patrons to stay for a few hours, sober up, arranged for proper transportation, perhaps buy some food items, listen to music for another hour or so.... The current idea of chasing all the drunks out on to the streets is pretty stupid. Am I the only one who thinks this?
    There is so much simple common sense involved in those words that I am speechless.
    (for now . . . but remember the "Otis" character on "Andy Griffith" . . . ?)

  11. #36

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    We need an open mic nite of okctalk at a local bar. I have a feeling RM could dominate the freestyle mic.

  12. #37

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    Quote Originally Posted by pw405 View Post
    I think that bars should stay open well past 2, but still have a hard stop on serving drinks. It's really an issue of public safety. Still have last call around 1:30, but allow the patrons to stay for a few hours, sober up, arranged for proper transportation, perhaps buy some food items, listen to music for another hour or so.... The current idea of chasing all the drunks out on to the streets is pretty stupid. Am I the only one who thinks this?
    Wasn't there a comedian that had a joke along those lines? Something about, if drunk driving was so bad, why aren't the streets a death trap at 2am?

  13. #38

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    There are clubs in Dallas that stay open till 4. If you have any drink at 2:00a, they make you throw it out. I really don't get the whole idea of last call, then 10 minutes later turning the lights on and have all the security rush you out. Is like saying "hey, if you chose one more drink, you HAVE to binge drink it". Just got back from Memphis a few weeks ago, and they have bars that stay open and serve until 5:00am. I don't necessarily think serving that late is a great idea, but Memphiss Beale street area is highly patrolled and the police seem more likely to help you call a cab than try to make a PI arrest. Honestly, I think a restaurant in brick town that re opens at 1 and stays open to 4 would be extremely popular. They could just serve easy to make stuff like chips and queso, hot dogs, salads, whatever....

    Back on topic, apparently there is also a place called Friends On memorial and Portland. I had my girlfriend ask her Facebook, and somebody said The Office drinks and nosh is open till 4 on weekends. Can anybody confirm?

  14. #39

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    I was in Fort Worth at a bar. Bought a beer at 1:57 and was able to drink it til past 2. Apparently the west is the best!

  15. #40

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    Quote Originally Posted by OSUPeterson View Post
    This is not the place to try and preach to him about how you think hes a bad person for drinking and you think his friends are horrible people.
    Quote Originally Posted by CurtisJ
    And WilliamTell, mind you're own damn business, if the OP's freind's wives are just fine with them enjoying a night on the town a few nights a month (or even if they aren't), remind me how that effects you in any way. And he never said his friends were fall down drunk, he commented on observing other people being fall down drunk.
    OSU- I drink on the weekends and im not some bible thumper who is saying people shouldnt drink. After we had kids ive just lowered the amounts and cut down on the going out on the town. It just brings on way to much liability (drinking and driving), dealing with idiots, and other drunk drivers on the road where its just not worth it anymore.
    People die from it each weekend, just watch the news.

    Curtis - If he wanted me to mind my own business he wouldnt of posted it on the internet. Besides, even the OP said their wives werent happy about it because they didnt want there husbands coming home after drinking because of previous incidents that scared her kids. I also think that people who get so drunk each weekend that their spouse is scared to have them around their children or they see dad sleeping in a car outside the house then its a pretty sh*tty situation for a child to grow up in.
    Children get hurt or die because of drunks every weekend, just watch the news.

  16. #41

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    Quote Originally Posted by WilliamTell View Post
    I also think that people who get so drunk each weekend that their spouse is scared to have them around their children or they see dad sleeping in a car outside the house then its a pretty sh*tty situation for a child to grow up in.
    Children get hurt or die because of drunks every weekend, just watch the news.
    Reading must be tough...

    The OP talked about how they wake up the kids. I must have missed the post where he talked about how they came home and beat and abused their children at 2am. Stop trying to sensationalize this thread.

    On other more relevant notes, I'm pretty sure Friends closes at 2am. Not sure about the Office. Steak and shake can always be very entertaining after 2am though, good place to sober up and get some good drunk food.

  17. #42

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    In Fort Smith the bars stay open til 5am and serve alcohol too. Maybe its time for a Roadtrip!
    Ya know, there is something to that. The OP stated he's the designated driver for a group. Been ages since I did any late nights at the Fort, shoot, even the area code's changed since back then. However, even if one stuck with Okie late call time of 2 am and then grabbed some grub and then drove back, you're looking at close to three hours of bs'in'/bondin'/slaphappyin'/bandobros time on the short side. Be a danged fool's errand w/o a DD, but since the OP had that covered, might be worth the roadtrip every now and again.

  18. #43

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    So, ya.... Getting ****ed up and waking up your kids has moral implications. Let's make an anti alcoholism thread and everybody can complain about it there.

    The real joke is people who think your are going to change this persons habits with an Internet forum post. Get real.

    Late night OKC area options?

    Casinos.... Easy to continue drinking inside a casino after 2. trust me! (especially if you have a hotel room that connects to a certain casino that is near a windy river).
    The Wreck Room
    The Office (not confirmed opened until 4:00a as of yet).
    Oh, and of course, there are plenty of 24 hour restaurants.
    Did we ever confirm about the 24 hour pool halls?

    Ed, you said a new place will be opened in about a month? Your place?

    Any other options anybody can think of?

  19. #44

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    Quote Originally Posted by OSUPeterson View Post
    Reading must be tough...

    The OP talked about how they wake up the kids. I must have missed the post where he talked about how they came home and beat and abused their children at 2am. Stop trying to sensationalize this thread.
    -It must be tough. When did i say he beat his kids?

    I would also be surprised if you had kids or were married. Maybe when you were growing up it was common practice for your dad to come stumbling into the house at 3am and wake you and your brothers and sisters up. Maybe it was also common for him to pass out in his car in the driveway after a night of drinking. Yeah, that's normal.

    Seems like your getting awfully defensive over this subject. Its ok, let it all out.

    Quote Originally Posted by 1972ford View Post
    -keep them out longer to sober up a bit before coming home and waking up the kids.
    -I am not taking them to my place as that would defeat the purpose they would buy beer or whiskey and drink at my place which is not good
    -I apologize if you happened to be one of the unfortunate souls that had to deal with them that night)
    -my buddy is passed out in his car now
    Yeah, nothing weird about this at all. You guys must be cousins.

  20. #45

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    I had the keys I just did not bother to wake him up regarding passed out in the car. He drank a ton of water there sobered up a bit and went to sleep. Drunk people are loud people and loud people wake up kids in the middle of the night.

    We thought we had our after bar thing taken care of by going disc golfing until a couple months ago when all 5 of us got tickets for being in the park after hours and the other 4 got public intox as well cop let them go with fines and walked us to the car and told me to take them home

    We are young 24 to 26

    We were all BSing the other day and thought of how much fun it would be to have a place to go to do things like they did on the American gladiator show.

    We were also joking around about going to s Robinson and a shouting at johns "another aids patient in the making" and other stuff along those lines but figured we would probably get in trouble.

  21. #46

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    Quote Originally Posted by 1972ford View Post
    We were also joking around about going to s Robinson and a shouting at johns "another aids patient in the making" and other stuff along those lines but figured we would probably get in trouble.
    Good thinking. LOL

  22. #47

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    Quote Originally Posted by 1972ford View Post

    -when all 5 of us got tickets for being in the park after hours and
    -the other 4 got public intox

    We are young 24 to 26
    You and your friends are young, and im not going to act like I wasnt doing the same dumb ass things when i was your age. Just sucks that some of those guys already have kids.

    To those who wanted to argue with me.

    Yeah. Its normal that someone with kids is.

    -Passing out in his car
    -waking up his kids after getting home from the bar
    -Getting trespass tickets
    -Getting public charged with public intox

    Back to the subject. Have you guys considered switching from night to day drinking? As you get older you actually start to realize that a lot of activities are setup for day drinking. Golf? going out on a boat?bumper cars?fishing?dave and busters?ballgame?tailgating?having a cookout?horseshoes?painting your house?

    I could go on and on. Like i said earlier, I drink on the weekends and over time i've found ways to still unwind and enjoy myself with out getting trashed, hurting myself or someone else, or getting arrested.

  23. #48

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    Quote Originally Posted by WilliamTell View Post
    Have you guys considered switching from night to day drinking? As you get older you actually start to realize that a lot of activities are setup for day drinking. Golf? going out on a boat?bumper cars?fishing?dave and busters?ballgame?tailgating?having a cookout?horseshoes?painting your house?
    Not to mention, the older you get the earlier you're gonna go out anyway. I'm 34 and it's a push to even stay out til "closing time" anymore and I'm still single. Your friends are no bachelors. They need to shift their thinking and maybe you can shift theirs. I know that younger generations usually don't take older generations advice, but you did take the first step by asking for it in one way or another on here so use all of "this" to the best of your advantage.

    Oh, and look for happy hour deals. They're all over the place.

  24. #49

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    Working overnights makes day drinking not a good idea usually I sleep late into the day on Saturday mornings but my happy but thought it was a nice night and slept outside to get rained on lol

  25. Default Re: What to do after 2am

    Quote Originally Posted by pw405 View Post

    Ed, you said a new place will be opened in about a month? Your place?
    Yeah, we should be open the middle of September.

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