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Thread: OU will be going to the SEC

  1. Default Re: OU will be going to the SEC

    Quote Originally Posted by workman45 View Post
    So the Pac 10 has the big suspensions for violations, which mean no playoffs for the next 2 years, this leads to massive revenue loss. Your sure OU is going to bite the bullet like that?
    Southern Cal has incurred these penalties, not the conference as a whole. Yeah, the PAC 10 will lose some money over 2 years but if things work out as it looks like they will, the PAC 10 will still make plenty of money. With a big fat new TV contract covering virtually the entire western half of the country, they still stand to make a fortune.

  2. #27

    Default Re: OU will be going to the SEC

    The money will only be affected if the contracts are renegotiated or there are existing clauses in the contracts. More than likely it will not affect the revenue because the sanctions are temporary. Now USC may have some reduced revenue depending upon the conference by-laws.

  3. Default Re: OU will be going to the SEC

    Quote Originally Posted by bluedogok View Post
    The money will only be affected if the contracts are renegotiated or there are existing clauses in the contracts. More than likely it will not affect the revenue because the sanctions are temporary. Now USC may have some reduced revenue depending upon the conference by-laws.
    The reduction in revenues for the league from USC will be no bowl money, which would likely have been several million, depending on the bowl USC might have gone to. With a reduction of 30 scholarships and clean release to other schools of any Jr. or Sr. who wishes to transfer, USC may not be in a bowl of much consequence for a few years.

  4. #29

    Default Re: OU will be going to the SEC

    I think the bowl ban was for two years, which if it stays in effect (barring appeals) would be for the 2010 and 2011 seasons. Right now everything is leaning towards a 2012 start so they would miss it, but then many things aren't going according to plan so it could very well merge for the 2011 season.

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