Seriously? The City pays 40% (or ANY of the head of the union(s) that they are often at odds with)? Conflict of interest???
Have no problem with the City paying the salaries of the firefighters (and if the union head is an active firefighter, then that's ok too). But the City should NOT be paying any union dues, union staff, union leadership etc etc. That should come strictly from the union dues and any fund raising they might want to engage in.
Do we have any documentation on this? I skimmed thru the 600+ page budget report but didn't readily find any mention of the City paying any Union stuff. Thanks!
and to try to get back to the thread topic, the Chamber of Commerce should get its funding from its members. The City shouldn't be contributing one dime towards it. As it is it acts as a pseudo arm of City Hall. Again, Conflict of interest???
Sad but true. The Union Presidents of all three groups (Police, Fire, AFSCME) are paid by the City, in addition I know the police and fire have more then one officer that's paid by the City, they still earn and receive benefits (retirement, health ins, etcand if/when they lose re-election, they return to their previous City job.
Larry, I think the City contracts with the Chamber of Commerce to recruit businesses to the City. The CoC is a vendor to the city, not a handout recipient.
If you want to start a business recruiting companies to OKC then the City can hire you as well. You will probably need to start on a commission based pay plan but if you prove successful enough you can probably just charge for the service straight up. I thought about doing this myself when I graduated from OU.
Larry they are active employees. In the case of Fire who ever the members elect to represent them and speak on their behalf is assigned to the Chiefs office as opposed to being assigned to a station and a specific piece of equipment. Fire has 1 officer on special assignment, not 2 as junkie would try to make you believe. He has gone from being clueless to being a liar.
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