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Thread: OKC Ranks Third in Best Commutes

  1. #26

    Default Re: OKC Ranks Third in Best Commutes

    Quote Originally Posted by Curt View Post
    Well all I can say is those who know of me from my past posts may hate me,and I dont blame you, but the truth of the matter is no matter what I have said in the past is I wish beyond anything I would have moved from Detroit to OKC.....

    HUGE mistake to stay in Michigan....HUGE
    Well, come on down to Oklahoma, now! Nice to see you, again.

  2. #27

    Default Re: OKC Ranks Third in Best Commutes

    as long as you stay away from the I-40/I-35/I-235 interchange (worst designed interchange I've ever seen) traffic is never a problem. I lived in Edmond for a few months (2nd and Coltrane) and could get to Tinker in 18 min. Similar distance when I lived in the Phoenix area (Chandler to Scottsdale) would take me 25 min to 45 min.
    I really hope OKC will invest in Light rail or street car and promote infill and building up. The 20 mile light rail starter line in Phoenix and Tempe has blown away expectations and has seen a lot of TOD around the light rail stops.

  3. #28

    Default Re: OKC Ranks Third in Best Commutes

    Just live in the same town you work and live in and you don't have much of a commute while saving lots of time and gas. That's all I've known all my life.

  4. #29

    Default Re: OKC Ranks Third in Best Commutes

    Quote Originally Posted by PHXguyinOKC View Post
    as long as you stay away from the I-40/I-35/I-235 interchange (worst designed interchange I've ever seen) traffic is never a problem. I lived in Edmond for a few months (2nd and Coltrane) and could get to Tinker in 18 min. Similar distance when I lived in the Phoenix area (Chandler to Scottsdale) would take me 25 min to 45 min.
    I really hope OKC will invest in Light rail or street car and promote infill and building up. The 20 mile light rail starter line in Phoenix and Tempe has blown away expectations and has seen a lot of TOD around the light rail stops.
    We just DID invest in a streetcar system, and hopefully will lead to a light rail system. Hopefully work on it will start sooner rather than later.

  5. #30
    Lord Helmet Guest

    Default Re: OKC Ranks Third in Best Commutes

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    We're blessed with a pretty decent highway system. Sure beats Austin or Denver.
    Denver is basically a 2 highway town...i-70 or 1-25...everything else is basically a 2 or three lane pseudo highway. Thankfully expansion of the train system is close on the horizon because getting around can be a nightmare. I'm luck because my commute is only about 25 minutes.

  6. Default Re: OKC Ranks Third in Best Commutes

    Yep, I moved back to OKC when I was laid off but it looks like I am moving back to retake my old job! Luckily, I never sold my house and am in it right now so I'll get to use the light rail to downtown again.

  7. #32

    Default Re: OKC Ranks Third in Best Commutes

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    We just DID invest in a streetcar system, and hopefully will lead to a light rail system. Hopefully work on it will start sooner rather than later.
    well, excellent.

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