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Thread: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

  1. #26

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    I see Indians all the time, but by and large the only time I see a tipi is at a Scouting event, (excluding the ones that are, or used to be, at Roman Nose. Those are easy to exclude, cause a tipi with a wood floor and electricity ain't really a tipi.

  2. #27

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk View Post
    When my parents told me we were moving to OKC, I immediately pictured the dust bowl and The Grapes of Wrath. But I was only 10 at the time and had never been here. I guess people just assume things never change. I once had an aunt ask me (years ago) if I ever see any Indians or teepees. LOL
    I'm impressed that at 10 you knew what the dust bowl and The Grapes of Wrath were. I doubt that many at that age would know today. As for seeing Indians, I see Indians almost every day. We have a large Indian population here, just not wearing bead or feathers. I would have to hunt for teepees though

  3. #28

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    There is no geographic ignorance in the incident noted by the original poster. It's just a blithe, throwaway statement by a sports reporter. At the root of his statement is the fact that Oklahoma, like it or not, is totally disregardable (my own word) by the majority of the US. Along the lines of, say, Iowa. He would make the same type of assertion if Jason Kidd were to play for the Ottumwa Ocelots. It's not elitism.

  4. #29

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by skyrick View Post
    At the root of his statement is the fact that Oklahoma, like it or not, is totally disregardable (my own word) by the majority of the US. Along the lines of, say, Iowa. He would make the same type of assertion if Jason Kidd were to play for the Ottumwa Ocelots. It's not elitism.
    Dude, that is practically the definition of elitism.

  5. #30

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    Dude, that is practically the definition of elitism.
    no, it's the definition of reality.

  6. #31

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by fredfredburger View Post
    no, it's the definition of reality.
    Thank you.

  7. Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by fredfredburger View Post
    no, it's the definition of reality.
    It's elitism and reality. So this time I will pose it to you as a legitimate question instead of a joke. Do you or do you not want to see Oklahoma change for the better?
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  8. #33

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by okcpulse View Post
    It's elitism that is the reality. So this time I will pose it to you as a legitimate question instead of a joke. Do you or do you not want to see Oklahoma change for the better?
    Sure I do, but I know it won't. At least not anytime soon.
    That's why I'm leaving when I graduate.

  9. Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by fredfredburger View Post
    Sure I do, but I know it won't. At least not anytime soon.
    That's why I'm leaving when I graduate.
    How do you think it won't? I mean, honestly OKC is better than it was 10 or even 12 years ago. That doesn't mean we've reached the pinnacle.

    I want to make a difference for OKC for the better, and I am gonna do it. I don't care about what other people think I should do.
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  10. #35

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by okcpulse View Post
    How do you think it won't? I mean, honestly OKC is better than it was 10 or even 12 years ago. That doesn't mean we've reached the pinnacle.

    I want to make a difference for OKC for the better, and I am gonna do it. I don't care about what other people think I should do.
    I don't think it won't get better, I know it won't get better. I have faith in the inability of the average OKC resident and the average OKC leader to recognize what needs to be done in this city in order to attract young professionals who aren't in the oil industry. I have faith that this city won't be able to encourage businesses to relocate here or to start up here. I have faith that this city will screw up and run off anything that does happen to start up here.

    Parts of OKC have gotten better in the past 10-12 years. Small parts. The rest of the city has gone to sh!t. Look at bricktown. It's getting more and more stagnant every year, and the new places it's attracting are laughable and just give an even worse impression of the city to outsiders.

    Banjo museum? Coyote Ugly? horrendous.

  11. #36

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by fredfredburger View Post
    I don't think it won't get better, I know it won't get better. I have faith in the inability of the average OKC resident and the average OKC leader to recognize what needs to be done in this city in order to attract young professionals who aren't in the oil industry. I have faith that this city won't be able to encourage businesses to relocate here or to start up here. I have faith that this city will screw up and run off anything that does happen to start up here.

    Parts of OKC have gotten better in the past 10-12 years. Small parts. The rest of the city has gone to sh!t. Look at bricktown. It's getting more and more stagnant every year, and the new places it's attracting are laughable and just give an even worse impression of the city to outsiders.

    Banjo museum? Coyote Ugly? horrendous.
    You and this thread are very depressing.. Please do leave whenever you graduate.. You are exactly what this city doesn't need.

  12. #37

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by okcpulse View Post
    How do you think it won't? I mean, honestly OKC is better than it was 10 or even 12 years ago. That doesn't mean we've reached the pinnacle.

    I want to make a difference for OKC for the better, and I am gonna do it. I don't care about what other people think I should do.
    OKC, I admire your desire and tenacity in wanting to make OKC a better place. When you return, are you plan on running for mayor? State Office? Working for the OKC Chamber of Commerce? I think you would be a great "pitch' for the city and would make a good "cheerleader" for OKC! However, with FF Burger, I do also have to admire him for speaking his opinion that OKC will not be changing in the near future. OKC has made strides and has improved immensely, however it has a very long way in becoming a true urban, big league city. It still does not offer the big ammenities that other cities have to offer such as upscale shops, more "diverse" dining options besides Tex- Mex and Steakhouses. When I lived in OKC, I found "generally" the people did not get excited about new things. They liked to go out to eat and to a movie, but that was the extent of it. Just my perception. The arts are supported in OKC, but only by a select few. No opera house, no contemporary art museums compared to cities in the region. I always say, what makes a city is it's citizens. If OKC people want a vibrant city then I believe they will find a way to achieve their goal, however, if they only want a average city then that is what the citizens of OKC will get. I remember when living in Oklahoma even the license plates stated "Oklahoma is ok". Just ok?? The choice is yours to make!

  13. #38

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by fredfredburger View Post
    I don't think it won't get better, I know it won't get better. I have faith in the inability of the average OKC resident and the average OKC leader to recognize what needs to be done in this city in order to attract young professionals who aren't in the oil industry. I have faith that this city won't be able to encourage businesses to relocate here or to start up here. I have faith that this city will screw up and run off anything that does happen to start up here.

    Parts of OKC have gotten better in the past 10-12 years. Small parts. The rest of the city has gone to sh!t. Look at bricktown. It's getting more and more stagnant every year, and the new places it's attracting are laughable and just give an even worse impression of the city to outsiders.

    Banjo museum? Coyote Ugly? horrendous.
    Ok this post has shown that you have an inability to recognize progress when you see it for your self. It is fairly evident due to your lack of faith in those who have pulled off a tremendous turnaround for the city. So much so that some of the large cities that many seem to want to emulate such as Dallas among others have been inquiring as to the success Oklahoma City has experienced. After the undisputed unique successes of The MAPS programs where those very citizens were required to take out real dollars from their wallets to make not just one but three of them come to fruition, leading to the attraction of a NBA Franchise relocating and Olympic training sites with an increase in tourism and world renowned athletes now making OKC a regular stop. You have discredited your opinion as based on any substantive claim.

    I understand that you are experiencing what some 18-20 year olds go through when they are not satisfied when thier every whim is not catered to. I recommend that you take a study abroad course or do something that will broaden your horizons and if not please do move to other cities because you will find that you can find what ever it is that you are looking for in any of them. You can also find plenty of things to complain about in any of them. If you can't be happy here you shouldn't stay and we don't want you to. Please understand that in saying this I am not trying to push you out the door, I am simply saying that we are not trying to convince those who are determined to leave to stay if it makes them unhappy. It is a free country and by all means go explore it! Just don't besmirch or belittle the significant efforts that have made this state a great place. Efforts made on a grass roots level that each of the citizens have paid for with their own money, investing in themselves with profound and growing sucess that has created its own momentum and led to substantial private investment in response!

    Good luck in the future! Oklahoma will always be the place that gave you your education and opened the door for you in other cities. Remember that.

  14. #39

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by diggyba View Post
    You and this thread are very depressing.. Please do leave whenever you graduate.. You are exactly what this city doesn't need.
    I agree.
    I'm not sure where fredburger plans on moving to, but if it's that bad here in OKC, why wait, I'm sure they have schools he could transfer to.

    I'm more tolerant of people that make remarks/comments about OKC even though thay have never been here, then I am about people that live here and are always negative.

  15. #40

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by fredfredburger View Post
    Banjo museum? Coyote Ugly? horrendous.
    Elitism alert!

  16. #41

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    Elitism alert!
    Elitism? You people bitch about how outsiders percieve Oklahoma, then put the the most "hick" thing I can think of in bricktown. It's a banjo museum, yeah that's "big league"

    Have you been inside of coyote ugly recently? It's worse than a day-time strip bar, the "talent", I mean.

  17. #42

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    I agree.
    I'm not sure where fredburger plans on moving to, but if it's that bad here in OKC, why wait, I'm sure they have schools he could transfer to.

    I'm more tolerant of people that make remarks/comments about OKC even though thay have never been here, then I am about people that live here and are always negative.
    It also irks the hell outta me when the top 3 threads on this board are this one, the "NBA thinks okc is boring" one and the one about the dumb reporter who didn't even know we were a state. We are so fixated on our image as a city it's disgusting!! It's like ever since maps III passed, we've been worrying about what other people think.. GGGRRR!! Diggy ANGRY!!

  18. #43

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by progressiveboy View Post
    If OKC people want a vibrant city then I believe they will find a way to achieve their goal, however, if they only want a average city then that is what the citizens of OKC will get. I remember when living in Oklahoma even the license plates stated "Oklahoma is ok". Just ok?? The choice is yours to make!
    So was the public mindset to build a below-average city when lower Bricktown was developed? I think not--there were grand visions of high-rises encroaching right up to the canal and well-publicized renderings of a dense, vibrant urban area. The end result, though, has been a lackluster entertainment district that feels less urban and has fewer options than suburban cookie-cutter "lifestyle center" developments in other cities OKC's size (and anchored by, of all things, a supersized Bass Pro box store). It's hard to have a truly positive outlook on things like Core to Shore when the ball was dropped so badly with lower Bricktown despite having a clean slate to do something great. I don't blame fredfredburger for the negativity and lack of faith.

  19. #44

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    This writer is just trying to be funny. "Oh, ho ho, look at me, this town is so far out in the middle of nowhere that I don't know where it is". It's like people who would make jokes that they didn't know how to program a VCR, or today that they can't figure out their computer. It's an attempt to appeal to the common man by appearing ignorant on subjects they consider unimportant. "Why would I know where Oklahoma City is?"

    I lived in DC for a few years. Someone asked me about indians. Since I'm, well, I'm kind of a dick, I made a big production out of it and said that we would drive our cars around in a circle, like a wagon train, on the freeway, and would hope their arrows wouldn't crack our windshields. Then he felt stupid. And I laughed at him. This was in front of like ten people.

    The appropriate response to this sort of joke is not to get mad. It's to mock the person making the joke. "You don't know where Oklahoma City is? It's there. On the map. In Oklahoma. You know, just like in the name. That's why they call it that."

    Don't get upset over what some hack sportswriter says. They are just trying to be comedians. They just aren't very good at it.

  20. #45

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by fredfredburger View Post
    I don't think it won't get better, I know it won't get better. I have faith in the inability of the average OKC resident and the average OKC leader to recognize what needs to be done in this city in order to attract young professionals who aren't in the oil industry. I have faith that this city won't be able to encourage businesses to relocate here or to start up here. I have faith that this city will screw up and run off anything that does happen to start up here.

    Parts of OKC have gotten better in the past 10-12 years. Small parts. The rest of the city has gone to sh!t. Look at bricktown. It's getting more and more stagnant every year, and the new places it's attracting are laughable and just give an even worse impression of the city to outsiders.

    Banjo museum? Coyote Ugly? horrendous.
    Dude, if you're still in school, then you really don't remember what this city was like before. I invite you to leave, move to another city. See what the world has to offer. Nobody can criticize you for wanting to experience life outside of OKC. I did. I moved to the east coast for several years. So go ahead and leave. I sincerely hope you enjoy yourself.

    But don't think that you've got some deep understanding of the Oklahoma City area, some special insight, simply because you're a snarky 20 year old. I was the same way when I was a college student. I remember it well. I've been there, done that. And then I have a decade-plus of life experience beyond that. New information has caused me to rethink my previous position.

    You have been lucky in that you've grown up in a city that has been working constantly to improve itself. The first MAPS passed when you were what, four years old? You don't remember Bricktown before. And you have no conception of the problems of urban blight and decay that have been plaguing every city for years now.

    So go out and enjoy yourself. See the world. Because right now, you just sound like Dorothy singing Somewhere Over the Rainbow. "Everything sucks here, I wanna leave." Every city, every place on Earth, has problems. You've just got to decide if you can stand the problems in your chosen locale, or if you can't.

  21. #46

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by fredfredburger View Post
    Elitism? You people bitch about how outsiders percieve Oklahoma, then put the the most "hick" thing I can think of in bricktown. It's a banjo museum, yeah that's "big league"

    Have you been inside of coyote ugly recently? It's worse than a day-time strip bar, the "talent", I mean.
    There's the problem, your spending your time in strip bars instead of visiting local museums or other places of interest.

  22. #47

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    There's the problem, your spending your time in strip bars instead of visiting local museums or other places of interest.
    A strip bar is of interest to me. If you really think a museum is a place of interest for 18-25 year olds, then you're part of the problem.

  23. #48

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by fredfredburger View Post
    A strip bar is of interest to me. If you really think a museum is a place of interest for 18-25 year olds, then you're part of the problem.
    I hear Swedish women are drop dead gorgeous. I bet the strip clubs there are nice.. You should move there..

  24. #49

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Sounds to me that fred will bitch about anything and anyplace.

  25. #50

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    I don't understand how we could go unrecognized especially after the bombing in 1995. Although it was very unfortunate and should have never happened it earned International and National attention. I was in 2nd grade and remember it very well. I'm in the army and know guys from all over the United States and they all remember it as well. It's discouraging to think that everyone just forgot ya know. We'll be alright though. I'm not worried about that. Just continue to shrug it off and improve.

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