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Thread: AHL Attendance? OKC will fill the void!

  1. #26

    Default Re: AHL Attendance? OKC will fill the void!

    They probably got rid of the flaming homo logo right about the time they got rid of the digital alarm clock numbers. Let's review....

    But let's not forget some of our other horrific looks...

    I bring you the 2000 Traffic Cone Pajamas...

    The 1993-1994 Solid Black look.....we went 7-15-1 in these.

    The ridiculous 1972 look....ugly helmet...and YMCA quality intramural jersey.

    Our 3D Danny look of the early 1950's.....back when college freshmen looked like AARP members.

    And our 1970 team captains/Future Tax Accountants of America look...nice socks though.

    I'm telling ya...it's sometimes tough being an OSU fan.

  2. #27

    Default Re: AHL Attendance? OKC will fill the void!

    Quote Originally Posted by SweetNSourPoke View Post
    I was about to say....it's been a few years since you've been to a game if you think the Blazers are still using the some logo. It's the nature of the minor league beast to change logos and looks every few years ($$$$$).

    I mean, I've never liked the new OSU flaming brand logo and prison jump suit orange uniforms.....but I don't think we should change the Cowboys name or quit attending football games.
    What does the quote in bold have to do with Oklahoma City entering the AHL?

    The name will probably remain Blazers. I just hope it's a better logo. Oklahoma City dodged a redneck bullet with the Thunder instead of some hick name. I just hope Bob Funk is thinking the same as Clay Bennett.

  3. #28

    Default Re: AHL Attendance? OKC will fill the void!

    So, what is the deal with the AHL? Did we get a team? The season started a while ago, so will it be for the 2010-11 season? I thought they agreed to play in the Cox Convention Center? Am I confused? What is the deal? Do we have a team or not?

  4. Default Re: AHL Attendance? OKC will fill the void!

    Quote Originally Posted by lasomeday View Post
    So, what is the deal with the AHL? Did we get a team? The season started a while ago, so will it be for the 2010-11 season? I thought they agreed to play in the Cox Convention Center? Am I confused? What is the deal? Do we have a team or not?
    There is no team this year.

    The (ahem) "speculation" (ahem) is that there's an AHL team (Most likely Edmonton's AAA team) coming next season.

    Hope that clears it up for you.

  5. #30
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    Default Re: AHL Attendance? OKC will fill the void!

    Quote Originally Posted by bluedogok View Post
    I think most of us are referring to the older Blazers logos, not the "Funk era" logos which seemed to change every few years. The last few were pretty bad and too busy, the color change was bad as well.

    Funk changed Blazer uniforms more than some people changed their draws (underwear) .

  6. #31

    Default Re: AHL Attendance? OKC will fill the void!

    Rumor has it, that the Springfield Falcons owner has committed to another season in Springfield. However, that could all be talk out of the side of his mouth. Anyways that team sucks. They have dropped 15 straight. They always start off decent and then tank in the lat 3/4ths of the season. They finished dead last in the league last year, so I don't think we want them.

    However, I also wish Funk wasn't involved in our potential franchise. If he couldn't manage the blazers with the attendance we had what makes him think he can manage an AHL team. Then he changed all of those uniforms. That always bugs me because it is as if the fans should go out and buy a new jersey each time he changes it. It is just annoying and dumb. Plus I like it when teams stick to the logos and jerseys over the years. It shows tradition.

    Rumor also has it that it costs the Edmonton owners half a million a year to keep the franchise dormant. But they probably have tons of money anyways so maybe that is not a big deal. Oh well, I wish Funk would let us know what is going on. I wonder what the deadline is on the deal being done in order to have hockey by the 2010-2011 season.

  7. #32

    Default Re: AHL Attendance? OKC will fill the void!

    When people start buying used underwear like they do used hockey jerseys, you will see a major increase in short-changing. Can you imagine the money to be made from an AHL sellout for a young Russians gamer jock at auction!

    Note: (AHL sellout) to stay on topic.

  8. #33

    Default Re: AHL Attendance? OKC will fill the void!

    Quote Originally Posted by Domi28 View Post
    Anyways that team sucks. They have dropped 15 straight. They always start off decent and then tank in the lat 3/4ths of the season. They finished dead last in the league last year, so I don't think we want them.
    Yes, we want them.

    I'm not sure if you're new to minor league hockey but inconsistancy is the one constant of the game.

    While it's true the Falcons haven't made the playoffs since the 02-03 season, I don't think that's a lock we'll see the same thing here. Many teams bounce from top to bottom in the AHL.

    Have you seen the current top team in the west, the first year Texas Stars? Their last season as the Iowa Stars saw them finish in dead last place. The Toronto Marlies did it a few years ago as well.

    Same thing with Omaha...from no playoffs to first place in their division..back to no playoffs the next.....with .500 area hockey since moving to Quad Cities and now Abbortsford.

    I honestly don't expect an AHL team to stay very long in Oklahoma City...so we might as well enjoy this level of hockey while it lasts.

  9. #34
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    Default Re: AHL Attendance? OKC will fill the void!

    Quote Originally Posted by SweetNSourPoke View Post
    Yes, we want them.

    I'm not sure if you're new to minor league hockey but inconsistancy is the one constant of the game.

    While it's true the Falcons haven't made the playoffs since the 02-03 season, I don't think that's a lock we'll see the same thing here. Many teams bounce from top to bottom in the AHL.

    Have you seen the current top team in the west, the first year Texas Stars? Their last season as the Iowa Stars saw them finish in dead last place. The Toronto Marlies did it a few years ago as well.

    Same thing with Omaha...from no playoffs to first place in their division..back to no playoffs the next.....with .500 area hockey since moving to Quad Cities and now Abbortsford.

    I honestly don't expect an AHL team to stay very long in Oklahoma City...so we might as well enjoy this level of hockey while it lasts.

    Sweet & Sour you're so correct, and I might add; Oklahoma City has a way of bringing out the best.

    From the deathbed of the National Finals Rodeo (Dallas) to the Oklahoma City Thunder (Seattle Supersonics); OKC will roll out the red carpet for the AHL.

    Our community will welcome triple-A hockey back to one of the original CHL hotbed cities when AAA hockey was a true step from the Major Leagues.

  10. #35

    Default Re: AHL Attendance? OKC will fill the void!

    I am not saying I don't want AHL hockey here. I am itching to have some hockey. I am stuck watching NHL network, versus, and the Dallas Stars. No offense to anyone, but I have never liked the Stars. I hate the colors, the logo, the name, and Mike Modano. They just don't sound intimidating, at all. But because you live in Oklahoma you get Fox Sports SW and you are stuck watching the Dallas Stars. I just watch them to watch the teams they play.

    I do agree that the players would love to come here and play in front of 8-10K, but what makes you think Funk is going to spend the money to improve the team. I doubt it. He just lost millions on the Blazers. I just have a bad feeling about Funk being involved in this whole ordeal.

  11. #36

    Default Re: AHL Attendance? OKC will fill the void!

    Wasn't there supposed to be a deal by Dec 31? Anybody heard anything?

  12. #37

    Default Re: AHL Attendance? OKC will fill the void!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dio View Post
    Wasn't there supposed to be a deal by Dec 31? Anybody heard anything?
    I'm sure it's done, but there has to be league approval. And I have heard a time frame of March, but deadlines are made to be broken. If you go to prodigalhockey.com , you can sign up for an email announcement.

  13. #38

    Default Re: AHL Attendance? OKC will fill the void!

    Looks like things are progressing. The arena sounds like it will be pretty fancy. Hopefully we get this done soon. Sounds like the 31st deadline wasn't such a hard fast deadline. I was worried if they didn't do something by then, then we wouldn't have a team by 2010-2011.
    The Journal Record - Article

    Just in case the link doesn't work. I tried hyperlink it.
    The Journal Record - Article

  14. #39

    Default Re: AHL Attendance? OKC will fill the void!

    Atleast there is something going on, it's driving me nuts. I want to start saving money for season tickets!

  15. #40

    Default Re: AHL Attendance? OKC will fill the void!

    I found this in the Edmonton Journal:

    The most consistent organization in hockey

    The few Oilers prospects with NHL futures on the roster -- we're thinking Taylor Chorney, Ryan O'Marra and perhaps Colin Mc-Donald -- won't have to go back to Springfield next year to answer for a second consecutive soiling of the sheets, poised as they are to become Oklahoma City's AHL franchise next season. The Falcons will have to get into bed with another NHL team.

    "The affiliation agreement (between Edmonton and Springfield) expires at the end of this season. It has not been extended or renewed and to the best of my knowledge there have been no negotiations," said AHL president Dave Andrews.

    "Clearly, Edmonton would like to activate its dormant AHL franchise. There has been lots of talk of Oklahoma City as a potential site. As yet, there has been no formal request to transfer that franchise anywhere. From a league point-of-view, the final date to request an activation is the spring meeting, toward the end of March."

    An Edmonton source said Monday that the Oilers will indeed work out an affiliation deal with Prodigal Hockey LLC, which holds a newly awarded five-year lease at $300,000 US annually in the Cox Convention Centre. It's an old barn that will undergo $4.5 million US in improvements between now and next fall, a tab picked up by the City of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

  16. #41

    Default Re: AHL Attendance? OKC will fill the void!

    Awesome find Betts! I can't wait until it is official.

  17. #42

    Default Re: AHL Attendance? OKC will fill the void!

  18. #43

    Default Re: AHL Attendance? OKC will fill the void!

    From the board in Springfield...

    I was at a Springfield Falcons get together on Wednesday night. To nobody's surprise, President & GM Bruce Landon during his opening comments stated that:

    "It won't be official for a couple of weeks, but the Oilers will not be returning to Springfield next season. They will be moving their AHL club to Oklahoma City."

    Goodbye Oilers...thanks for nothing. The ownership group here in Springfield has been abused for the last six seasons now. Three with Edmonton, and the three previous with the Lightning. Pro hockey has been in Springfield since 1926, and these have unquestionably been the six darkest years in memory.

    The players OTOH are all a good bunch and I wish them well wherever they end up in their careers.

  19. #44

    Default Re: AHL Attendance? OKC will fill the void!

    Here's some interesting information about a potential name, and also information that makes it seem like it's probably a done deal:

    Additional names for the Oklahoma City AHL teamdiscovered - The Copper & Blue

    Though lips are sealed from both Prodigal Hockey and the Edmonton Oilers, the affiliation agreement is already in place and has been for some time. The Oilers' will dust off the Roadrunners franchise, move their AHL affiliate from Springfield to Oklahoma City next season, and unless the proximity of the Tulsa Oilers and the backlash from Blazers fan is too much, they'll be named after an oil theme.

  20. #45

    Default Re: AHL Attendance? OKC will fill the void!

    I just watched our future goalie give up 3...wait... 4 goals in one period. Ugh.

  21. #46

    Default Re: AHL Attendance? OKC will fill the void!

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    Here's some interesting information about a potential name, and also information that makes it seem like it's probably a done deal:

    Additional names for the Oklahoma City AHL teamdiscovered - The Copper & Blue

    Though lips are sealed from both Prodigal Hockey and the Edmonton Oilers, the affiliation agreement is already in place and has been for some time. The Oilers' will dust off the Roadrunners franchise, move their AHL affiliate from Springfield to Oklahoma City next season, and unless the proximity of the Tulsa Oilers and the backlash from Blazers fan is too much, they'll be named after an oil theme.
    One thing to remember. Before the name "Thunder" was announced, Clay, et al registered several domain names to keep the name a mystery.

    My money is still on tradition... Blazers!

  22. #47

    Default Re: AHL Attendance? OKC will fill the void!

    Quote Originally Posted by SweetNSourPoke View Post
    From the board in Springfield...

    I was at a Springfield Falcons get together on Wednesday night. To nobody's surprise, President & GM Bruce Landon during his opening comments stated that:

    "It won't be official for a couple of weeks, but the Oilers will not be returning to Springfield next season. They will be moving their AHL club to Oklahoma City."

    Goodbye Oilers...thanks for nothing. The ownership group here in Springfield has been abused for the last six seasons now. Three with Edmonton, and the three previous with the Lightning. Pro hockey has been in Springfield since 1926, and these have unquestionably been the six darkest years in memory.

    The players OTOH are all a good bunch and I wish them well wherever they end up in their careers.
    What does OTOH mean?

  23. #48

    Default Re: AHL Attendance? OKC will fill the void!

    Quote Originally Posted by smooth View Post
    What does OTOH mean?
    On The Other Hand

  24. #49

    Default Re: AHL Attendance? OKC will fill the void!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dio View Post
    I just watched our future goalie give up 3...wait... 4 goals in one period. Ugh.
    If your talking about Levasseur, he is a Anaheim Duck Prospect.

  25. #50

    Default Re: AHL Attendance? OKC will fill the void!

    Quote Originally Posted by HockeyFan4Life View Post
    If your talking about Levasseur, he is a Anaheim Duck Prospect.
    Good, then we can Leva him in Springfield.

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