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Thread: taylor swift..interrupted!

  1. Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    I'll bet Jay Leno is LOVING this:

    LOS ANGELES - Kanye West is getting his Hugh Grant moment on Jay Leno's new show.

    West was set to perform with Rihanna and Jay-Z on Monday night's debut of "The Jay Leno Show" but wasn't originally scheduled to chat with the host.

    But after West drew boos at the MTV Video Music Awards for ruining Taylor Swift's acceptance speech, NBC said the rapper will talk with Leno. The network announcement came less than an hour before the show's taping Monday. It airs at 10 p.m. ET.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  2. #27

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    I may tape it, but I ain't tuning out CSI, or spoiling my din din, for it.

  3. #28

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    Watching MNF, recording Leno now.

  4. #29

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    Single Ladies is a BLATENT Bob Fosse choreography rip off. Youtube it. Beyonce is a rip off artist. Kanye should be banned, and that squinty eyed redneck Taylor Swift should never even have been nominated in the first place.

    Hell, I'm just bitter that I'm no longer part of MTV's target audience.

  5. Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    Wow, Kanye - crocodile tears... how awkward was that?
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  6. #31

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    Quote Originally Posted by ronronnie1 View Post
    Hell, I'm just bitter that I'm no longer part of MTV's target audience.
    I don't think they know what their target audience is anymore...or have for the past 10 years.

  7. #32

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    MTV does need to be shut down, but the FCC has no authority over cable and satellite.

  8. #33

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

  9. Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    lol, damage control sets in! He is a jackass though...well deserved, on or off the record.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  10. #35

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    Interesting spoof tweet from Twitter:


  11. Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    That's sad.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  12. Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    beyonce is a rip off artist. Kanye should be banned, and that squinty eyed redneck taylor swift should never even have been nominated in the first place.

    Hell, i'm just bitter that i'm no longer part of mtv's target audience.
    now that's funny!

  13. #38

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    metro, you had me laughing out loud, i will not be surpirsed if kanye west crashes swayzes funeral and says that

  14. Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    Leno really knew how to get to him! It was an amazing and extremely awkward few moments of silence. It does go to show you how emotionally tied-up he is. It's too bad these people get wrapped up in all that rap garbage, spewing all those snotty lyrics and trying to act like bad-asses all the time. He should try covering some Karen Carpenter tunes some time to get in touch with his emotional side. ;-)

    And I was ashamed to see Rihanna parading around like some cheap tramp too; she's much better than that. I'd like to see her working with David Foster. He could take her up a few levels of classiness and stardom.

    At least Kanye seemed genuinely remorseful, but only time will tell. I contrast that to Serena Williams, who only issued a proper apology when she was basically forced to. Her press conference immediately after the match was an abomination. Mary Carillo thought so too.

  15. #40

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    Maybe Kanye and Serena Williams can hook up.

  16. #41

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    Why should we really be suprised by all this, we encourage people to fight over the spotlight versus sharing it. Anymore watching celebrities do their thing is just like watching a playground full of bratty children. There are twenty swings and ten slides but they are all fighting over using the same blasted one.

  17. #42

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    drumsncode, what was rihanna wearing?

  18. #43

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    i think she was wearing some dental floss her dentist gave here (mint i believe) , with some cute jimmy chos

  19. Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    Quote Originally Posted by nik4411 View Post
    drumsncode, what was rihanna wearing?
    I don't really know how to describe it, other than the fact that she had her eyes covered with some veil-like thing, which I find very offensive in a performer, just as I do when a performer wears sun-glasses on stage. If I can't see your eyes, I don't wanna watch you perform.

    The whole thing, for me, just stunk with attitude, rather than having some really nice musical merit.

  20. #45

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    I read this on another forum, "Too bad it wasn't Miranda Lambert instead of Taylor Swift. Miranda would have decked him".

  21. Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerBent View Post
    I read this on another forum, "Too bad it wasn't Miranda Lambert instead of Taylor Swift. Miranda would have decked him".
    I was thinking something along those lines yesterday, but I was thinking about Kanye trying to take the mic from L.L. Cool J.

    Can you say "Pimp Slap"? ;-)

  22. #47

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerBent View Post
    I read this on another forum, "Too bad it wasn't Miranda Lambert instead of Taylor Swift. Miranda would have decked him".
    She does have quite the catalog of "angry woman" songs...

  23. Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

  24. #49

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

  25. #50

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!


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