NO problem. I felt like it was an honest question. And to be thoroughly honest, if I knew every single detail of the whole thing, I might feel differently.
About 30 years ago a lady friend of mine shot and killed a kid who was staring at her through a window in the middle of the night. She first screamed bloody murder reflexively but he just stood there staring without even even wincing. Terrified she found her pistol and aimed it at him. He punched the window out and she fired in a panic. It turned out to be a retarded teenager that lived near by that she had never seen before. It literally tore her to pieces that she had killed a retarded kid ....despite her state of terror. She was not prosecuted or sued but she still suffers to this day over the incident.
I can't say that Ersland will suffer inwardly to the extent that she did, but I think it will haunt him to some degree the rest of his life unless he is a sociopath. He isn't likely to do it again.