Agreed. Mods really need to get on the same page on what threads are appropriate where and not exercise double standards. Of course that also means members need to be posting threads in the appropriate topic area. Pete and crew want to run a laid back and very open forum. The upside to this we get a lot of open and constructive discussion about our community and issues that impact us. Unfortunately this also means we have a few select trolls or "members" that are able to use the rules to their advantage and bash members and derail threads. Just the double standard we'll need to get use to.
the pride thread is currently in 'okc underground'... was it ever anyplace else? afaik, it hasn't moved.Originally Posted by soonerguru
i don't know if the thread was ever actually located there. if it was moved, then i'd wager it was because that particular forum really isn't for discussing social events... it's designed to be a place for a new user to announce their arrival and introduce themselves to the site. if the mods (yeah, i speak of us in the third person) felt there was some question as to the topic, we probably would've moved it to the 'politics' forum.Originally Posted by thunder
you can put away your torches and pitchforks now. -M
So the policy is what exactly for event announcements in the city? I don't think there is any disagreement with the movement of the topic to a more appropriate area. I think the issue is that there is a significant disconnect in the policy and how it is being handled by the mods when it comes to a thread like this that is clearly political in nature, but yet remains here instead of being moved to Underground (if we want a central area for event announcements) or to Politics (where the content actually fits).
Outside of a completely inconsistent approach of the moderator team in managing the site, I don't think there is any problem. It is just a matter of deciding where you want us to post certain types of threads, and then all mods actually enforcing the same policy - not each one makes up their own as they see fit which is perhaps what is taking place. It would also explain why clear, concise, and straightforward answers seem to be like pulling teeth - because there is no set policy. It also would explain why the only "official" response seems to be "you can put away your torches and pitchforks now"...or in the way that I feel that part is going to be taking..."I have spoke, I had the admin graphic, and I'm going to do what I want and one of those things is totally ignore the point you are bringing up. Now move along and shut up."
Maybe I'm taking the tone wrong, I'm probably closer to being right in this case.
Actually it was in the Metro Area Talk, and then it was promptly moved to Underground. I'm sure there were other witnesses to this, I'm not crazy.
Would it have still been moved if it was titled "GLBT Pride Parade Sunday June 28th"? That way its an event similar to how this is an announcement for an event. I'm hoping the answer would be no because otherwise I think there is a legitimate argument for double standards on post moving (or rather, no clearly defined rules, as venture stated).
venture, if you want to further discuss the moderation of this site please send any of us a pm.
look guys, it just seems that some of you are wanting to go on the warpath and levy allegations before having your facts straight. i know i didn't move the thread and i don't think that anybody else did, either.
i especially don't think that the thread was moved from 'metro area talk' to 'underground'... given that it is an okc event (just like this thread), that's a perfectly reasonable place for it. as previously stated, the 'announcements & introductions' forum is pretty clearly intended for new users to post and say 'hi', so i can see why it would've been moved from there... but i'm not sure that actually happened here.
i find it difficult to take the accusation of a 'double standard' seriously when, the best i can tell, no action was even taken by the mods in this particular situation.
if any of you have further questions on the matter, do send a pm. now... back to topic. -M
Exactly right. This is nothing more than a republican bitch fest. W is left a surplus and look how quickly that was gone. Yet only now do the tea baggers feel like there is a problem. Why?? It's very simple. Obama, BO, Osama, the antichrist, the terrorist, n-----, and/or whatever else name these clowns want to call the POTUS.
Now, these organizers obviously are not going to come out and say such a thing. But it is obvious. This is a republican outcry. Don't be fooled by the 4th of July timing. They love to throw in patriotism as a ploy. See, by doing this, those who disagree with them are now not patriotic, don't love the USA, and should leave the country ASAP.
Back on topic. If we were to take a poll of those attending and their party affiliation, I think it would be pretty clear which way the group swings. Now that isn't a bad thing. I do agree the far right tends to use patriotism way more than they should, just like the far left uses the working class and other groups. It is a public display of political expression that they don't agree with the bailout process the former and current Administrations have us in. Let them have their day in the spot light, we all have a right to that. I just hope that these folks are actually well educated on the issue and aren't just blowing hot air for nothing. I wonder if they know that about a third (last I heard) of the bank bailout funds have been repaid already?
Last edited by Martin; 06-28-2009 at 12:41 PM. Reason: removed off topic stuff that should've been put into a pm
So these rallies have been happening for years then? Or did they just "happen" to coincide with Obama taking office? If not, perhaps there was a local political official who just came into office that demanded this action - who was that?
Midtowner is the one who stated that there would be bigots and racists holding provocative signs at the event. As for the non-partisan issue, I believe any intellectually honest person knows these Tea Party events are a republican construct...or are we to believe all of those sign holding haters to be angry democrats?
Not that it has any relation to the original topic but come on - it doesn't take much effort to verify the GLBT thread was actually moved. The fact is, I have no mod abilities and I can see that it was moved. Events fighting for equal protection under the constitution and political/social justice probably do belong in the "underground".
For the record, the thread was on Metro Area Talk, the ONLY board I post on here. I guess MMM didn't move it, so another moderator must have.
Mid is probably right to a point. The bailout stuff started under Bush and likely would have continued some form under McCain. We'll never know to watch extreme they would have gone or if these rallies would have still taken place. My guess is we would have seen SOME of these "tea parties", but not to the extent we see them today.
I heard it was cancelled. Is it true?? What is everyone going to do with all their Obama hate signs?
I went to the last tea party at the steps and didn't see any remotely racist signs. And I hate that Fox is trying to co-opt this debate and start claiming this is a Republican movement--they are lessening the credibility of it because Republicans have none, they have betrayed conservatism. If the Republicans want theirs back, they need to throw the old bums out and elect true conservatives. They did not start these demonstrations, it was started by libertarians and those who believe the constitution is worth following. The predictions of libertarians and the Austrian school economists (that the economy and housing bubble would collapse) have held up. The currency is next to collapse. Ever read Atlas shrugged? Ayn Rand (and the Austrians before her) showed that a financial collapse would be blamed on the free market and lead to a downward spiral of intervention and corporate cronyism and reduction in liberties, exactly as has happened. I believe a lot of people are seeing this--and this is the basis for the tea party movement. Borrowing and inflating has never worked to get out of a recession--didn't work in the late 70's recession, in Japan in the 90's, and didn't work in the Great Depression, yet is popular in Washington, and Keynesian economics is their convenient and tragic justification for intervention.
"Everyone carries a part of society on his shoulders, no one is relieved of his share of responsibility by others. And no one can find a safe way for himself if society is sweeping towards destruction. Therefore everyone, in his own interest, must thrust himself vigorously into the intellectual battle." -Ludwig von Mises
You can lead a tea bagger to the Okllahoma River, you can even get him to throw da tea bags in, but if you get him, or her, to drink it, then you .... really ought be ashamed of yourself. 8^)
How does tea interact with e-coli bacteria? We might find out soon if they dump their tea bags in the river.
My friend's dad, a self-professed tea-bagger, claims that Obama is secretly working with Chavez and Fidel Castro to create a Western communist triad. He also said Jews were behind 9-11. And, he believes that Obama's going to send armed thugs to take his guns away from him. Racist? Maybe a little. Loony? 100 percent.
What is the relevance of that?
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