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Thread: There are no forums for this... i don't think

  1. #26

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Helmet View Post
    The whole lights flashing thing...it's to let you know they want to pass, so get out of the way
    but if they are going faster than what the posted speed limit says they deserve to be taught a lesson, so back behind my bumper they shall linger. they wanna break the speed limit and pass me? do it on the right side.

    todays lesson: **** EXCEEDING THE SPEED LIMIT = SPEEDING TICKET *** (so dont speed!)

  2. #27

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Quote Originally Posted by mireaux View Post
    but if they are going faster than what the posted speed limit says they deserve to be taught a lesson, so back behind my bumper they shall linger. they wanna break the speed limit and pass me? do it on the right side.

    todays lesson: **** EXCEEDING THE SPEED LIMIT = SPEEDING TICKET *** (so dont speed!)
    Why do you pick and choose which traffic laws to observe? If someone is having to pass you on the right then you are just as much in violation of the law as they are if they are speeding.

  3. #28

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Quote Originally Posted by mireaux View Post
    its better just to rock on back over to the passing lane....
    Yes. You pass and you move over. For one - it's dangerous to have the idiots behind you speeding and cuttting over to the right lane to pass you. I do agree the flashing lights are not needed. But it's better to move over and let them get by.

  4. #29
    Lord Helmet Guest

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Quote Originally Posted by mireaux View Post
    but if they are going faster than what the posted speed limit says they deserve to be taught a lesson, so back behind my bumper they shall linger. they wanna break the speed limit and pass me? do it on the right side.

    todays lesson: **** EXCEEDING THE SPEED LIMIT = SPEEDING TICKET *** (so dont speed!)
    So you're the one guy that doesn't speed EVER. Gotcha.

  5. #30

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    I would have called *55 and made him tailgate me until OHP came up on him. You should only stop or yield to red or blue lights. Yellow and Green are security companies, road crews and wrecker services.

    If anybody here ever encounters this guy, get as much information as you can that describes the vehicle. Note body damage, accessories, rust and any other thing that makes the vehicle stand out.

  6. #31

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Quote Originally Posted by mireaux View Post
    but if they are going faster than what the posted speed limit says they deserve to be taught a lesson, so back behind my bumper they shall linger. they wanna break the speed limit and pass me? do it on the right side.

    todays lesson: **** EXCEEDING THE SPEED LIMIT = SPEEDING TICKET *** (so dont speed!)
    If you force somebody to pass you on the right, you are in violation of the law too. Lingering in the passing lane is illegal and dangerous. The lesson here is, don't try to force others to obey traffic laws by throwing your vehicle in front of them. What if its a man with his pregnant wife in the car in labor? What if its an off duty police officer who just got a call to rush into the station? What if is a doctor rushing to the hospital after an emergency...

    My point is, obstructing traffic is very illegal and very dangerous and very stupid. Speeding is very illegal, very dangerous and very stupid. Don't do either, drive the speed limit, in the far right lane.

  7. #32

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Quote Originally Posted by Heyuri View Post
    The lesson here is, don't try to force others to obey traffic laws by throwing your vehicle in front of them.
    Bingo! The instant that we begin to try and "teach others a lesson", we become the problem, not the solution. It's aggressive driving, but in a "passive/aggressive" way. Whenever we attempt to impose our will on other drivers...we've crossed a line that we shouldn't have crossed. If you're in the left lane and someone overtakes you from behind...keep in mind that you are NOT deputized to enforce the law!...move to the right lane and know that the odds will eventually catch up to the speeder.

  8. #33

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Quote Originally Posted by heyuri View Post
    if you force somebody to pass you on the right, you are in violation of the law too. Lingering in the passing lane is illegal and dangerous. The lesson here is, don't try to force others to obey traffic laws by throwing your vehicle in front of them. What if its a man with his pregnant wife in the car in labor? What if its an off duty police officer who just got a call to rush into the station? What if is a doctor rushing to the hospital after an emergency...

    My point is, obstructing traffic is very illegal and very dangerous and very stupid. Speeding is very illegal, very dangerous and very stupid. Don't do either, drive the speed limit, in the far right lane.

  9. #34

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Bringing this over from the homosexual license plate thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by decepticobra View Post
    theres no such thing as a "fast lane", the eagles were smokin crack when they wrote that silly song.

    there are, however, speed limits posted on signs requiring all to legally adhere to, not doing so tends to attract the attention of police officers who will issue you traffic citations.

    its okay to drive the correct speed in the left lane. i do it all the time with my cruise control firmly locked on. youre not breaking the law since youre driving at the maximum legally permissible speed allowed. those who wish to pass you by driving at illegal speed limits are thus breaking the speed limit law and will surely be caught and fined in due time.
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    And camping out in the passing lane is now just as illegal:

    "Oklahoma State Troopers . . . have begun enforcing the state's left lane law.

    Section 41-11-301 dictates that "Upon all roadways any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place under the conditions then existing shall be driven in the right-hand lane when available for traffic..." What this means is that unless you're doing at least the speed limit or are about to make a left turn, you need to stay out of the left passing lane or risk being pulled over by the guys with the flashing rooftop lights."

    Hallelujah! Oklahoma busting slow drivers in left lane

    Seriously, unless you're actually, you know, passing somebody, get the H out of the passing lane and leave the law enforcement to, you know, law enforcement.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    If the speed limit is 65 mph, but the normal speed of traffic is 72 mph are you breaking the left lane law? As I read it, Yes you are since I dodn't see anything about "posted speed limit".
    Quote Originally Posted by decepticobra View Post
    im not talking about driving at less than normal speed of traffic. im talking about drving at the fastest legally permissible speed lawfully allowed in the left lane. by doing this, youre not breaking the law, since anyone going faster than you would thus be breaking the speed limit law by attempting to pass you.
    Who do you think a cop's more likely to pull over, the one guy doing the speed limit in the passing lane, or everybody else doing five over, having to pass him on the right?

  10. #35

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    By the way, here's one of the first results I got by Googling the phrase "impeding the natural flow of traffic":


    If you talk with experts like professional drivers, police officers, accident reconstructionists, driving instructors, and traffic safety experts, you'll find a number of common suggestions for safe driving, because failure in these areas contributes to most traffic crashes.


    • Go with the Flow: Good drivers have one habit in common: They don't obstruct the flow of traffic by adamantly driving at or below the posted speed limit when it's clear other cars (and traffic in general) is moving faster. Such drivers mistakenly believe they're in the right, legally speaking -- "I'm doing the speed limit!" -- but in fact they are impeding the flow of traffic, which is also illegal in most states. Safe drivers try to drive within 5 mph of the prevailing speed of the cars around them -- and yield to faster-moving traffic if they're uncomfortable about keeping up with the pace or driving a few miles per hour faster than the posted limit. "

  11. #36
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Also, your speedometer may be slightly different than the next guy's. Keep in mind that there is some fudge-factor involved.

    Bottom line: don't be rude and just get over to the right to let people pass as soon as you can. Also, don't be rude and ride someone's bumper who's obviously just trying to pass.

    Now, for those of you who like to creep along and never pass in the left lane, I can only hope that there's a special place in hell for you.

  12. Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    same me, different day.. I was leaving the greenhouse this past saturday night, and a guy in a Red Ford Explorer License Plate 112*FGH pulled up behind me, while I was sitting at the RED stoplight and flashed his brights at me several times, I wouldn't go, obviously because the lights are RED. When they do turn green, I make a left, go under the overpass, and make a right onto the next street, the jackass follows and chunks something out the window at my car, well, it wasn't my car, but non the less. But why? Because I wouldn't go on RED? If anyone just so happens to work at the DMV and could look up the tag number... and just so happen to PM me a name and address.... not going to happen but eh.

  13. #38

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    I'm not sure about OKC these days (been in DFW area for 22 yrs), but if someone was behaving that way on the highway, I sure wouldn't follow him at 90 mph to make a point. People down here carry guns, lots of them! Much easier to pull out of his lane and let him go on his merry way.

  14. Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Quote Originally Posted by skyrick View Post
    I'm not sure about OKC these days (been in DFW area for 22 yrs), but if someone was behaving that way on the highway, I sure wouldn't follow him at 90 mph to make a point. People down here carry guns, lots of them! Much easier to pull out of his lane and let him go on his merry way.
    I'm surprised more OKC drivers don't have the backs of their heads blown out by the insanely pissed-off people stuck behind them.

  15. #40

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Quote Originally Posted by mireaux View Post
    but if they are going faster than what the posted speed limit says they deserve to be taught a lesson, so back behind my bumper they shall linger. they wanna break the speed limit and pass me? do it on the right side.

    todays lesson: **** EXCEEDING THE SPEED LIMIT = SPEEDING TICKET *** (so dont speed!)
    MFers like you cause road rage and accidents.

  16. #41

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    got dust under your fingernails, there td25er?? how far did you have to dig to archive that ancient comment from me?

  17. #42

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Quote Originally Posted by mireaux View Post
    got dust under your fingernails, there td25er?? how far did you have to dig to archive that ancient comment from me?
    He makes a valid, if crude, point about that kind of behavior.

  18. #43

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Quote Originally Posted by mireaux View Post
    got dust under your fingernails, there td25er?? how far did you have to dig to archive that ancient comment from me?
    I dug a whopping two pages. I wasn't the one that bumped the "ancient" thread. I noticed it, read the 2 pages, and commented.

    I'm not saying speeders are w/o blame, but baiting people on the road is wreckless and more dangerous than speeding.

  19. #44

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Quote Originally Posted by td25er
    mfers like you cause road rage and accidents.
    i don't think you need to be calling other users on this board "mf'ers"... be civilized.


  20. #45

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Do we get to vote on who is allowed to "teach us a lesson" out on the highways? What if someone thinks the posted speed limit is too fast and uses too much gas? Are they within their rights to also assume the role of teacher and block both lanes at 50 mph to teach us how much safer and more fuel efficient it is to slow down?

  21. #46

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Quote Originally Posted by mireaux View Post
    got dust under your fingernails, there td25er?? how far did you have to dig to archive that ancient comment from me?
    Hey, why is it that nobody's ever seen "mireaux" and "decepticobra" together at the same place at the same time? It's weird. It's like Clark Kent and Superman or something. Did they ever find out where it was that Clark ran off to whenever Supes showed up?

  22. #47

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    If I think someone is a jerk I READ every post they ever made, to determined if the person is just having a bad day, or really a jerk.
    Its far easier to put them on ignored.

  23. #48

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    When someone would flash their light behind me that was my cue to slow down and just let them flash away. However, there are so many police looking for speeders now I change lanes and let them go. One more than one occasion I called the Highway Patrol to report dangerous drivers, and then found those drivers pulled over a few miles down the road.

  24. #49

    Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    ...and around in circles we go. All of this illustrates, in my opinion, why they don't allow us to mount machine guns on our front bumpers. Testosterone and general bad moods could cause a lot of mahem. Do I ever get angry behind the wheel? Sure! Do I ever talk to other drivers, even though they can't hear me? Sure! But I have stopped doing anything overt to demonstrate my displeasure to other motorists. Why? Just consider that if someone is a big enough idiot to drive across three lanes in heavy traffic (risking the lives of a dozen people including their own) just to get to an exit when there is another one a mere mile down the road, they might have a gun, knife (even a sword if you watch the news) or who knows what and use it on you.

    Many years ago I got into a battle of wits only half-armed. I was in the on-ramp north bound from Santa Fe to Broadway extension. If you know this on-ramp, you know that it narrows down from two lanes to one. The left lane yields to the right lane. I was in the right lane and some knuckle-dragger was in the left. He tried to push in front of me and the NASCAR driver in me took over. I cut him off. Then he got on my back bumper (literally within a foot), honking and flipping me off. So naturally I slowed down, with him unable to get around me. I kept slowing down until he backed off. Then as I got up to Broadway, he tried to make a move around me on the left, to cut me off. Again with the NASCAR instincts, I sped up (I obviously had more horsepower than I did brains) and stayed ahead of him, making him all the more angry. Once we got into traffic, he couldn't get around me, so I slowed down again. All of this was happening in pretty fast succession. When we reached the 63rd street exit, he took around me on the right and headed up the off-ramp. As he did, he flipped me the finger as I blew him a kiss (yep, me, the big old hairy-legged cave man - I blew him a kiss). That seemed to really trip his trigger so to speak and I saw him getting back on Broadway on the other side of 63rd, again behind me. By this time, I'm starting to think about living for another day and let him speed by me, again with the one-finger salute, as I held my hanky up under one eye to show that I was so scared I was crying. I guess I'm lucky I didn't get into either a wreck or a fight, so that's the last time I've pushed anything that far.

  25. Default Re: There are no forums for this... i don't think

    Quote Originally Posted by mmonroe View Post
    same me, different day.. I was leaving the greenhouse this past saturday night, and a guy in a Red Ford Explorer License Plate 112*FGF pulled up behind me, while I was sitting at the RED stoplight and flashed his brights at me several times, I wouldn't go, obviously because the lights are RED. When they do turn green, I make a left, go under the overpass, and make a right onto the next street, the jackass follows and chunks something out the window at my car, well, it wasn't my car, but non the less. But why? Because I wouldn't go on RED? If anyone just so happens to work at the DMV and could look up the tag number... and just so happen to PM me a name and address.... not going to happen but eh.
    *$#H(#N I saw this guy at WalMart last night. He reversed into the parking spot I had my blinker on for. I watched his fat *()@#H#) walk up to the doors of WalMart... it took every ounce for me not to either run him over, or F up his car. It was the same guy, license plate and all.... lives in the mid-del area. I think i've seen him at one of the clubs I frequent... i'll wait.

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