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Thread: Kickball in OKC???

  1. #26

    Default Re: Kickball in OKC???

    There is WAKA league forming they have a pickup game on May 22nd at Stars and Stripes park. Here is a link with more info OK Capital - Spring 2010 | WAKA Kickball.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Kickball in OKC???

    I used to play in Norman with a bunch of cool folks. It was really laid back though and unofficial. It was on Sundays.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Kickball in OKC???

    WAKA had a pickup game on the 15th and was very fun. I suggest anyone who wants to try out kickball before joining a league to come out on the 22nd at stars and stripes park.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Kickball in OKC???

    WAKA has tried to recruit some of the teams from Legacy, formally known as boomtown ballyards. They contacted my team captain but there is no way we are going to join the waka league. Dont know what waka brings to the table that legacy doesnt
    A. waka doesnt play on an actual ball field, just a grassed area at a city park.
    B. you only play one game on your gamenight, dont have concessions like legacy and restroom facilities might not exist.
    C. waka is more expensive and you dont get to make your own cool team t shirts

  5. #30

    Default Re: Kickball in OKC???

    Onthestrip I have a question for you if you are a single person how easy is it to get on a team to play kickball at legacy.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Kickball in OKC???

    What about other sports? I'm new to the sports scene. I've been playing indoor soccer, but my team is on hiatus, and I really want to start playing something. Any ideas?

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