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Thread: H&m

  1. #26

    Default Re: H&m

    Tulsa still has a reputation outside of Oklahoma as being Oklahoma's "nice" city, or "sophisticated" city. Conversely, OKC has not had a particularly good reputation outside of Oklahoma for a long time. It's hard to change perceptions, but right now OKC is the better, hipper, more prosperous city and it's not really even close.

  2. #27

    Default Re: H&m

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Tulsa still has a reputation outside of Oklahoma as being Oklahoma's "nice" city, or "sophisticated" city. Conversely, OKC has not had a particularly good reputation outside of Oklahoma for a long time. It's hard to change perceptions, but right now OKC is the better, hipper, more prosperous city and it's not really even close.
    I tend to agree with you about the perceptions of each city. As a native OKCityan who left 9 years ago, I think OKC is making great strides and improvements to the city, however Tulsa will always be geographically prettier with its hills and lots of greenery and trees. OKC was not blessed with this attribute which is no fault of their own, however, the overall appearance of OKC is still rather dirty and needs great improvement. Tulsa's Midtown and Brookside area are very eclectic and progressive thinking and is overall a clean area with Woodward Park and Utica Square also beautiful areas. Hopefully, OKC can at least start planting more trees and continue cleaning up the city.

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