Here's some other specifics I remember:
- Getting my picture taken with Santa in little house in the middle of Penn Square (which was not enclosed when I was a kid).
- Marking my calendar and waiting in great anticipation for when Rudolf and Charlie Brown were broadcast (only once a year and we didn't even have VCR's then)
- Having a little gift exchange at school and getting those great "books" of lifesavers candy!
- Going to pick up my grandmother at the downtown train station (she lived in Milwaukee and hated to fly; the Sante Fe Station used to get trains straight from Chicago)
- Doing most my Christmas shopping at TG&Y. They seemingly had everything you could ever want.
- For some reason, my parents always had blue light strings for the tree and the ornaments were blue and silver. I still have one of the ornaments which is quite antique... I'd say it's at least 60 years old now.
- Remember 'tinsel' you'd hang on the tree? We'd take it down and save it for the next year!
- My dad always recorded the big morning on Super 8 film. I still have the movies and recently transferred them to my computer.
- All our aunts, uncles and cousins lived in Wisconsin and we'd always call them on Christmas day, and all us kids would have to get on the line and thank them for the gifts they had mailed.
- My mom would always cook a massive Christmas feast, every bit as big as Thanksgiving. Man, she worked her tail off around that house.
And many, many more I'll have to write down later.
