I have one word (acronym) MAPs. I think some other sort of commuter rail would be a better idea.I dont think that would be practical and financially feasible. Light rail is needed to bring the masses from the burbs
I have not heard of this. Tell me, please, about it.We need mall-style retailers to fill up the first floor of the buildings downtown. Perhaps the OKC TownCentre will aid in this.
Seems fitting for one of the South's top ranked d'towns, we should be having no problem with getting these. But we are.I know....most of you guys would probably prefer a Saks or Macy's over Dillards,
This would devastate 50 Penn Place by opening up more space in Penn Square.yeah, instead of having two stores at Penn, they should move one of them to downtown
Again, is this crazy talk like when chicken little told henney penney the sky was falling, or are you serious?I think that the downtown area is really feeling the effects of not moving forward with the Galleria mall idea years ago.