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Thread: Outdoor Electronic Billboard downtown

  1. #26
    Proactive Volunteer Guest

    Thumbs down Re: Outdoor Electronic Billboard downtown

    Quote Originally Posted by ClipedWingAngel
    You have a huge point here. I dont want to see an ad for Syphillis like I've seen near NE 23rd by the Capital. I dont want to see ads for Cigarettes, Beer or Tampons!

    Can we restrict them?

    The City cannot restrict content of a billboard. Content is solely the discretion of the billboard company.

    What purpose do you want the billboard to achieve? Advertising or a scrolling marquee that actually gives information pedestrian citizens of downtown OKC want? Do we have enough pedestrian traffic to warrant the need?

    I personally do not think the skyline of downtown Oklahoma City needs this.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Outdoor Electronic Billboard downtown

    Quote Originally Posted by Proactive Volunteer
    The City cannot restrict content of a billboard. Content is solely the discretion of the billboard company.

    What purpose do you want the billboard to achieve? Advertising or a scrolling marquee that actually gives information pedestrian citizens of downtown OKC want? Do we have enough pedestrian traffic to warrant the need?

    I personally do not think the skyline of downtown Oklahoma City needs this.
    I'm beginning to arrive at the same conclusion.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Outdoor Electronic Billboard downtown

    It would be more of a news ticker, stocks etc, at first I doubt we have the feasibility of any jumbotrons at this point but eventually it would be added in a second phase. If you paid attention much recently to the debates over the billboards and the new I-40, one of the main conclusions was you cannot restrict the type of advertisements. Its all or nothing. Anyhow, if we are going to have controversial ads, why not do it in an electronic jumbotron type format that can at least change every 30 seconds or such to other ads instead of a fixed permanent one.

  4. #29
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Outdoor Electronic Billboard downtown

    If such a project were to be completed, I'd make it less of an advertisement device, and more of a TV screen to advertise city events/Bricktown events, show Channel 20, etc. Make it a TV, not an advertisement display. Of course, then, the city would probably have to pay for it...Lamar or someone similar wouldn't finance a project they couldn't make any advertising money off of.

    If Brewer built on the side of the Santa Fe Railroad station, it would be privately owned, so he could restrict advertising to just Bricktown/city events.

    The street and pedestrian traffic at the busy corner of Sheridan and EK Gaylord might warrant the need for this sign.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Outdoor Electronic Billboard downtown

    <-------- (marketing and ad major) , thus my original proposal

  6. #31

    Default Re: Outdoor Electronic Billboard downtown

    downtown guy elaborated on my post about the feasibility of this project, check it out at www.downtownguy.blogspot.com , I will be making a few more proposals this coming week. Anyone who would like to support this to make it a reality, please PM me with how you can help

  7. #32

    Default Re: Outdoor Electronic Billboard downtown

    I really hate to post this here to rack up my posts but BG your box is full,

    BG, did you receive my reply. I really appreciate your help, no photos but let your imagination run. Let me know if you need anything else.

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