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Thread: Indy 4 to debut in OKC!!!!

  1. Default Re: Indy 4 to debut in OKC!!!!

    Less that two weeks from an architecture degree.

    Go Pokes.

  2. Default Re: Indy 4 to debut in OKC!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    Less that two weeks from an architecture degree.

    Go Pokes.
    Congrats! I'm less than two weeks away from my associates degree. Then it's on to OU.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Indy 4 to debut in OKC!!!!

    This is going to be at Harkins. I know this.

  4. Default Re: Indy 4 to debut in OKC!!!!

    How do you know? Gut or Proof?

  5. #30

    Default Re: Indy 4 to debut in OKC!!!!

    Proof. I can't give you the proof unfortunately, but I have it., You'll just have to trust me, or not.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Indy 4 to debut in OKC!!!!

    I know they have at least talked to people at Warren about hosting it there. Not saying it is going to be at Warren but they have looked at it.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Indy 4 to debut in OKC!!!!

    Is this from the same guy who said Dan Harkins was at Warren on opening day? Or that Bill Warren's goal was to put Harkins out of business?

  8. #33

    Default Re: Indy 4 to debut in OKC!!!!

    I am also the same guy that said Warren tried to open a theatre downtown where Harkins is but was unable to. I also said Warren was going to expand to 20 screens after the summer and look.... did you see the article in one of the local business papers talking about his planned expansion to 20 screens?

    I highly doubt any of these people I have talked to would lie to me. Just curious, from what you said, do you work at Harkins?

    You have yet to prove anything I said about Warren incorrect I might point out.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Indy 4 to debut in OKC!!!!

    I'm not saying everything's wrong. But I do know that Dan Harkins has never stepped foot inside Warren. And I'm very skeptical that Bill Warren would say he intended to put Harkins out of business. I also believe I heard about Warren possibly expanding to 20 screens long before you said anything about it, or before the theatre was open....

    Who is it that's telling you stuff? Is it an employee? Manager?

  10. #35

    Default Re: Indy 4 to debut in OKC!!!!

    I get my info from many different people around the city, some of them work there at Warren, some do not.
    All of the other "premiers" shown in OKC for this charity have been at Harkins. By not confirming a location in the initial press release shows anyone that they are at least considering Warren over Harkins. I finally saw a movie at Warren and it was hands down better than Harkins.
    On a side note, who goes to Harkins now that the Warren is open? I bet if you looked before the opening you would see a large portion of Harkins customers were from South OKC since there was no other option. (Hollywood in Norman is not the same...ie cramped old seating) Warren theatre is in a class way above Harkins that I do not see Harkins achieving unless they spend a lot of money on it. There is also no way to fix the parking at Harkins that I can see.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Indy 4 to debut in OKC!!!!

    Its been booked for Harkins long before the that article. A separate evaluation from the writer of that article earlier in this thread stated:

    but Carrie Coppernoll wrote the article, so that speaks for itself IMO. She basically writes high school level articles that belong in a school newspaper.
    I don't really follow her, but that judgement would leave me to believe she didn't do all of her homework.

    And I don't mean to start a huge Harkins vs. Warren argument. You've just said some things that either seem dubious to me, or that I know if flat-out incorrect. I know for a fact that the Indy premiere has been booked for Harkins for a good while, so the ambiguity in the article is just poor reporting at best.

    The other things I just simply know are untrue or very unlikely. I can't provide proof, so you'll just have to take my word for it, which you probably won't, but what can you do?

  12. #37

    Default Re: Indy 4 to debut in OKC!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ginkasa View Post
    I can't provide proof, so you'll just have to take my word for it, which you probably won't, but what can you do?
    I will take your word for it.

  13. #38

    Default Re: Indy 4 to debut in OKC!!!!

    So, where is it?
    How do we get tix?

  14. #39

    Default Re: Indy 4 to debut in OKC!!!!

    It's confirmed it is going to be at Harkins, haven't heard about tickets yet. They are usually $150 a piece.

  15. #40

  16. #41

    Default Re: Indy 4 to debut in OKC!!!!

    Twister was opened here. They had it at Penn Square. I believe that the new Jones will benefit The Children's Center in Bethany??

  17. #42

    Default Re: Indy 4 to debut in OKC!!!!

    Yes redcup that is correct. As previously stated, this director/producers charity is the Children's Center in Bethany. He also produced the Bourne' series movies which also premiered at Harkins.

  18. #43

    Default Re: Indy 4 to debut in OKC!!!!

    i would have thought it would be at warren... you know, cause george lucas owns thx and warren's is the only all digital, all thx theatre in the world. it only makes sense to me.

  19. Default Re: Indy 4 to debut in OKC!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by animeGhost View Post
    i would have thought it would be at warren... you know, cause george lucas owns thx and warren's is the only all digital, all thx theatre in the world. it only makes sense to me.
    Warren is great. It's the best theater that I've ever been to. But it's not a place to premier anything other than your cool new shirt...Due to it's location. Harkin's has that title for Oklahoma. It's a pretty pimp setup they've got going on down there for big dog and pony shows.

  20. Default Re: Indy 4 to debut in OKC!!!!

    Let Moore rework the service road there and finish construction on a few projects they have going there and you'll be surprised, Warren would be the perfect spot for a premier.

  21. #46

    Default Re: Indy 4 to debut in OKC!!!!

    I was told that Warren's parking lot has been full to overflowing numerous times since opening. I thought that was hard to believe but more than one person has told me.

  22. #47

    Default Re: Indy 4 to debut in OKC!!!!

    Warren's isn't full every night, but I've tooled down I-35 several nights and eyed the mass of steel and rubber in their lot and the Furr's lot as well. I've yet to eat at Furr's. my distaste for crowds still keeps me away. I swear they should have bought up land for another 40 spaces in the p-lot

  23. #48

    Default Re: Indy 4 to debut in OKC!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by flintysooner View Post
    I was told that Warren's parking lot has been full to overflowing numerous times since opening. I thought that was hard to believe but more than one person has told me.
    I have been by there on weekday nights and its packed. Friday and Saturday nights are totally packed. At least thats how it looks from I-35.

  24. #49

    Default Re: Indy 4 to debut in OKC!!!!

    Regarding the Warren Theatre rumors of expansion... please tell me they are going to add more balcony theaters. Honestly that is the only type of movie experience I wan now... one involving food and alcohol. It'd be great if there were more movie choices available than the two (I think) 21+ theaters that they currently have!

  25. Default Re: Indy 4 to debut in OKC!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by flintysooner View Post
    I was told that Warren's parking lot has been full to overflowing numerous times since opening. I thought that was hard to believe but more than one person has told me.
    I go by there several times a week, and I'm all around that area on the weekends...And people are parked in the grass fairly frequently because the parking lot is so full.

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