I am sorry people thought I was out of line. But, we've been subjected to the microscope as well, and in many places, much less kindly. I don't mind people opjecting, but I do mind them using minsinformation to do so. We've all read all sorts of posts about the NBA not having any economic impact, and I do think that's correct for the regular season. I have agreed with the naysayers, or at most tried to point out areas I thought they might be wrong. But I had corrected Mr. Glover in another place at an earlier time and he actually changed his story somewhat. When he then used the same misinformation again, it looks like an attempt to influence people without good data. That is precisely what they are accusing the "pro" side of doing, so they should be prepared for their data to withstand scrutiny. Also, I'm really tired of the "no" peopel assuring everyone we're getting a team anyway, when there's no data to support that statement either. At least we have a few people who have told us that is the case, and in the past they've been people we could trust. I object to personal attacks on the owners, when to my mind, the owners have been great philanthropists to the community for years, and I see this as being another philanthropic gesture.
Why can't the people who want to vote "no" just say they don't want to pay any more taxes? Why distort the facts? I don't even mind them saying they want a team and don't want to pay for it, but at least please admit there's no data saying we'll get a team if we we don't pass the tax proposal.
If this doesn't pass, all the "no' people will be celebrating, and then what? At least the "no" people in Seattle have two other teams. We'll have none, and we'll be competing with Omaha for conventions and concerts. And competing with Laredo, Bossier City and cities like that with our CHL hockey team. I believe we deserve more. I think we're ready for more.