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Thread: New Sushi Restaurant in Campus Corner?

  1. #26

    Default Re: New Sushi Restaurant in Campus Corner?

    Oklahoma City is a lot like Seattle 20 years ago. At one point Seattle was a strange mix of rural loggers and forestry folks that had lived there forever, and a new up and coming group of high technology folks. The cultural differences between the two groups were vast. I feel like that is kind of where OKC is now... it's a city of at least two completely and totally different types of people.

  2. #27

    Default Re: New Sushi Restaurant in Campus Corner?

    Any more intel on the Norman "In The Raw"?

  3. #28

    Default Re: New Sushi Restaurant in Campus Corner?

    the building where they are supposedly opening, on university(old harolds outlet), seems to have construction going on, but it seems unlikely they will be open by the first football game. thats my observation.

    also, it seems when new campus corner businesses miss out on the football season crowd, they struggle. like o'connells saying they would be open last fall...never happened. it looks like they are ready this time around tho...if they can make it during the downtime(summer) then they are golden, but if they can't they are screwed. just my thoughts....

  4. #29

    Default Re: New Sushi Restaurant in Campus Corner?

    They are hiring and work is progressing. I also doubt they'll be open by the first game but maybe by October/conference games.

  5. #30

    Default Re: New Sushi Restaurant in Campus Corner?

    Norman In the Raw will be open late August. The date for Bricktown has been pushed back due to zoning issues! Greg is not a traitor...he and his family live in Tulsa and have for years. In the Raw will do great in Norman and they usually stay open as long as customers are there!

  6. #31

    Default Re: New Sushi Restaurant in Campus Corner?

    Yes, In the Raw in Tulsa is a very cool place. I think it will be successful in Norman. So if it is only taking up the south end of the old Harold's Outlet what will be in the other end?

  7. #32

    Default Re: New Sushi Restaurant in Campus Corner?

    Unless they plan on working 24/7 for the next few weeks they won't be opening in August. I walked by yesterday and they are still far from being finished. I can't figure out if they will also use the main Harold's Outlet door or just a new door they have put in on their side facing the sidewalk. The two ITR's in Tulsa all have lots of outdoor seating, I wonder if they plan on doing that here (hope so) and where will that go? The sidewalk is wide enough for some tables but not that many.

    My hope is that ITR, which will be hugely popular, and whatever retail goes in at the north end of the building helps spur a revival of University Blvd. That street has so much potential being the link between Main St. downtown, Campus Corner, and OU's North Oval and the axis is one of the nicest in Norman with McFarlin church at one end and Evans Hall at the other. It would be great to see new buildings with restaurants and retail, and apartments above, go up where those parking lots are on the westside of the street, and maybe a parking garage can finally be built to take care of the Corner's parking needs. I think this stretch would also be good for a small hotel, maybe a new modern version of the Sooner Hotel at University and White?

  8. #33

    Default Re: New Sushi Restaurant in Campus Corner?

    I once heard a totally unsubstantiated rumor that an university hotel might be built where the parking lot is behind Boyd House.

    BG, remember that First Presbyterian Church owns one of those parking lots on the west side of University and I doubt they would sell as it provides parking not only for members but the church makes a good income by selling the spaces weekday to students and to football fans during the season. This income is very helpful to the church budget.

  9. #34

    Default Re: New Sushi Restaurant in Campus Corner?

    any oldtimers know what was there, before it became a surface parking lot? oh and that church doesnt fit in on campus corner, they should move to the burbs.

  10. #35

    Default Re: New Sushi Restaurant in Campus Corner?

    Quote Originally Posted by blangtang View Post
    any oldtimers know what was there, before it became a surface parking lot? oh and that church doesnt fit in on campus corner, they should move to the burbs.
    I agree, although they did just complete a renovation about two years ago. IF University becomes a more happening street, which I believe it will, then that church property becomes increasingly valuable and they would probably sell at that point. I personally think a good location for them would be along Boyd at McGee where there are a few really small ugly churches. They could use the money they get from a sale in Campus Corner to build a new building there assuming those small churches sell. That way they stay in central Norman but get out of Campus Corner.

  11. #36

    Default Re: New Sushi Restaurant in Campus Corner?

    I doubt First Pres wants to get off Campus Corner unless offered a ridiculous price. And why would they want to be in the burbs when the other large churches of their respective denominations McFarlin, First Christian, First Baptist, St John's are not.

    First Pres not only has had a renovation in the last couple of years but is committed to having a vibrant university ministry and is currently renovating the university building just south of the church. It already is a coffeehouse during the school year with a very professional expresso machine and with Friday night music. I doubt this ministry could be very successful in the burbs. All of this is just my own opinion.

  12. #37

    Default Re: New Sushi Restaurant in Campus Corner?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dekoung View Post
    I doubt First Pres wants to get off Campus Corner unless offered a ridiculous price. And why would they want to be in the burbs when the other large churches of their respective denominations McFarlin, First Christian, First Baptist, St John's are not.

    First Pres not only has had a renovation in the last couple of years but is committed to having a vibrant university ministry and is currently renovating the university building just south of the church. It already is a coffeehouse during the school year with a very professional expresso machine and with Friday night music. I doubt this ministry could be very successful in the burbs. All of this is just my own opinion.
    I'm not opposed to First Pres. I just think eventually that land will be too valuable and the church, which has a fairly small congregation, might want to cash out and move but not for awhile. It is not a pretty church and the renovation actually made it worse but it serves a good purpose in the community. There are some pretty churches in that area with McFarlin one of the prettiest in Oklahoma if not the whole region but First Pres. is certainly not one of them...

  13. #38

    Default Re: New Sushi Restaurant in Campus Corner?

    BG, I understand your position so no problem. And what you suggest may very well happen in the future. I agree Frist Pres is not the prettiest building around. I think my point was that it is the largest Presbyterian church(around 1000 members) in Norman so is the flagship so to speak and the other flagship churches of their respective denominations are nearby and not in the burbs or even McGee and Boyd.

    Back on topic,In the Raw does not appear to be having an imminent opening.

  14. #39

    Default Re: New Sushi Restaurant in Campus Corner?

    sep 18th is what i last heard, but maybe end of sep

  15. #40

    Default Re: New Sushi Restaurant in Campus Corner?

    I briefly poked my head in this morning and they were working away. It still looks to be far from complete, but I think they can hammer it out in a decent amount of time. Looks good so far. They kept that sink area in the middle of the room that had been in the store. Also it was bigger than I expected...I guess once you take all those clothes and racks out it opened up!

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