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Thread: Amy McRee

  1. Default Re: Amy McRee

    Quote Originally Posted by melfox4 View Post
    After looking at the link provided about Jennifer Pierce I decided to look at all of the News 9 reporters and noticed that John Holcomb was missing from the Sports Section. I watched him and Blevins on Sunday nights but I haven't been able to in the past several weeks. Anyone know where he went?

    Technically, Holcomb is the S.D. at Ch. 6 in Tulsa, so it could be that when Ch. 9 launched their new site, they decided to keep him off there.

    If you go to News9.com - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | Home and click on sports, there is a section where you can send a message to Dean and John.

    Here's John's bio: KOTV.com - The News On 6

  2. Default Re: Amy McRee

    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew4OU View Post
    Keaton Fuchs, now in Wichita Falls, changed his named to Keaton Fox.
    I think it is kind of obvious why he changed his name.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Amy McRee

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    I think it is kind of obvious why he changed his name.

    He is obviously an animal lover

  4. Default Re: Amy McRee

    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  5. Default Re: Amy McRee

    I can't believe that people actually pay this much attention to how attractive news women are.

    Not that I see anything wrong with it...But when I watch the news, all I care about is the actual news. Not that local stations talk about much that impacts my life...But still...Who cares how big some newscasters boobs are? Who cares that one of them has a bikini picture floating around? So do I, but no big deal is made out of it. And I'm damn famous.

    I'm also going before a judge to change my name to "Fuchs" too.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Amy McRee

    I watch the news for the actual new stories, but I think most can be forgiven if they can't help but notice how hot Jessica Schambach (my personal favorite) looks that day. Same with all the others. Whatever floats your boat, and all that.

  7. Default Re: Amy McRee

    I don't know how many of you were lucky enough to realize that Sana Syed was anchoring for Jaime Cerreta Monday night, but if you saw her, you saw a woman blow the doors off of every other anchor that appeared Monday. It wasn't even a fair fight. Sana Syed is my pick for the next darling of this town. KFOR needs to hire her and put her on primetime hours.

  8. #33

    Default Re: Amy McRee

    ^^^^Even though she had on an outfit that looked like she got it from a old kung fu movie set garage sale, yeah I agree with you.

  9. Default Re: Amy McRee

    Quote Originally Posted by Big C View Post
    ^^^^Even though she had on an outfit that looked like she got it from a old kung fu movie set garage sale, yeah I agree with you.
    I love it! I KNEW I'd seen that outfit somewhere! Maybe it was from Jet Li's "Fist of Legend", one of his best flicks. That's a great one. Only Sana can wear fashions like that and pull it off. Kelly Ogle would have looked terrible in that. ;-)

    Wait...I just thought of the movie: "Crouching Anchor Hidden Dragon". Yeah, that must be it.

  10. Default Re: Amy McRee

    Kung Fu Hustle is the best movie of all time.

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