Re: City aims to rejuvenate its "green canopy"
I have to agree with Kerry on this one, but also with Fritter.
It does seem to be a waste to do a study on whether OKC has the tree canopy it did 100 years ago. However, it is nice to do a study to determine how to make OKC's canopy better than it is. Perhaps that is what the paper really meant to say, but the naivity of the author came through making the article appear petty and worthless (in Kerry's eyes apparently).
But I do think FritterGirl is correct, it seems much more appropriate to do a study on how to expand the urban forest and make the city more beautiful and environmentally stable. There are immediate direct benefits to canopy cover (can you say improved air and cooler climate/control.... not to mention a more pleasant looking city...)
And while I do agree with Kerry that they should just do some tree plantin' for heaven's sake, but we also want to select the appropriate varieties based on which part of the city we're at. I'd hope that this 'study' will go further than JUST documentation but instead turns into zoning laws for developers and residents. We need to make the city more beautiful recognizing the habitat we have (which is NOT barron and dusty like many Seattle compatriats like to think - OKC is NOT Omaha or Dodge City).
OKC needs to do a much better job at promoting itself to the world, and with the NBA coming - OKC needs to step up to the plate QUICKLY so that first impressions will be POSITIVE (and lasting). That will get the word out and then OKC can dust off it's inaccurate yet pervasive reputation.
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!