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Thread: First Edition Cafe at Downtown Library opens

  1. #26

    Default Re: First Edition Cafe at Downtown Library opens

    Quote Originally Posted by BailJumper View Post
    Speaking of. At 4:30pm yesterday (when I visited) there was one homeless guy asleep in the men's room stall (you could hear him snoring) and another one "bathing" in the sink with a nasty old towel. Yummy!
    Did you bother telling security? Its likely to continue if you don't...

  2. Default Re: First Edition Cafe at Downtown Library opens

    Did you bother telling security? Its likely to continue if you don't...
    I'm not the library hall monitor. And, like I said before, the security/police are more than aware of the homeless issues in that building.

    Personally, I don't think this particular business will make it.

    I think a real coffee house in the spirit and look of Java Dave's/Star Bucks could make it. It would be a welcome retreat for those at the courthouse and living in the Park Harvey or on break from meetings/classes in the library.

    First Edition is currently just too sterile looking and the prices are too high. Not inviting at all.

  3. #28

    Default Re: First Edition Cafe at Downtown Library opens

    Bailjumper, that's pretty sad when you're outpricing Starbucks for about the same product and yet lack the atmosphere. Unfortunately I agree with you, I don't think this place will be around long. Read the article below, we felt this was the right tenant?? Come on, you took 2 years longer than you anticipated to get the space filled, what were you doing in that time? No competition? Look across the street at Subway, Quizno's is just around the corner and City Bites is adjacent across the street in Leadership Square along with Ground Floor Cafe. Geez it's obvious this guy didn't do his homework.

    Cafe opens in downtown OKC library

    August 10, 2007

    OKLAHOMA CITY – A new café serving food, coffee and snacks opened Monday at the Ronald J. Norick Downtown Library in Oklahoma City.

    Eddie Hartwick, co-owner of Edmond-based The Catering Company, opened the 1st Edition Café & Espresso Bar in about 800 square feet on the library’s ground floor.“The building was always designed to have a café,” said Candace McDaniel, headquarters manager for the Metropolitan Library. “We just finally found the right person and the right situation and we’re just so glad to have them.”Hartwick said the focus will be on fresh sandwiches and soups as well as several varieties of coffee drinks.

    The café is hoping to provide downtown customers some different food and drink options.“We were trying to look around us downtown and ask what’s really not here?” Hartwick said.Another focus will be the coffee, which the café is purchasing in small batches from Neighbors Coffee.“I want to do the best cup of coffee anybody can do, period,” Hartwick said.

  4. #29

    Default Re: First Edition Cafe at Downtown Library opens

    Quote Originally Posted by BailJumper View Post
    I'm not the library hall monitor. And, like I said before, the security/police are more than aware of the homeless issues in that building.

    Personally, I don't think this particular business will make it.

    I think a real coffee house in the spirit and look of Java Dave's/Star Bucks could make it. It would be a welcome retreat for those at the courthouse and living in the Park Harvey or on break from meetings/classes in the library.

    First Edition is currently just too sterile looking and the prices are too high. Not inviting at all.

    Unfortunately the library's hands are tied as far as "throwing out" all homeless people - you just can't do that - but if you'd prefer not to see people abusing the restrooms, it would be nice if you told someone, but i guess if you aren't concerned with improving the situation, thats your deal.

  5. Default Re: First Edition Cafe at Downtown Library opens

    I never said anything about kicking out the homeless. I agree they should have equal access. i simply pointed out the fact this is where a lot of homeless people gather. I'm also told that as the heat rises the problem is getting worse as the homeless seek shelter from the 100 degree weather.

    Me narking out a guy washing his face in the sink or getting some ZZZZZZzzzz's on the toilet doesn't change anything and wastes my time.

    Seriously, if a Starbucks moved in that spot, I'd patronize it.

  6. Default Re: First Edition Cafe at Downtown Library opens

    Okay - the wife and I have eaten here 3 times now total (wife 2x, me 1x).

    She had the salad and soup both times for about $3.5. I had the half sandwich (Iliad) and a coke.

    She said her's was pretty good with the Mango dressing and the price was okay. I however paid just over $7 for a sandwich I could have made at home.

    The counter person said business was VERY slow.

    I think they will price themselves out of business before next summer unless they make changes FAST!

  7. #32

    Thumbs up Re: First Edition Cafe at Downtown Library opens

    Have you eaten in the cafe lately? Foot traffic has picked up dramtically. The homeless situation is not as bad as you put it bailjumper. Everytime I visit (one a week) there always seems to be atleast 4-5 ppl inside eating. The other day it was packed and I had to wait IN LINE...Which was fine with me because I needed one of their reubens. Yum yum... One of the chefs I talked with said the menus will change some in the coming month ie more vegitarian options. I just wanted to give a positive post for this cafe, it seemed like only negative ones have been posted.

  8. #33

    Default Re: First Edition Cafe at Downtown Library opens

    They have chefs to make sandwiches?

  9. #34

    Default Re: First Edition Cafe at Downtown Library opens

    Yes sir, Mariah the manager is certified by the ACF, and from what I understand another employee is at Platt getting his associates in culinary arts.

  10. #35

    Default Re: First Edition Cafe at Downtown Library opens

    I'm the security manager for the library system. If you ever have a problem, please notify security. It is our goal to make and keep the libraries in OKC an inviting location for everyone. Despite the perception, the homeless in our libraries are just looking for a safe place and do not cause problems for the most part. If you see someone bathing, drinking alcohol, or looking at inappropriate websites, you simply can alert a library employee to the issue and we will take care of it. We want your visit to be pleasant.

  11. Default Re: First Edition Cafe at Downtown Library opens

    I've stopped in to 1st edition three times lately - 2 mornings and one afternoon.

    Gotta say, the breakfast sandwiches look and taste like something in a wrapper from 7-11. My lunch sandwich was pretty good though. The prices are better, they have a good free internet connection and the couple of homeless people I saw in there were quiet and kept to themselves. Staff is pretty friendly and overall an improvement over their first go-round. I've never seen a line when I've been there and I was told that though things are picking up, business is still underwhelming.

    Hopefully it makes it, but I still have my doubts. My biggest fear is if they move out, the space becomes a glorified concession stand.

    As for the library - again, it is what it is - Lots of homeless, seats that smell like a men's room but a very friendly staff, gorgeous decor and lots of books.

  12. Default Re: First Edition Cafe at Downtown Library opens

    Okay, I'm officially writing 1st Edition off my list of places to eat.

    Stopped by again the other day for a danish and coffee while waiting for the Courthouse to open.

    I was in line behind 3 other people. I was thinking "this is a good sign, they have a line." But, then I noticed something that totally turned me off - so much so I left without ordering.

    The guy behind the counter (older balding guy) was taking money, making change and touching everything without ever washing his hands. Even touching the baked goods and breakfast sandwiches. No gloves, no hand washing, NOTHING!

    Not to harp on the homeless (the one in line was polite and quiet), but his clothes were a wreck and stained. He pulled his cash out of his pocket, picked some debris, hair etc. out of the wad of cash and paid the guy. The guy then started grabbing bread, making orders, etc. with the same hands that had touched that nasty money.


  13. #38

    Default Re: First Edition Cafe at Downtown Library opens

    .oO(Sorry, but that, and more, exists in many establishments, even if unseen)Oo.

  14. Default Re: First Edition Cafe at Downtown Library opens

    oO(Sorry, but that, and more, exists in many establishments, even if unseen)Oo.
    What's your point? It happens elsewhere so go ahead and eat at a place with blatant disregard for customer's health?

  15. #40

    Default Re: First Edition Cafe at Downtown Library opens

    My point was just as I noted ... what you saw happens a lot, even if unseen. Maybe I've overread what you wrote, but the 'NOTHING!' suggested, at least to me, you viewed the conduct as something out of the ordinary.

    As for me, the growing absence of customer service, no, strike that, not merely poor service, but a general absence of even basic customer concern, has led me to eat in more and more with each passing month.

  16. #41

    Default Re: First Edition Cafe at Downtown Library opens


  17. Default Re: First Edition Cafe at Downtown Library opens

    I have been hearing about this place since the Library was in the planning stages. I have heard that it was a coffee and sandwhich place. I have looking through the thread - briefly - but don't see much talk about the beverage side of things.

    Are they a coffee shop style cafe? What type of drinks do they have available?

    I also would be curious about eating there. I assume you can just walk in? I have not had a chance to even stop at the Library yet but I think it is a cool building and I'm glad they did something like that downtown.

    My apologies if this is going back to the beginning!

  18. #43

    Default Re: First Edition Cafe at Downtown Library opens

    The cafe has a full espresso menu. I think about 25 different flavorings for your lattes, or caps. You can walk in off the street or through the library. They offer sandwiches, wraps and salads. Their soups are homemade and are quite good, imo. If you read some of the other posts you might get a negative opinion on the cafe. While it has had some low lights it is getting better. I eat in there about 2-3 week. I talk with the manager mariah quite often and she says business is picking up. They also offer catering if you have an event in the library.

  19. #44

    Default Re: First Edition Cafe at Downtown Library opens

    Evoke, keep in mind that when the library was in the planning stages, they did not know who the operator would be or exactly the "full" concept of it, although it was to include sandwich/deli style fare and coffee. The library being a public agency, had to issue an RFP (Request for Proposals). This company is the one who won, but according to most reviews, it may not last. I have yet to go to Full Edition though.

  20. #45

    Default Re: First Edition Cafe at Downtown Library opens

    Quote Originally Posted by BailJumper View Post
    What's your point? It happens elsewhere so go ahead and eat at a place with blatant disregard for customer's health?
    With regards to blatant disregard of a customer's health, yes this sounds bad, but it happens more than you think. While the food industry does all that it can to make food preparation, and food service safe. I learned all about it. But the idea that your complaining about this one place is funny almost. It almost looks like you are turning a blind eye and the other establishments you have frequented.

    Shall we take a trip and open this box? I'll start. Do you know who all has touched that pastry before this gentlemen? How about who touched the carton that it was shipped in? Or even better who or made the cardboard? Bascially it comes down you put your trust into the ppl that serve your food. I trust just about everyone. Case in point, I use to go to a chinese place on may ave. I will admit i found a roach on the lid on my drink. I asked for another drink never got sick, ever. But I have been sick many times by taco bell, and company with more safetly stadards than this chinese place.

    All, I'm tryin to say is its widespread. While the Health dept will throw one place under the bus, and look over another (I was in the dept the other day, there was a 6 page document with businesses that were past their inspections). Basically, you can live your life being scared or just relax bc you think that pastry has potientially harmful bacteria, what about the lip of that snapple you just bought from the 7-11??? wow I really rambled there

    Good day

  21. Default Re: First Edition Cafe at Downtown Library opens

    My point was that if the person greeting you either doesn't know or doesn't care about safe food handling, then imagine what else they do.

    I know all too well what goes on in food prep. I still can't eat at those mall cookie places because I knew two high school friends who used to take particular delight in what gross things they could put into the cookie dough (boogers, spit, crap they'd sweep up, etc.).

    I prefer to patronize in those places that reassure my denial!

  22. #47

    Default Re: First Edition Cafe at Downtown Library opens

    Ahh...makes me think a certain movie "waiting," It shows the very bad side of sanitation in the food industry.

  23. Default Re: First Edition Cafe at Downtown Library opens

    What happened to that Brew haha coffee place btw?

  24. #49

    Default Re: First Edition Cafe at Downtown Library opens

    It went out of business at New Years. Not enough foot traffic. It's kind of off the beaten path. If you read the thread on it, there's more info on it there.

  25. #50

    Default Re: First Edition Cafe at Downtown Library opens

    I'm new to OKC Talk. Was just browsing around and found this old thread on the 1st Edition Cafe. I wasn't around when the cafe opened, but apparently it went through it's growing pains. And I'm glad I've met it in its stage right now! They have an email list that I'm on that the manager sends out any time they change the soups or specials. And I have to say that their soups are great! I look forward to Mulligatawny every time it's announced! And it goes fast, trust me!

    I'm also a big fan of Big Sky Breads on North Western. And the 1st Edition gets their pastries and granola from them. So that's a plus for me.

    Reading this old thread, perhaps there were some issues in the beginning. But I'm a student so I'm in the library a lot these days. And I have no complaints about the cafe. I think it was a wonderful idea. Just wish they stayed open longer in the evening.

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