Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
Location: Southbound on Penn by the Walmartian Klusterfukke, inside lane. Indecisive Center-Straddling Left Turner, in a car, decides not to make the turn and wanders into my lane right in front of me. A large, 4-Door Road Barge Pickup behind him makes the same indecision, except when he drifts to the right I am right beside him and I'm forced to swerve into the outside lane to avoid an accident.

Location: Southbound on Penn, a couple of blocks south of the above incident, approaching the "Freddie's Light" now in the outside lane. Pinhead in a small SUV, in the inside lane, to my left, puts on his right turn signal. I think he is just trying to get around stopped traffic caused by someone trying to make what should be an illegal left turn into the Freddie's parking lot. I slow down a little to let him over and the dickhead makes a friggin' right turn--from the outside lane--onto the intersecting street.

They ought to post roadsigns on Penn at 122nd and 150th Streets saying "Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here"
Wow, does this happen regularly? Are these very recent? The drivers(self driving cars ) must love you for some reason lol