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Thread: OKC Meteorologists

  1. Default Re: OKC Meteorologists

    Odd then that they would put his face and name on their website then...


    As to who cares? That's the entire point of the thread...meteorologists pre-empting programming that viewers are trying to watch. Should they be doing it or what could be done differently.

  2. Default Re: OKC Meteorologists

    And just so we're clear

    Channel 4 (3 on Cox cable): Mike Morgan
    Channel 5 (8 on Cox cable): Rick Mitchell
    Channe 9 (10 on cox cable): Gary England

  3. #28
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: OKC Meteorologists

    Oh, nvm then, your right. I think the only one anyone really watches these days is Mike Morgan and Gary England.

  4. #29
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: OKC Meteorologists

    Actually, many of the meteorologists will only come on with severe weather updates during commercials. If there is a severe thunderstorm coming through the city, I would much rather have them break in to a show and let us know what is going on, especially since we all know that severe thunderstorms do occasionally spawn tornadoes.

    If the severe weather threat is west of us or east of us, and we are not in any imminent danger, then they can run any of the info they have on the storm across the top of the TV screen. There again, if the storm is not near us, a brief update during a commercial will suffice.

    Once the storm is out of the metro area....east of Harrah, Newalla, Jones, etc....and the threat is over, then I feel that it is time to get back to regular programming.

  5. #30
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: OKC Meteorologists

    You must have misunderstood what area some channels claim to represent.

  6. #31
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: OKC Meteorologists

    Just FYI, channels cover whatever areas are within their viewing areas. Thus, if their is a tornado in Stroud, our local channels will cover it, although probably not to detail they'd cover a storm coming through the metro.

  7. #32
    Jay Guest

    Default Re: OKC Meteorologists

    I have nothing against the severe weather coverage here in the city. I actually enjoy it for the most part. I do think sometimes they go over board on the coverage. So I can understand some of the board members frustration. I was just giving some recommendations to the people that dislike the coverage. They can claim that they are saving lives all they want but, I think most people in Oklahoma exercise common sense during severe weather. When the weather gets noisy out side or when there is severe weather in the forecast. Most people are going to tune the tv or the radio into the weather. If nothing else they are going to check up on the conditions every so often.

    On a side note one thing I hate is when every reporter in the city is doing live coverage of the aftermath of the storm. This could wait until newstime or at least until law enforcement is able to estabilsh a secure permiter around the damaged area. The live coverage does nothing more than invite the lookey lou's out of the woodwork. I don't know about everbody else. The last thing I want see after a Tornado has destroyed my home is a bunch of people sight seeing in my neighborhood. Me, my family and my neighbors our most likely going to be in some kind of shock or terror. We do not need audience staring at our loss. You can see all you need to see on the news or in the paper the next morning. If you would like to sight see do it when the recovery process is over.

  8. #33

    Default Re: OKC Meteorologists

    Quote Originally Posted by oklacity75
    I have nothing against the severe weather coverage here in the city. I actually enjoy it for the most part. I do think sometimes they go over board on the coverage. So I can understand some of the board members frustration. I was just giving some recommendations to the people that dislike the coverage. They can claim that they are saving lives all they want but, I think most people in Oklahoma exercise common sense during severe weather. When the weather gets noisy out side or when there is severe weather in the forecast. Most people are going to tune the tv or the radio into the weather. If nothing else they are going to check up on the conditions every so often.

    On a side note one thing I hate is when every reporter in the city is doing live coverage of the aftermath of the storm. This could wait until newstime or at least until law enforcement is able to estabilsh a secure permiter around the damaged area. The live coverage does nothing more than invite the lookey lou's out of the woodwork. I don't know about everbody else. The last thing I want see after a Tornado has destroyed my home is a bunch of people sight seeing in my neighborhood. Me, my family and my neighbors our most likely going to be in some kind of shock or terror. We do not need audience staring at our loss. You can see all you need to see on the news or in the paper the next morning. If you would like to sight see do it when the recovery process is over.
    News is news -- and that kind of reporting helps brand image with the stations.

  9. Default Re: OKC Meteorologists

    But does that make it right, Midtowner?

  10. #35

    Default Re: OKC Meteorologists

    Quote Originally Posted by Underling
    But does that make it right, Midtowner?
    Stations do what they perceive to be in their own best interest. If they get market research back that shows people are turning the channel to UPN when severe weather coverage interrupts programming, they may have a tough choice to make between ratings and weather brand image.

    Of course, that's not happening, so it's an easy choice.

  11. #36
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: OKC Meteorologists

    Quote Originally Posted by Underling
    But does that make it right, Midtowner?
    I'm not Midtowner, but I'll comment. Of course it's not right. They're simply doing it for the publicity and brand image. They want to be the first to cover the news and the news channel to cover the news in the most depth.

  12. Default Re: OKC Meteorologists

    Ask anyone in Moore if the TV stations are going overboard w/ the weather coverage, and if they are doing it for publicity or promoting their station.


  13. Default Re: OKC Meteorologists

    Quote Originally Posted by OUman
    Ask anyone in Moore if the TV stations are going overboard w/ the weather coverage, and if they are doing it for publicity or promoting their station.

    Since Moore has been labeled the most hit city in the world, This is a valid quote. By the way. For doubters? Contact "The Weather Channel."

  14. #39
    Jay Guest

    Default Re: OKC Meteorologists

    "I make my living off the Evening News
    Just give me something-something I can use
    People love it when you lose,
    They love dirty laundry

    Well, I coulda been an actor, but I wound up here
    I just have to look good, I don't have to be clear
    Come and whisper in my ear
    Give us dirty laundry

    Kick 'em when they're up
    Kick 'em when they're down
    Kick 'em when they're up
    Kick 'em when they're down
    Kick 'em when they're up
    Kick 'em when they're down
    Kick 'em when they're up
    Kick 'em all around

    We got the bubble-headed-bleach-blonde who
    comes on at five
    She can tell you 'bout the plane crash with a gleam
    in her eye
    It's interesting when people die-
    Give us dirty laundry

    Can we film the operation?
    Is the head dead yet?
    You know, the boys in the newsroom got a
    running bet
    Get the widow on the set!
    We need dirty laundry

    You don't really need to find out what's going on
    You don't really want to know just how far it's gone
    Just leave well enough alone
    Eat your dirty laundry

    Kick 'em when they're up
    Kick 'em when they're down
    Kick 'em when they're up
    Kick 'em when they're down

    Kick 'em when they're up
    Kick 'em when they're down
    Kick 'em when they're stiff
    Kick 'em all around

    Dirty little secrets
    Dirty little lies
    We got our dirty little fingers in everybody's pie
    We love to cut you down to size
    We love dirty laundry

    We can do "The Innuendo"
    We can dance and sing
    When it's said and done we haven't told you a thing
    We all know that Crap is King
    Give us dirty laundry!

    This Don Henley song sums up TV news in a nutshell. You can't tell me they care about the community. Television is business just like retail or fast food. Its all about how many customers you can serve and how much cash you can rake in. It's not about how many people you can warn before a Tornado. It's not about helping the little old lady who stupidly gave her credit card information over the phone. It's about money and bragging rights nothing more, nothing less.

  15. #40
    ~~*DarlingDiva*~~ Guest

    Unhappy Re: OKC Meteorologists

    Hello All,
    I have SERIOUS opinions on this one.This is a major sore subject for us.I moved here from Seattle and I was very greatful for the May,3,1999 coverage as I lived on Moore on May3.BUT My gosh these people are nuts I agree it is SOOO overboard.I hate the fact that it takes up several hours of programming to to show something that is No where even remotly close to us.And my God how many times do we have to hear 1million watts of Doppler power and you have the most up to date scan every 10 seconds crap.They repeat themselves to Death.I almost cant stand to watch it anymore for that reason alone.But the whole thing is these folks are suposed to be "trained"I cant count even just this season how many times they have been DEAD wrong on forecasts.Its pathetic,If I screwed up that many times at my job I wouldnt have one.I believe every time they lie to us basically it should be taken from their paycheck,and for all of you who plan on jumping me over this and say well you know its really a roulette this is Okloahoma you cant really predict what its going to do,I ask you this then what the hell are these "meterologists" getting paid for then?

  16. #41

    Default Re: OKC Meteorologists

    Quote Originally Posted by ~~*DarlingDiva*~~
    Hello All,
    I have SERIOUS opinions on this one.This is a major sore subject for us.I moved here from Seattle and I was very greatful for the May,3,1999 coverage as I lived on Moore on May3.BUT My gosh these people are nuts I agree it is SOOO overboard.I hate the fact that it takes up several hours of programming to to show something that is No where even remotly close to us.And my God how many times do we have to hear 1million watts of Doppler power and you have the most up to date scan every 10 seconds crap.They repeat themselves to Death.I almost cant stand to watch it anymore for that reason alone.But the whole thing is these folks are suposed to be "trained"I cant count even just this season how many times they have been DEAD wrong on forecasts.Its pathetic,If I screwed up that many times at my job I wouldnt have one.I believe every time they lie to us basically it should be taken from their paycheck,and for all of you who plan on jumping me over this and say well you know its really a roulette this is Okloahoma you cant really predict what its going to do,I ask you this then what the hell are these "meterologists" getting paid for then?
    What you say is true, but so is the fact that they do it to enhance what they are selling, the public's overall confidence in their programming, and their stations as a whole.

    Weather is important to folks over here... I'll bet some of the best cable advertising can be bought on the weather channel

    That's Oklahoma for you though.

    Didja know that Gary England only has a minor in meteorology, and several of our other weathermen have no formal meteorological training? In other words, they're broadcasting majors. I've "read" the weather from a prompter dozens of times. It's not that hard once you get the prompter reading part down

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