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Thread: 94.7's new format

  1. #26

    Default Re: 94.7's new format

    Oh, no, you left out CD-103 on 103.7, the light jazz station, assuming 103.5 doesn't crowd it out in your locality. At least it's different. 97.3 has a sorry signal in some of OKC.

  2. #27

    Default Re: 94.7's new format

    Quote Originally Posted by namellac View Post
    has anybody upgraded to FM HD? Supposedly free, and I heard the KATT has at least 2 stations?
    Yes, I got a nice Sony table model, which I'm listening to CD-103 now. But it's in analog. No HD available on that station. KATT is in HD, but has no secondary stations, at least not tonight. The other HD stations don't seem to have any secondary stations, either.

    I don't think HD radio is catching on. Probably because HD radios cost too much and there doesn't seem to be any battery operated portable models out. That may be because HD circuitry still requires too much current. I don't think you can tell much difference between the sound of a HD signal and that of a strong analog signal, anyway. However, the ability of most HD radios to separate FM stations is pretty damned good. In other words, HD radios can probably separate 103.7 and 103.5 in OKC with no problem.

    I'm not familiar with how HD radio reception is like with models for the car.

  3. #28

    Default Re: 94.7's new format

    Quote Originally Posted by namellac View Post
    Tuned in for about an hour now. Sounds like "Classic Alt" rather than "Fossil Rock"

    Ferris does SPY Radio Thursdays @ Midnight on Rock 100.5 The KATT!

    MySpace.com - ferris o'brien the radio Chapman - 74 - Male - OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklahoma - www.myspace.com/ferrisobrien2
    what in the world is "fossil rock"???

  4. Default Re: 94.7's new format

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    I had XM for a while and it was not any better. Same crap playing at the same time of day every day. If it was not for my IPOD, I think I would have given up every radio I own three months ago.
    I took the XM plunge about 4 months ago.. Maybe it's just me, but I haven't gotten bored with it yet. I haven't listen to OKC terrestrial radio since..

  5. #30

    Default Re: 94.7's new format

    > what in the world is "fossil rock"???

    Not positive, but it's probably the rock that my friends listened to in high school. I know the last watch I received as a gift was a Fossil as someone felt that was a most appropriate brand

  6. #31

    Default Re: 94.7's new format

    Quote Originally Posted by bandnerd View Post
    That would be lovely if my 12+ year old car radio could handl it
    It can handle it if it is a working radio, just get a Plug 'N Play unit, that way you can use it in multiple vehicles or inside the house. The FM Antenna Adapter is the best way, it plugs in between the radio and the antenna, set the frequency in the PnP unit and tune your car radio to that station.

    TSS Radio has them along with the local Best Buy and places like that.

    I have had Sirius for five years and have rarely listened to terrestrial radio ever since.

  7. #32

    Default Re: 94.7's new format

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    102.7 Worn Out Rap and Bubble Gum Pop Owned by Clear Channel
    You forgot to add that they speed up every song so fast to where you can't tell what it is. It sounds ridiculous!! I can't believe the record companies are letting them do this.

  8. Default Re: 94.7's new format

    Quote Originally Posted by decepticobra View Post
    what in the world is "fossil rock"???
    Pretty much anything older than 1990.

    Not that I have a problem with it, but the locals tend to play the same tunes over and over and....

  9. #34

    Default Re: 94.7's new format

    Quote Originally Posted by namellac View Post
    Tuned in for about an hour now. Sounds like "Classic Alt" rather than "Fossil Rock"

    Ferris does SPY Radio Thursdays @ Midnight on Rock 100.5 The KATT!

    MySpace.com - ferris o'brien the radio Chapman - 74 - Male - OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklahoma - www.myspace.com/ferrisobrien2
    It's a shame that OKC no longer has The Spy on 105.3 FM. They actually played good alt-rock and indie music.

  10. Default Re: 94.7's new format

    Quote Originally Posted by citizenkane View Post
    It's a shame that OKC no longer has The Spy on 105.3 FM. They actually played good alt-rock and indie music.
    +1 here

  11. #36

    Default Re: 94.7's new format

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    Oh, no, you left out CD-103 on 103.7, the light jazz station, assuming 103.5 doesn't crowd it out in your locality. At least it's different. 97.3 has a sorry signal in some of OKC.
    I can only pick it up when I am in certain areas of the city, even then it's full of static at best.

  12. #37

    Default Re: 94.7's new format

    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzytoad View Post
    I took the XM plunge about 4 months ago.. Maybe it's just me, but I haven't gotten bored with it yet. I haven't listen to OKC terrestrial radio since..
    I was a pioneer subscriber of XM. I bought a unit in November 2001 and installled it myself Thanksgiving weekend of that year. The channels were awesome until they made the merger with Sirius. After that, everything went down hill. Same stuff everday on the same stations.

    In my final days, I was listening to the truckers channel and XM Talk Radio more than anything else. I made the decision to drop after they cancelled one of my favorite shows. Mike McConnell he was on WLW, I like his common sense approach he was not afraid to shoot at both sides of the aisle for their stupidty.

  13. #38

    Default Re: 94.7's new format

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    I was a pioneer subscriber of XM. I bought a unit in November 2001 and installled it myself Thanksgiving weekend of that year. The channels were awesome until they made the merger with Sirius. After that, everything went down hill. Same stuff everday on the same stations.

    In my final days, I was listening to the truckers channel and XM Talk Radio more than anything else. I made the decision to drop after they cancelled one of my favorite shows. Mike McConnell he was on WLW, I like his common sense approach he was not afraid to shoot at both sides of the aisle for their stupidty.
    I got XM with new car, which was four years ago, and I actually paid for it for a time. After that time, however, I realized that my cost-per-minute was astronomical - listening only during the drive to and from work. I did like the conference-specific college football stations, and the traffic stations when I was out of town in the DFW area, but that was a once or twice a year proposition at best.

    To make it a worthwhile deal, I needed to get another radio, but they took forever to get any kind of plan together that acknowledged the fact that you can't listen to two radios at once and pay double subscription fees. The merger with Sirius, and their constant pumping of that moron Howard Stern as their "feature" act (whom I think is absolutely filthy and simply will not tolerate), were the mutual nails in coffin.

    When I cancelled, they asked me why, and I told them plainly that they didn't want me as a customer if all they had to offer was Stern. Beyond that, I don't think the XM/Sirius subscriber model is going to survive - they were bailed out during their last round of financing, but with so many other alternatives available, I'm having a hard time seeing where the satellite radio niche can survive..

    And as far as I'm concerned, HD Radio was DOA. I don't think there is a mass market for $200-$300 radios, esp when people are carrying around their "customized" set of favorite music on their MP3 players, already commercial free....

  14. #39

    Default Re: 94.7's new format

    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzytoad View Post
    I took the XM plunge about 4 months ago.. Maybe it's just me, but I haven't gotten bored with it yet. I haven't listen to OKC terrestrial radio since..
    Been two years on xm and do not want to give it up. Can't speak that much about the country side of it - do get to hear the Carter family and Doc Watson - the classical side ain't any better than college stations locally - but the jazz, blues and rock - wow! Some of the Djs are exceptional - too many musical style choices - 12 presets on the radio and i wish i had twice that... big-band all the way up to that noise they call music these days

    I remember when cable tv started, the arguments- "What are you crazy - paying for TV???" "Yeah - but there are NO COMMERCIALS!" Not many of the xm stations have commercials - hope it doesn't end up like cable - but what are the odds it will remain commercial free?

  15. #40

    Default Re: 94.7's new format

    Quote Originally Posted by stratosphere View Post
    what happened to the SPY? I was picking up something from Stillwater (93.7)this past week or two that it has been overcast....though it wasn't what i remembered of the SPY because it had hints and flashes of KJ103 or KISS FM. But it was better than those two, albeit not by leaps and bounds.

    Typically if im listening to XM its alt nation or first wave.
    The SPY used to be amazing. They would play some really obscure stuff...

  16. Default Re: 94.7's new format

    I am going to make a plug here. I have a web station. Check it out if you get a chance. I started it in June and have had a ton of fun with it. Some new - some retro - some local. I never heard "the spy" everyone is talking about.
    I added some pretty cool pics from the U2 Concert so even if you think my station stinks you can see some awesome shots from the show.

    I am going to by a wireless internet radio. More to choose from and no pesky fees like XM. Yhe work with your wireless router and are very very cool.

    Radio OKC - Where it's all about the music!

  17. #42

    Default Re: 94.7's new format

    If you have an HD radio, KCSC-2 is rather decent. They also stream, Internet Radio

  18. #43
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: 94.7's new format

    Quote Originally Posted by Nermel View Post
    If you have an HD radio, KCSC-2 is rather decent. They also stream, Internet
    An HD radio? That's something I haven't heard of. What is it?

  19. #44
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: 94.7's new format

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    What other kind of station can we get in OKC that is not already worn out
    and overplayed.
    I'd like to have a bonafide jazz station in OKC. I don't mean kenny g noise but
    real honest to goodness jazz. I'm aware that the object of any business is to
    make money, but, with much wishful thinking, a real jazz station would be a
    great compliment to the existing repertoires.

    By the way (btw?)

    Yes, KGOU has some jazz programming, but I'm talking about a legitimate Jazz
    format, i.e. swing, Bebop, big band, straight ahead, etc... In other words, no
    electric instruments except the guitar (maybe an occasional exception)

  20. #45

    Default Re: 94.7's new format

    I am kinda surprise that Clear Channel hasn't put KTOK simulcast on this station, I think it would be great if they do that, it will help better there ratings.

  21. #46

    Default Re: 94.7's new format

    NOBODY listens to NPR (105.7 in okc) for their drive time?
    It's all I can stand with the poor music stations.
    and you just might learn something!

    I have pandora at home and work ... don't have the technology for it in the car, but that would be great!

    KKNG used to have a classic country "jukebox saturday night" but I haven't heard it for some time.

  22. #47

    Default Re: 94.7's new format

    Quote Originally Posted by Prunepicker View Post
    I'd like to have a bonafide jazz station in OKC. I don't mean kenny g noise but
    real honest to goodness jazz. I'm aware that the object of any business is to
    make money, but, with much wishful thinking, a real jazz station would be a
    great compliment to the existing repertoires.

    By the way (btw?)

    Yes, KGOU has some jazz programming, but I'm talking about a legitimate Jazz
    format, i.e. swing, Bebop, big band, straight ahead, etc... In other words, no
    electric instruments except the guitar (maybe an occasional exception)

    4 outta 5 music lovers agree!

  23. #48

    Default Re: 94.7's new format

    Quote Originally Posted by tburn View Post
    I have pandora at home and work ... don't have the technology for it in the car, but that would be great!.
    I have played with it in the car with my iPhone and iPod connection. It works alright in good cell areas.

  24. #49
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: 94.7's new format

    Quote Originally Posted by tburn View Post
    I have pandora at home and work ... don't have the technology for it in the
    car, but that would be great!
    Quote Originally Posted by Nermel View Post
    If you have an HD radio, KCSC-2 is rather decent.
    They also stream, Internet Radio
    Is Pandora HD radio?

  25. #50

    Default Re: 94.7's new format

    Quote Originally Posted by tburn View Post
    NOBODY listens to NPR (105.7 in okc) for their drive time?
    It's all I can stand with the poor music stations.
    and you just might learn something!

    I have pandora at home and work ... don't have the technology for it in the car, but that would be great!

    KKNG used to have a classic country "jukebox saturday night" but I haven't heard it for some time.
    They do but... it not the show it used to be. Jay Shankle was DJ that hosted Jukebox Saturday Night. He also hosted a country gospel show on Sundays. Unfortunately, he passed away back in August. He was considered a walking encyclopedia on country and gospel music.

    KKNG and KXY both host Classic Country Shows on Saturday nights.

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