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Thread: Charles Barkley's comments on OKC

  1. Default Re: Charles Barkley's comments on OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by writerranger
    Lame and insulting response from TNT. They should have fired him - period. This whole "it's just Barkley being Barkley" shouldn't wash. Howard Cosell, Rush Limbaugh and others of lesser celebrity weren't given that kind of pass when making so-called "racist" remarks, and neither should Charles Barkley. TNT should say they will not tolerate blatant racism and bigotry, and Barkley was clearly guilty of both and has been terminated. That's what TNT should have told you.
    Anyone remember Jimmy the Greek Snyder? He was a sports analyist on CBS and said blacks run faster because they have bigger thighs. He was fired for that comment. This was in the early 80's. Oh. By the way. He was white.

  2. Default Re: Charles Barkley's comments on OKC

    Contrary to popular belief, there exists no right, in the Constitution or elsewhere, not to have your feelings hurt.

    I spent a summer in the Home for the Bewildered after a severe breakdown. The two most salient lessons learned therein:

    1. You are entitled to your emotional responses, whatever they may be.

    2. But nobody else gives a [fill in suitable noun].

    Not even in Detroit ("New Orleans without humidity").

  3. Default Re: Charles Barkley's comments on OKC

    If you feel compelled to write and invite Charles Barkley to a Hornet's game or to tell the management how you feel about him .. here you go:


    My feelings are that we've worked so hard to create positive reactions from people around the country and one loud mouth jerk just obliterated months of positive PR especially for those who have never been here - why would they want to come if you have people spouting off about a 'vast wasteland'?

    It just pisses me off, my feelings aren't hurt. I'm mad as hell that he said stupid things he knows nothing about and he is getting away with it. I'm sure this has the fans in NO gloating.

    I think the only way it would make it better is if he does come to OKC for a big game - the Cavs? He has an open invitation from the Art's Museum, a Hotel offer, a limo offer ( I thought I heard) and tickets to all kinds of events here in OKC. He needs to visit the Memorial and all of our attractions and then he can comment on our state, not before.

    I think he once came to Norman 12 years ago - and yes, we didn't have what we have now but he doesn't know that and he needs to come see what has changed.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  4. #29

    Default Re: Charles Barkley's comments on OKC

    Why would anyone offer him anything after the comments he made, he certainly does not deserve it.I still have to pay my way everytime I come and I have nothing but good things to say about OKC, he did not.I would not offer him a thing, with all his money he can afford it on his own. Then again, why would you want him there? He and Nagin should start their own city.

  5. Default Re: Charles Barkley's comments on OKC

    What I don't understand is why everyone is bending over backward to get this idiot here. A hotel offer? A limo offer? Tickets to all kinds of events? That's madness! I know we want the nation to understand that we are not living in a "vast wasteland", but why do we need some blowhard like Barkley to come here to prove it? We have the Hornets who talk it up time and again! And others in the national spotlight who recognize the accomplishments of OKC and all that it has to offer!

    The thing that makes me really angry is his racist remarks. That ignorance and ugliness sickens me. THAT is what I want him to apologize for...and I cannot believe TNT would just gloss it over like it's no big deal. How insulting to the state's African Americans who are happy and thrive here and take pride in what they've helped to build in Oklahoma! For that matter, how insulting to all of us who live here and work to promote tolerance and good relationships with people of all races, beliefs, etc.

    Personally, I don't want that bigot here. And I sure don't want our state leadership bending over backward to "prove" something to him. That kind of ignorance and hate cannot be "cured" by a trip to the Memorial.

  6. Default Re: Charles Barkley's comments on OKC

    Ha ha, Mariner! We're on the same wavelength! (ACK! Scary!)

    BTW, Karried, I emailed TNT yesterday, but I haven't even had the pleasure of the lame response you received. Oh, but there's still hope!

  7. #32

    Default Re: Charles Barkley's comments on OKC

    [QUOTE=sweetdaisy]Ha ha, Mariner! We're on the same wavelength! (ACK! Scary!)
    LOL...Daisy yer funny..you'll be just fine hun.

    I emailed TNT also, so we will see what they send me back.

  8. #33

    Default Re: Charles Barkley's comments on OKC

    I would just like to say that offering this man anything free to come to your city, just so he can see what a mistake he made with his mouth, is like rewarding him for his ignorance, or giving a prisoner his chunky peanut butter. Hell, offer me a free trip for god sakes for all the times I have been there on my own dime and never said a bad thing:spin:

  9. #34

    Default Re: Charles Barkley's comments on OKC

    Man, we are a sensitive group. I'm not a big fan, but I think Berry Trammel's article today on the subject was great:


    Like he says, Barkley is clown, that's what he's paid to be. Yes, his remarks were inaccurate but they were bad stereotypical jokes more than earnest sentiments. Of course, he mentioned race, so the conservative reaction will be to turn it into a PC pissing contest, complete with the recurring plea of "why can't I be openly racist, too". It really is ridiculous.

    The truth is that there is a lack of perception problem with Oklahoma. A lot of people make jokes based on the same sentiment Barkley did, but they freely admit they don't really know what they are talking about. It's just like many Oklahomans who constantly rip on big cities, but have never lived in one and act as if they know all about it.

    Personally, I like how many Oklahomans have simply jabbed back at Barkley in the spirit it was intended. It was hilarious last night when the winner of the MidFirst sign contest was announced and the PA guy said "and Charles Barkley will be right over to give you your prize". I also agree with Trammel that it would be productive to look at what creates this perception and take steps to eliminate it. It would certainly be better than just freaking out and being all pissy about it.

  10. Default Re: Charles Barkley's comments on OKC

    Yeah, I think you are right about not inviting him here. I just want him to see how wrong he is about our state and then publicly admit that he was wrong about his racist comments.

    I do think maybe he was trying to be funny and to get a reaction, and he did ... but like I said, it bothers me that the stereotypical perceptions of people are validated or reinforced.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  11. Default Re: Charles Barkley's comments on OKC

    Maybe he should come visit my church where white people, black people, hispanics, asians, and native americans all worship freely together.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  12. Default Re: Charles Barkley's comments on OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by BDP
    Of course, he mentioned race, so the conservative reaction will be to turn it into a PC pissing contest, complete with the recurring plea of "why can't I be openly racist, too". It really is ridiculous.
    No. Your response is the new "PC" comeback for when blacks get away with blatantly racist comments when a white person would be fired in a similar situation. It isn't a "pissing contest" and "why can't I be a racist too" thing at all. In fact, to use that comeback (as you did, I believe, when Nagin made his Chocolate City remarks) is nothing less than cultural appeasement to the race baiters who just WAIT for white people to "offend". What you and others are doing with this new meme is to again reverse the problem from a black person's blatant racism and blame the WHITE person for considering it a problem. We're just too sensitive, you say. We want to be racist too, you say. No, the blame shifting won't work. This was a black sportscaster saying a city wasn't a good city for black people and alluding to his only "brothers" being with the Sooners and Hornets. That is simply disgusting. And it won't work to lay the blame at the feet of white people because they have a problem with the double-standards when it comes to race, especially when it is so clearly obvious what would have happened had it been reversed. Pointing out these double-standards is long overdue, and attempts to stifle this discussion with talking points from the NAACP, won't work. It is a cultural problem that must be dealt with. As long as the Barkleys and Nagins get away with racist talk and keep their jobs, while whites are demonized and disgraced (while many times wrongly accused of racism), some of us will continue to ask - WHY?

  13. #38

    Default Re: Charles Barkley's comments on OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by writerranger
    No. Your response is the new "PC" comeback for when blacks get away with blatantly racist comments when a white person would be fired in a similar situation. It isn't a "pissing contest" and "why can't I be a racist too" thing at all. In fact, to use that comeback (as you did, I believe, when Nagin made his Chocolate City remarks) is nothing less than cultural appeasement to the race baiters who just WAIT for white people to "offend". What you and others are doing with this new meme is to again reverse the problem from a black person's blatant racism and blame the WHITE person for considering it a problem. We're just too sensitive, you say. We want to be racist too, you say. No, the blame shifting won't work. This was a black sportscaster saying a city wasn't a good city for black people and alluding to his only "brothers" being with the Sooners and Hornets. That is simply disgusting. And it won't work to lay the blame at the feet of white people because they have a problem with the double-standards when it comes to race, especially when it is so clearly obvious what would have happened had it been reversed. Pointing out these double-standards is long overdue, and attempts to stifle this discussion with talking points from the NAACP, won't work. It is a cultural problem that must be dealt with. As long as the Barkleys and Nagins get away with racist talk and keep their jobs, while whites are demonized and disgraced (while many times wrongly accused of racism), some of us will continue to ask - WHY?
    Amen Brother. It will never change as long as we have people who will just stand there staring at the ground and not doing anything to change it. It's the same though with any race, it's ok to bash white people, but god forbid a white guy even makes a joke about another race of people or he'll be drawn and quarterd.

  14. Default Re: Charles Barkley's comments on OKC

    I think people will always get away with it because the excuse will
    always be minority rights ..
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  15. #40

    Default Re: Charles Barkley's comments on OKC

    Henry blasts Barkley for comments about Oklahoma
    February 10, 2006

    OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) -- Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry blasted Charles Barkley on Friday after the former NBA star said the state was "no place for black people." "Obviously, Charles Barkley doesn't know what he's talking about," Henry said in a statement. "Anyone who follows Barkley knows he's notorious for saying ridiculous things that have no basis in fact, and this case is a perfect example."

    Barkley, now a TNT analyst, made his comments during a discussion about New Orleans Hornets rookie Chris Paul on the network's All-Star selection show.

    "The Oklahoma Sooners and the Hornets are the only brothers in town," Barkley said.

    Barkley also teased Paul, asking if he had chickens and cows in his yard.

    The Hornets temporarily relocated to Oklahoma City this season following the damage to New Orleans from Hurricane Katrina. Last month, the NBA announced that the Hornets will play 35 games in Oklahoma City and six in New Orleans in 2006-07.
    Updated on Friday, Feb 10, 2006 5:50 pm EST

  16. #41

    Default Re: Charles Barkley's comments on OKC

    After looking at some of Charles Barkley's quotes, I think we look pretty stupid for reacting to what he said about Oklahoma. What he said was inaccurate and inappropriate, but he says so many stupid remarks that it makes us look bad for actually caring what he thinks. He is an equal opportunity offender. Look at some of these...

    "Sports are a detriment to blacks, not a positive. You have a society now where every black kid in the country thinks the only way he can be successful is through athletics."

    When asked why blacks excel at basketball: "It doesn't cost anything to play."

    While watching someone in Australia put $1 million worth of rubies on a table: "Damn, must not be any black folks in Australia. You can't just leave $1 million worth of jewelry lying around the 'hood."

    "Man, there's nothing in the world that makes me as nervous as seeing white people dance."

    When asked to say something about the L.A. Sports Arena: "This place? Nothing positive. OK, I want to say something positive. It's positively a dump."

    "I'm not going to argue with you, Ernie. I'll hit you in the left eye."

    To Kenny the Jet, who was late to work: "When we say go on at seven, that don't mean black folk time."

    "People who talk on the radio are idiots. It's the worst thing that ever happened to sports -- talk radio."

    "Golf is, by far and away, the most racist sport in the world"

    "Black people get treated like crap in this country. White folks who don't have money get treated like crap. So listen, if you don't like it - Don't watch! Okay Ernie, let's talk about basketball."

    "You know like you go to a big city they have like Ruth's Chris or Morton's Steakhouse? If you in a small town you gonna get a Sizzler and that's it."

    Charles (To Kenny) : We both think you're ugly
    Kenny: I'd rather be smart than beautiful
    Charles: Well you're 0-2 (0 for 2)

    On Phil Jackson handing out books to his team: "He needs to give that team a Bible. Only God can help them. They're terrible."

    On playing a celebrity golf tournament: "As long as Chris Webber is playing, I know I won't come in dead last. I know I can at least beat him."

    Discussing the revisionist, positive views on Ronald Reagan:
    "Let me say this on that. I don't go to funerals anymore. Because, every time you go to a funeral, even if the person's an ******* you have to sit there and listen to what a great guy they were. And, that's why I refuse to go to funerals anymore. THAT'S THE TRUTH! (He) can be the biggest ******* in the world, but when you go to someone's funeral, you say, 'I'm at the wrong funeral!'"

    I took these quotes from http://www.clintcam.com/barkley/

  17. #42

    Default Re: Charles Barkley's comments on OKC

    In addition to the email addresses already posted (probably call center employees). I emailed the board of directors at Turner Television and all their upper level management. 6 emails got returned but these seemed to have got through, here you go, its worth a shot:

    louise.sams@turner.com; kelly.regal@turner.com; mark.lazarus@turner.com; jim.walton@turner.com; andrew.heller@turner.com; david.levy@turner.com; scott.teissler@turner.com

  18. #43

    Default Re: Charles Barkley's comments on OKC

    I copied all the executives above and got this response back.

    QUOTE]Charles will address the situation on air on Thursday. He has been spoken to about it and feels badly that his comments have angered viewers. Please tune in. Thanks.[[/QUOTE]
    : Re: Barkley's comments


    Did you read my original email? This is the form response you have given to everyone, it is posted all over the internet. Clearly you did not read my original email as it requested you did not give me your form response but actually read and respond proactively and not reactively. Your form statement leaves me to believe TNT is endorsing reverse discrimination and racism.

    I think TNT should make it clear they do not tolerate racism and address the issue instead of ignoring it. I await an honest, sincere, personally written reply.


    - a former viewer

  19. Default Re: Charles Barkley's comments on OKC

    metro, that is AWESOME! Way to go!

  20. Default Re: Charles Barkley's comments on OKC

    Wow, Welcome to the world of Charles Barkley. A world where logic and acceracy have no place. The only way out is to ignore the joker. I have successfully not listened to a word he says since 1987. What he say again?

  21. #46

    Default Re: Charles Barkley's comments on OKC

    Did anyone catch Sir Charles on Letterman last night? What did he say about OKC?

  22. Default Re: Charles Barkley's comments on OKC

    He said "they're SO sensitive!", and that when he was growing up in Alabama, he didn't hear black people saying they can't wait to move to Oklahoma. He said he'd been here once, but "didn't notice" if we had black people.

    In the end he said "I love Oklahoma" in kind of a mocking, sarcastic, quasi-apology.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  23. Default Re: Charles Barkley's comments on OKC

    Oh, goodie, goodie. Sir Chuckles is coming to OKC.

    Kelly Ogle's interviewing him right now and Charles just told anyone who was offended to "get a life".

    The sad thing is, he doesn't even know what he said. "I didn't say "it's no place for black people", I said there's no black people there." Ummm...watch the clip, Charles.

    I'm officially on board with the folks who said he's just an idiot being an idiot.

  24. #49

    Default Re: Charles Barkley's comments on OKC

    I really hope no one offers him any freebies or a warm welcome. He does not deserve it, he would only go back and tell his "brothers" bad things about it.This loser does not deserve to be treated like a king.

  25. Default Re: Charles Barkley's comments on OKC

    Who the hell cares about Charles Barkley? It is busch league to get this worked up about his comments. I know that we are trying to prove to the world that we are "big time", so... lets act like it. Big time cities don't care what Charles Barkley says about them.

    I feel that the way this thing has gone down has caused more damage than his comments. That is just one man's opinion...

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