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But here's the deal, in my opinion, OKC DOES have a (several, really) nice classy grocery stores ... just not one in your neighborhood. As I rail on in the Quality Grocery Stores in OKC thread, we're not in a food desert. Our 600 sq mile city (our 6,300 sq mile MSA), has lots of great grocery options ... and a great car culture. Hopefully, we'll get lots of really nice stuff in the denser parts developing in OKC but OKC (42 on Wikipedia's list of MSAs ranked by population) has a population density of 208 per square mile. #41 (Memphis-plus) is twice as dense (426 / sq. mi.). #43 (Louisville) is half again as dense (307 / sq. mi.). It has been mentioned many times in the various "Why don't we have a Nordstroms / Nieman Marcus / Saks" threads that OKC-ers are drivers and don't mind driving, much more so than many other metro's residents. It has been noted many times in the various "Wow! Our downtown doesn't suck, NOW" threads that our downtown is a bit of an anomaly (a shorter history than other metros, a miserable destructive period, a slow rebound, and an amazing span of recent history). Downtown willl get there. If we ever get out of bchris's perceived WalMart Full Nelson, the MSA will get there.