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Thread: Elegant Dress-up Dining

  1. #26

    Default Re: Elegant Dress-up Dining

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    Heck I look back in amazement at photos of old OU football games from the 50's and 60's - guys wearing slacks and ties!?!?!? Are you serious??
    still happens in the SEC

  2. #27

    Default Re: Elegant Dress-up Dining

    I'm a long time season ticket holder to OU football and I still remember my first game in 1973 against Iowa State. There was a couple and the man wore a tie and sport coat and his wife wore a mink coat. At first I felt under dressed, but then I looked around and they were definitely the exception. They didn't attend another game. They were older, 70's I would guess and had apparently purchased their tickets from another season ticket holder.
    C. T.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Elegant Dress-up Dining

    As far as travel by air goes and attire. First, years ago when men wore slacks and or a sport coat and women wore similar attire, one must also keep in mind that flying was not a routine thing and before deregulation, flying was more the domain of the well to do and not for the masses. Just look at the difference in the way the passengers were treated by the flight personnel and amenities that were provided. The airlines catered to their clientele. Deregulation drove the prices down and the folks who had previously travelled by bus or in some instances rail were now able to fly. Secondly there has been a gradual change in what is deemed acceptable attire in general and what societal norms of attire are. I don't think this phenomena is particular to Oklahomans, or those from other geographic areas.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Elegant Dress-up Dining

    I'd definitely challenge the assertion that Okies dressing patterns are much different than the entire region. I doubt a flight to Wichita, Little Rock, or anywhere in the region is filled with a more fashion conscious population.

    Again, Okies on this board tend to identify negatives in their fashion, legislature, and everything else and think they're uniquely bad. It's not true. The region is similar.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Elegant Dress-up Dining

    Quote Originally Posted by bradh View Post
    still happens in the SEC
    I've seen pictures of the LSU stadium during the game and it looked like they had a prom going on.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Elegant Dress-up Dining

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    I've seen pictures of the LSU stadium during the game and it looked like they had a prom going on.
    LSU is probably one of the ones I don't think of, Ole Miss is definitely the top.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Elegant Dress-up Dining

    And I'll just say that when I've been around SEC fans, particularly young ones, who dress up for a college game, I'm not a fan at all. There just seems to be such an aura of classism and privilege that permeates the environment. But that's just me. I'm fine with wearing a shirt and shorts to a football game.

  8. #33
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    Default Re: Elegant Dress-up Dining

    So, being lax or sloppy is because we are fighting class distinctions? We want everyone to be slobs?

  9. #34

    Default Re: Elegant Dress-up Dining

    Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
    And I'll just say that when I've been around SEC fans, particularly young ones, who dress up for a college game, I'm not a fan at all. There just seems to be such an aura of classism and privilege that permeates the environment. But that's just me. I'm fine with wearing a shirt and shorts to a football game.
    Was waiting for that. It's probably true for some, others are just playing along. When I went to an Ole Miss homecoming game as a friend's date it was cool dressing up for the game. Not something I would make a habit of but was cool once.

  10. #35

    Default Re: Elegant Dress-up Dining

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    So, being lax or sloppy is because we are fighting class distinctions? We want everyone to be slobs?
    Lol. Get off your high horse. You realize it is possible to not be wearing a suit at a football game and also not be a slob, right? Is everything in your world so black and white? Do you wear a suit when you go to sleep at night or just dress as a slob?

  11. #36

    Default Re: Elegant Dress-up Dining

    Quote Originally Posted by bradh View Post
    Was waiting for that. It's probably true for some, others are just playing along. When I went to an Ole Miss homecoming game as a friend's date it was cool dressing up for the game. Not something I would make a habit of but was cool once.
    I could see it being fun. It's not my thing, especially when the heat for OU games is in the 90s. And I'm certainly not saying everyone who dresses up fits in the same category, but there is a noticeable feel about SEC games I've never liked personally.

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