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Thread: Rose State College

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  1. #1

    Default Re: Rose State College

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Nope. Rose State is a community college. UCO is organized under the regional university system of Oklahoma. The main difference is that on Rose States' campus, you'll find a lot of Associates degree programs (I don't think UCO offers those at all). Associates degrees tend to focus more on the subject area, where a bachelor's is going to include things like a requirement that you take liberal arts classes, classes on philosophy, humanities, world languages, etc.

    UCO does have an extension at Rose State where students can take classes on Rose State's campus but receive credit towards a bachelor's degree. That's one of the values of a place like Rose State--they're reaching out to students who ordinarily couldn't obtain higher education due to work requirements, having a family, etc., and doing it at a fraction of the cost of a for-profit school (compare $79 per credit at Rose to sometimes in the neighborhood of $1,000 per credit at some for-profit schools) and at the same time providing a better quality education as well as a more recognizable degree to get students further in the workplace.

    Rose has a lot of programs you won't find at UCO and vice versa. If you want to get a quick 2-year paralegal certificate, you can go from flipping burgers to a $25/hour job with benefits and do it without incurring massive student debt.

    Education is one of the government's core functions and a no vote here is going to result in the decay of Rose's campus and just result in the taxpayers being hit up for even more money after more decay occurs.
    Aha, I see. So Francis Tuttle would be kind of like that, but more for specialty type classes and engineering, I'm guessing. Well, it makes sense anyways. About Rose State.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Rose State College

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Aha, I see. So Francis Tuttle would be kind of like that, but more for specialty type classes and engineering, I'm guessing. Well, it makes sense anyways. About Rose State.
    Francis Tuttle is different. It's part of the Vo Tech system, which stands for vocational technology. They'll teach you how to weld, build furniture, painting, carpentry, construction, working on cars, etc.

    I'm not 100% sure which tech ed services are at Rose. I'm guessing some of the medical certificates might be there like Respiratory Therapy, etc.

    As for engineering, you can get some kind of Associates, but if you want a bachelor's, you have to go to a university.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Rose State College

    It's just basic economics. Colleges bring students from out of the area. Those students, whether they live on campus or not, spend money there. THat money goes into local coffers, which in turn pays for the roads and parks and things of that nature. In turn, colleges provide jobs for local residents and have the facilities to host events which can draw other out of towners in to spend money. Colleges are a pretty good investment for a city, assuming they're not fly-by-night or for-profit. There's a reason Norman and Stillwater both work with the schools there closely, it's good for the city.

    Still, this is a very narrow bond, and it'll be a tough sell without some major visual project. Non-sexy projects don't sell to the public, which is a big reason why our infrastructure is so terrible in this state.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Rose State College

    I don't know why some of you can't see the obvious. Our government is out of control in Washington. Thank God we have some local politicians trying to make a difference but these liberal hacks like Midtowner think that we should be screwed by taxes. It is time to draw a line in the sand and say NO. VOTE NO.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hawk405359 View Post
    It's just basic economics. Colleges bring students from out of the area. Those students, whether they live on campus or not, spend money there. THat money goes into local coffers, which in turn pays for the roads and parks and things of that nature. In turn, colleges provide jobs for local residents and have the facilities to host events which can draw other out of towners in to spend money. Colleges are a pretty good investment for a city, assuming they're not fly-by-night or for-profit. There's a reason Norman and Stillwater both work with the schools there closely, it's good for the city.

    Still, this is a very narrow bond, and it'll be a tough sell without some major visual project. Non-sexy projects don't sell to the public, which is a big reason why our infrastructure is so terrible in this state.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Rose State College

    What's obvious is that education is consistently a good education for a city and state, so much so that our conservative governor pledged more spending to support it, which certainly wouldn't be the case of education was just a tick feeding off the public. Mary Fallin knows the value of it, even as she's busy listing the sins of Washington. So as long as your not the type of person to have such a knee jerk reaction as to compare a local college to Washington and go into a frothing rage, education spending should be something that you're able to rationally think about.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Rose State College

    Looks like the lawyer has got hawk drinking the koolaid. You all are too dense to get it--the government has to STOP spending. The college spending is just another tick sucking blood...just like lawyers are blood suckers too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hawk405359 View Post
    What's obvious is that education is consistently a good education for a city and state, so much so that our conservative governor pledged more spending to support it, which certainly wouldn't be the case of education was just a tick feeding off the public. Mary Fallin knows the value of it, even as she's busy listing the sins of Washington. So as long as your not the type of person to have such a knee jerk reaction as to compare a local college to Washington and go into a frothing rage, education spending should be something that you're able to rationally think about.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Rose State College

    If you want to try a country that has absolutely no government spending, feel free to fly down to Somalia and let us know how that works out. Well, you can't really fly, since you'd be making use of government spending. Or drive to a coastline to take a boat. Or take a boat at all. Hey, tell you what, you can fashion a raft out trees you grow and take a raft, sail it across the Atlantic, around the horn of Africa, land in Somalia, and then tell us how that works out. I guarantee you that you won't have to pay a penny to the government there.

    But I'll go ahead and type out your response for you to save you time. "I have no clue how this whole money or economy thing works. Obama! Washington! grr! anger! I don't know what you said, so insult! What that man on the radio said, etc. etc."

    There, I think I captured your entire argument in essence. Enjoy the shallow end of the pool, and don't forget your floaties.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Rose State College

    And how about you enjoy the deep end of the pool? Of course, with you, it would be a cesspool, since you are full of you know what.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Rose State College

    I am not unintelligent. But, you want to call me stupid: fine. How about I call you an ass****? That might fit you and your fellow liberal blood-sucking ticks. VOTE NO.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Rose State College

    Quote Originally Posted by amanda_ View Post
    I am not unintelligent. But, you want to call me stupid: fine. How about I call you an ass****? That might fit you and your fellow liberal blood-sucking ticks. VOTE NO.
    Heh, hit a nerve, huh? Guess you think you reserve the sole right to insult people's intelligence, don't you? You obviously aren't interested in actually discussing things like an actual adult, so I saw no need to respond to you as one. Since you're still incapable of it, you're obviously not worth any more time after this post.

    And nope, I'm a registered republican. I'm just not so deep in party rhetoric that it prevents me from understanding how the economy and government spending works. But I am full of quite a few things, reasoning ability, knowledge, general respect for people who actually try to show it to others.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Rose State College

    Gee, if it's so hated, maybe they ought to simply close down RSC. Kind of a bummer for the students, but hey, it's really not all that far over to O-Trip, and just a wild guess on my part, but I'm thinking OKC city govt. and OKC businesses wouldn't object to capturing the sales taxes and discretionary spending of those students. Might even be able to market shirts that say Happily Attending O-Trip on the front and Amanda Sent Me on the back.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Rose State College

    Be quiet Kevin. If your opinion is needed, you will know. But, your opinion will never be needed.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Rose State College

    Dang ... grumpy much? No need to act as though I'm the one who dropped the house on your sister.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Rose State College

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Dang ... grumpy much? No need to act as though I'm the one who dropped the house on your sister.
    Might you shut up Kevin? Nobody likes you.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Rose State College

    Quote Originally Posted by amanda_ View Post
    Might you shut up Kevin? Nobody likes you.
    I have a great deal of respect for Kevin and absolutely get a kick out of his humor. He's an okctalk fave.

    I'm just spitballing it here but by chance are you a troll?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Rose State College

    Quote Originally Posted by Stew View Post
    I have a great deal of respect for Kevin and absolutely get a kick out of his humor. He's an okctalk fave.

    I'm just spitballing it here but by chance are you a troll?
    You have to ask? lol

  17. #17

    Default Re: Rose State College

    Quote Originally Posted by amanda_ View Post
    Might you shut up Kevin? Nobody likes you.
    I like Kevin. I don't know why we're fighting though, I understand what your saying and I would actually vote no on this project if I could because the scope of the project seems low. But, that of course, is my just opinion.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Rose State College

    Quote Originally Posted by amanda_ View Post
    Might you shut up Kevin? Nobody likes you.
    Turn off text to speech. Might stop the voices. FWIW, I like me. Then again, I am a bit of a nobody. Dang, score one for the flying monkeys and their coach I suppose.

    But hey, my grandbabies love me. Anyone else is just extra gravy on the biscuit anyways. Game, set, match.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Rose State College

    amanda... you need to cool off. you can defend your position without resorting to personal attacks. -M

  20. #20

    Default Re: Rose State College

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm View Post
    amanda... you need to cool off. you can defend your position without resorting to personal attacks. -M
    Apparently she can't. Haha

  21. #21

    Default Re: Rose State College

    Quote Originally Posted by MDot View Post
    Apparently she can't. Haha
    Shut up. You're a nazi.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Rose State College

    Quote Originally Posted by amanda_ View Post
    Shut up. You're a nazi.
    Can you prove that? Come on, lets stop fighting. This isn't accomplishing anything. I don't like this bond much either, mainly because I don't think it does enough, but I'm sure the swim team will be glad for this. In the mean time, it doesn't help attacking people, calling them names and demonizing them, just because you disagree.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Rose State College

    Quote Originally Posted by amanda_ View Post
    Shut up. You're a nazi.
    Actually no, I'm a Republican American like you. Sadly. Haha

  24. #24

    Default Re: Rose State College

    Quote Originally Posted by MDot View Post
    Actually no, I'm a Republican American like you. Sadly. Haha
    I used to be a Federalist . . . yet the Whigs had much to offer . . .

    So . . . Amanda . . . Are you attempting to start a grass-roots political movement based on intolerant sniping in the direction of those who might prefer Earl Gray to Pekoe in terms of The Proper Tea Party or whut . . . ? And what is the name of that "meme" or whatever involving the invocation of Hiter (nazi) into a perfectly reasonable discussion of educational funding regarding Rose State College? I can't remember what that is called . . .

    Just out of curiosity . . . are you the same lady who lost her "treasure bag" at a local hospital recently?
    Is this one reason why you have an apparent . . . problem . . . with institutions?

    Perhaps Rose State College could have a seminar on this sort of thing.
    (with "proper" funding of course . . . like O.E.T.A....NPR.....PBS (possilbly redundant, ref. O.E.T.A.) . . . Create TV (ditto to the cites on the left)

  25. #25

    Default Re: Rose State College

    This thread proves some wake up in the morning just to find something to piss them off...Have a few of these as friends on Facebook and they don't seem to get invited to parties

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