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Yes, I realize that. I think the issue is not whether it's permissible, but a matter of whether expectations (founded or unfounded) are being met. I believe some were assured that adequate on-site parking would be provided for Guyutes. It has been rumored that overflow parking would occur at the plasma bank, but apparently access is being denied at that location.
I think it's a challenge not unique to this project. It's one residents of the inner-ring, particularly the Plaza District face: where do we put the number of cars commuting into the area? It's nice to have all the development. For many, we bought in this area to be around the excitment, but still carry many ideas of "politeness." For example, don't park in front of your neighbors house if there is room outside your own, ect.
For many adjusting to the new inflow, it's probably a matter of practice and expectation. If you haven't had cars parking outside your home and that changes, I would expect that to upset some people. In some ways, I think the neighborhood is handling it better than more suburban neighborhoods might. However, people are prone to push back on things they believe affect the perceived desirability of their property.
I think many welcome the revitalization of 23rd and other areas, but it has to be a partnership. I think Guyutes has been a great partner thus far, and I think the issues will be resolved. I think they know how to manage the situation. However, if a solution isn't arrived at, I'd expect stronger opposition to future projects--particularly from residents closest to the progress (21st and 22nd Streets).