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Preservation problems: Groups plan to protest updated 499 Sheridan plans
By: Molly M. Fleming The Journal Record December 29, 2014
OKLAHOMA CITY – Three groups are planning to voice concerns over the planned 499 Sheridan building. Two organizations are worried about historical buildings being demolished, while a third entity isn’t pleased with the complex’s redesign.
The American Institute of Architects Central Oklahoma chapter is upset with the 499 Sheridan design, which has a 692,000-square-foot, 27-story office tower and two adjacent parking garages totaling 757,000 square feet. During its December meeting, the Downtown Design Review Committee criticized the design for having too much space devoted to parking. The AIA of Central Oklahoma agrees, according to a written statement to The Journal Record.
“AIA supports good urban design principles that are not readily evident in the proposed development,” the organization said. “The placement of the tower, the significant space devoted to parking, as well as the limited retail space available are contrary to creating a dense, vibrant civic core.”
While the AIA is concerned with the overall design, Preservation Oklahoma doesn’t want to see existing buildings razed. In total, nine buildings would be removed on the block between Sheridan, Hudson and Walker avenues, and Main Street. Some of the significant buildings include the Union Bus Station, the Motor Hotel, One North Hudson Avenue and the former home of Carpenter Square Theatre. The organization started an online petition that has collected 130 signatures as of press time Monday evening.
Preservation Oklahoma Executive Director David Pettyjohn said the group attended December’s DDRC meeting and then held an emergency board meeting to discuss further action. It has formed a task force and is looking at alternatives to the building and parking garages. It plans to file a formal letter with the DDRC and speak in protest at the Jan. 15 meeting.
“We are also raising awareness to the block,” Pettyjohn said. “A lot of people may not be aware of the historical significance in the area. These are the most intact buildings of Oklahoma City’s once-thriving Main Street. That tract has been determined to be a historic district because of the representation of early Oklahoma commercial history. Union Bus Station could be listed on the National Register of Historic Places.”
The 499 Sheridan structures are being designed by Jon Pickard of Pickard Chilton architecture firm. The company designed the Devon Energy Center, and Devon Energy Corp. has already confirmed it will place offices in the new tower. During the DDRC meeting, Pickard said several elements from the old buildings will be used in the new structure, including blue tile from the Union Bus Station.
“That’s not historic preservation,” Pettyjohn said. “We applaud the effort. They realized the historic significance of the buildings, but saving some of the friezes and incorporating the tiles – that’s not historic preservation.”
He said the organization is also disappointed that buildings would be removed to make way for parking structures.
The Oklahoma City Foundation for Architecture will protest razing the buildings as well, but it has not formed an official statement yet.